Chapter 104 Second Hand
Originally, Ye Jia wanted to arrange to go on a trip, but Lu Ye made Ye Jia postpone it for two days because he had to deal with Liang Qingyin's affairs.

Ye Jia wasn't happy to hear that, Lu Ye asked her to postpone it, but didn't tell her why.The planned ten days were cut off for two more days. If I go for another two days, I don’t need to go on honeymoon. Others go on honeymoon for a whole month. Her time for honeymoon has shrunk a lot. Now it’s only eight days. up.

In the morning, Lu Ye went out again after eating, but before going out, he told her that he was going to the hospital to see Liang Qingyin.

After all, she was lying in the hospital because of her husband being stabbed. How could Ye Jia speak up? Even though she felt uncomfortable, she still endured it.

At 10:30 in the morning, Lu Ye arrived at the hospital.

Knocking on the door and entering, what I saw was three people sitting in the ward with a signed contract in their hands. The older man was wearing a khaki vest and a hat, which is always the director's favorite outfit. The director will The contract fell on Liang Qingyin's face, and she said with a raised voice, "Look, this is the contract signed by your boss! It states that the start date is today, and I don't care what you do, or compensate me Liquidated damages; or, you start filming today. Time is money, and a small company like ours can't afford it!"

"Director Ma, our Qingyin is still suffering such a serious injury, how could she be filming!" Zhen Tian said while defending Liang Qingyin.

Lu Ye glanced at Liang Qingyin who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and then turned to Director Ma, "For your loss, the money will be remitted to your account before the bank closes today."

"Who are you?" Director Ma turned his nostrils to the sky without even looking at Lu Ye.

Zhen Tian saw that Lu Ye seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and her tone of voice became hardened in an instant, "Have you never heard of the Lu family in the capital, Mr. Lu?"

How could Director Ma not know about the Lu family in the capital.Those who are rich and powerful have absolute status in the Lu family in the capital.Hearing that it was Mr. Lu, Director Ma hurriedly got up from his chair, "It is Mr. Lu, I didn't say it earlier, please forgive me for my lack of vision. Since Mr. Lu said he would give the money, he will definitely give it. I won't bother you any more."

Seeing the group of people going out, Zhen Tian snorted coldly, "A group of people who are interested in money, all they want is money!" After a moment, Zhen Tian looked away, found the contract from her bag and handed it to Lu Ye, "Here, This is the contract you signed for Qingyin yesterday."

"Has your boss visited Qingyin?" Lu Ye frowned and looked up at Zhen Tian.

Asked by Lu Ye, Zhen Tianxin thumped, and quickly replied, "No. Ever since we Qingyin was hospitalized, Mr. Jiang never came to visit our Qingyin. He just told me to take good care of our Qingyin."

She didn't lie. She felt uneasy because Lu Ye mentioned their boss. Qingyin has an ambiguous relationship with the boss, and Qingyin likes Mr. Lu. She is worried that Qingyin wants to win Mr. Lu back. When the young master finds out that Qingyin and Mr. Jiang are together, then the matter will become serious.

"Call your boss and tell me that I want to meet him." Lu Ye said in a pale voice.

Zhen Tian didn't know what Lu Ye wanted to do and felt uneasy, she looked at Liang Qingyin, and only when she received a signal from her eyes did she make a phone call.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Sizhou arrived in the ward.

His eyes first fell on Lu Ye, and then he glanced at Liang Qingyin, "Qingyin, do you miss me? I haven't come to see you these days, do you realize that you are wrong? Block the knife for other men , didn’t pay attention to me!”

The voice is so slow and orderly, neither light nor heavy, and every demeanor is so evil and charming.

Zhen Tian, ​​who was at the side, was very scared and hurriedly backed out.She should not stay in such a complicated situation. If something happens at that time, she will definitely be blamed by Qingyin if she doesn't speak for Qingyin, or if she says something wrong.

"Boss." Liang Qingyin called Jiang Sizhou respectfully.

Jiang Sizhou was extremely displeased by the sound of the boss, and he walked slowly to Liang Qingyin, his slender fingertips frivolously stroking her chin, his eyes half-closed, "Why, you haven't let Mr. Lu Know you are my woman? What are you doing in a secretive way?"

Liang Qingyin knew this would happen a long time ago, so the wisest choice is not to explain anything, just show a forced look.At the beginning, she and Jiang Sizhou were not voluntary, but just to fight for more opportunities.

Seeing that Liang Qingyin was silent, Jiang Sizhou lost interest. He let go of her jaw, looked at Lu Ye, and smiled lightly, "This is the woman you loved deeply before, but she is now with me. Tell me, If you were willing to buy an entertainment company for her, would she have been with you all the time? Now she is with me, not you, and she can’t even look down on her own woman. Do you think you are very useless? use it?"

Jiang Sizhou had always regarded Lu Ye as a thorn in his side, and wanted to find a sense of superiority from him. Whether it was status or money, he couldn't compare with him. In terms of women, he thought he had won. A man can't even beat his own woman. Can't stand it, it's a very useless performance.

"I asked you to meet to talk to you about Qingyin's termination of the contract." Lu Ye met his gaze.

For a while, Jiang Sizhou said so many things, but Lu Ye just said this sentence without a trace of emotion on his face.

It seems that Lu Ye didn't care about what Jiang Sizhou said just now, but Jiang Sizhou said it so happily by himself, like a mental patient.Others didn't bother to talk to him, so he said so much happily.Lu Ye is the kind of person who doesn't need to talk much as long as he stands with his natural aura.

The chuckle in Jiang Sizhou's eyes was thicker, the tails of his eyes were hooked, and he was extremely careless, "Master Lu wants to compensate Qingyin for the termination fee?"

"Hmm." Lu Ye responded with a nasal voice.

"I've used it, and Mr. Lu doesn't mind?" Before Lu Ye could speak, Jiang Sizhou chuckled, "I've heard all kinds of rumors about Mr. Lu in the capital. There is a problem with not being a womanizer, but I have never heard any rumors that Mr. Lu came from a second-hand recycle bin."

Lying on the hospital bed, Qingyin turned pale with anger when she heard Jiang Sizhou's analogy.

From Jiang Sizhou's pursuit of her in every possible way, to her agreeing to have a relationship with him for the opportunity, all these years, he has been extremely gentle to her, coaxing her as much as possible, and often asking her if she is in love with him, hoping that she The words of falling in love with him, such affectionate and gentle, are now all in the phantom of the bubble, disappearing suddenly.

Lu Ye looked at Shangjiang Sizhou, and his voice was slightly cold, "Money, do you want it or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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