Chapter 639 Topics
The weekend was a pleasant one. When I went to school on Monday, most of the students would talk about where they went to play on the weekend. This time Beibei also participated in this topic.

"I went to play with brother Chenchen on the weekend, and he gave me pocket money. And my sister Zhenzhen gave me a lot of snacks, and I brought some over." Beibei opened her small schoolbag, took out chewing gum and told everyone share.

Because there are the most pieces of chewing gum in a box, everyone can get it, so she only divides the gum.

The students took the chewing gum, and a fat man sitting next to him hummed, "It's just chewing gum. I have a lot of it at home. My parents also gave me pocket money."

The little fat man was jealous of his classmates playing well with Bei Bei. Bei Bei didn't know it, and thought that the little fat man hated her, so he took back the chewing gum that he offered to give to the little fat man.

During class, Beibei was listening to the class when the little fat man pulled her hair.She looked back at the little fat man, but the little fat man pretended nothing had happened, as if he was listening to the teacher's lecture attentively, Beibei turned his face away, and the little fat man pulled his hair again after a while.

After being pulled several times in a row, as soon as Beibei turned around, the little fat man pretended to be listening to the class seriously. Beibei's hair also hurt from being pulled, and glared at the little fat man angrily, "Don't pull my hair again, don't pull my hair again, I'll tell the teacher!"

"Sue it, I'm not afraid!" The little fat man made a provocative grimace at her.

Beibei was angry and felt wronged. She had never been bullied by others.She reached out and pressed her hair that was hurt by the pulling, and touched the sticky chewing gum on the hair. She couldn't pull it off, and her eyes turned red for a while.

Seeing Beibei crying, the arrogant grimace on the little fat man's face disappeared, "Hey, don't cry..."

In order not to make Beibei cry, the little fat man took out a pencil sharpener and handed it to Beibei, "I'll help you get it off, come closer."

Beibei couldn't pull it off, seeing that there was no malice on the little fat man's face, she still planned to trust the little fat man, leaned back, and asked the little fat man to help her get rid of the chewing gum, but the result was that her hair was cut by the little fat man with a knife After a lot of hair loss, she lost a bunch of hair. She touched the lock of hair and thought it was a bit strange but didn't care too much.

Finally, the chewing gum was still removed.

Beibei had lunch in the cafeteria at noon, and many classmates surrounded her, pointing at her hair and laughing.

Chenchen came to the cafeteria and saw Beibei, "Beibei."

"Brother Chenchen."

Chenchen saw Beibei's hair, "What's wrong with your hair?"

Before Beibei could answer, someone said, "Look at that girl's hair, it's so funny, is it bald if it's missing?"

"Brother Chenchen..." Beibei stroked her hair, tears streaming down her face.She doesn't have a mirror to look at her hair, but it feels a bit short. No wonder people are laughing at her and they all look around her.

Chenchen took Beibei's hand, "Come with me."

Chenchen returned to the class, took out the scissors from the manual class,
He took Beibei to find another place where no one was around, and put Beibei's hair down. He lowered his voice and coaxed, "Don't cry, I'll cut your hair for you, it shouldn't be noticeable."

"Yeah." Beibei believed in Brother Chenchen very much, obediently wiped away the tears in his eyes with the back of his hand.

Chenchen carefully cut Beibei's hair. It was the first time for him to cut someone else's hair, and he cut it very carefully.He touched Beibei's long hair. Her hair was naturally yellow and slightly curly. The long hair was more like a delicate doll. In his memory, Beibei had never cut her hair short, and her hair was long. Very slowly, from the age of two to the present, the hair grows so long with great difficulty.

Because that bunch was too much, Chenchen cut her hair to be the same as that bunch. Beibei's hair couldn't be cut into a shoulder-length bun, so he cut her hair naturally to the length she had when she was two years old.

After the cut, Beibei touched her hair, not very happy, "It's so short."

"Who did your hair?" Chen Chen's voice was cold.

"Little Fatty sitting behind me, he stuck chewing gum to my hair, and later he cut off my hair to help me get rid of the chewing gum." Beibei stated the facts, seeing Brother Chenchen's expression When he was not good, he quickly added, "That chubby... At first he wanted to tease and bully me, but later he cut off my hair because he wanted to help me get rid of the chewing gum."

"It's one thing to put chewing gum on your hair, and it's two things to cut off your hair. How can he help you? You still speak for him!" Chenchen helped Beibei take off her body. Floating hair, holding her hand, took her to her classroom.

Beibei is a little confused, is it two things?Xiaopang later regretted helping her.She looked at Brother Chenchen's angry look, but didn't speak.

Brother Chenchen walked too fast, and her short legs couldn't keep up.

Chenchen is in the sixth grade, and now he is 1.6 meters tall. Beibei is only in the second grade, and his height is more than 1.2 meters. Chenchen is holding Beibei, that is, the big brother is holding the little sister. The big brother's face is cold. The little sister made him angry.

As soon as she walked to the door of the class, Beibei saw Xiaopang in the classroom beaming and saying, "Hey! Have you all seen Shen Xiaobei's hair today? It's like a dog chewing on her. How cute is she? It's so funny!"

Originally, Beibei thought that Xiaopang was apologizing to her, but now hearing this, Beibei waved Chenchen away and ran away.

"Beibei!" Chenchen quickly stepped forward to chase after Beibei.

In order to coax Beibei, Chenchen took Beibei to buy desserts, and sat with Beibei in an empty restaurant.

Beibei hated Xiaopang to death, and didn't want to see Xiaopang again.

Chenchen looked at Beibei, feeling very distressed.If this kind of thing really happened, he didn't need his help.Zhenzhen has always been a leader since she was a child. Not only will she not be bullied, but she will also protect others.Beibei is different. Beibei has been held in the hands of a big family since she was a child, and she has never encountered any bullying.

Bei Bei poked the cake with a fork, her eyelids drooping.

"Beibei eat quickly, you have to go back to the classroom after eating." Chenchen looked at Beibei.

Beibei hummed, "No. I don't want to go to class, and I don't want to see Xiaopang again."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter and won't let others bully you again. Be good, Beibei, eat the cake quickly, and I'll take you back to the classroom."

Beibei touched the chain around his neck, opened the necklace, and handed the number to Chenchen, "Brother Chenchen, call me home and ask Dad to pick me up. I want to go home." The necklace inside is specially customized, and there is a home phone inside, which was specially customized by Shen Shaoqing to prevent her from getting lost.

(End of this chapter)

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