Chapter 640 Memories
After the incident with the little fat man, Bei Bei was always unhappy in class.

Bebe is not allowed to participate in field trips organized by the class on weekends.The teacher wanted Beibei to participate, so when Ms. Chen Qiu went to pick up Beibei, the teacher talked with Ms. Chen Qiu for a long time at the school gate.

Faced with a lot of persuasion from the teacher, Ms. Chen Qiu just replied, "Teacher, our Beibei has been in poor health since she was a child. We will follow her wishes for things she doesn't want to do."

"However, group activities are only meaningful if the whole class is together. If Shen Xiaobei is absent from such activities, there will be fewer unforgettable memories..."

Beibei raised her small face, watching grandma and teacher talking, then turned to look around, brother Qiuqiu, brother Chenchen and sister Zhenzhen were all waiting for her.

Chenchen walked up to Beibei and looked down at her, "Beibei, do you really not want to go on an outing?"

"Yeah. I'm afraid classmate Pan Pan will bully me." Beibei said softly.

When Beibei's hair was cut last time, Chenchen went to the teacher, and Beibei's teacher asked Pan Pan to apologize to Beibei and changed Pan Pan's position.The hair incident caused Beibei a lot of harm, but the teacher just felt that the boy was a bit naughty, and didn't know that Beibei was particularly resistant to Panpan now.

The teacher also heard what Beibei said, and looked at Beibei seriously, "Beibei, the teacher promises you that he will take good care of Panpan and won't let Panpan bully you. Beibei will go on an outing and play with his classmates , okay?"

Beibei didn't speak, just grabbed Chenchen's clothes with her small hands and pursed her lips.

As soon as Ms. Chen Qiu saw Beibei's hair, she remembered that there was a little fat man named Pan Pan in the class who was teasing Beibei, and she felt angry.On the day Beibei's hair was cut, Shen Shaoqing came home with red eyes. The angry Shen Shaoqing almost didn't take Beibei to the school.

When Lin Anan heard about it, she immediately wanted to find the little fat man's parents, and transfer the little fat man's school, far away.

Shen's father, Beibei's grandfather, who was always easy-going, also lost his temper and wanted to go to school to find the principal himself.

Because of Beibei's poor health, the family loves Beibei very much. Who can bear it? She is a good little princess who is sent to school in the morning. When she returns home at night, her eyes are red from crying and her hair is cut short to her ears. And it's a mess.

In the end, the most sensible Ms. Chen Qiu went to find the teacher, but because the new teacher didn't take it as a big deal, she told Ms. Chen Qiu that she had already taken measures to deal with it. Panpan apologized to Beibei.Ms. Chen Qiu didn't ask the teacher to do anything else. After all, Xiaopang was still a child, and she didn't want others to think that they were being unreasonable.

"I'll go with Beibei." Chenchen looked at the teacher.

Then Chenchen looked at Beibei again, "Beibei still wants to go, want to play with other students?"

"En." Beibei nodded, looking at Chenchen with watery eyes.

She really wants to go, now that brother Chenchen is here, she doesn't have to be afraid.

On the weekend outing, Beibei didn't take the school bus with her, but waited for Brother Chenchen to pick her up.When they arrived at the outing location, Beibei and her good friends introduced Chenchen as her brother.When Beibei filled out the family situation form for the first time, she also filled in Chenchen in the column of family members.

In her consciousness, brother Chenchen is her family member, but there is no real photo. About this question, Chenchen asked Beibei, and Beibei replied that there were only four lines in the column of relatives, so she just I can fill in my father, mother, brother Qiuqiu and brother Chenchen, but there is no room for sister Zhenzhen.

Chenchen didn't correct her on this question.

Three teachers accompanied the students on the outing, a total of [-] children, and one person was responsible for watching ten of them. They chose a safe place without any danger and cooked together.For the sake of safety, I didn't light a fire for cooking, but I just made some sushi.

Beibei had a great time and had already forgotten about the little fat man.

The little fat man looked at Beibei several times, but when he saw Chenchen beside Beibei, he immediately lowered his neck and lowered his head, pretending not to look at Beibei.

After eating, the teacher gathered them together, "It's getting late, let's go back and get in the car."

There is still a long way to go back. The students were exhausted after playing all day today. When they heard that they were going back, they got up from the ground. Two of them still had strength, so they helped to remove the things on the lawn. Packed up.

Beibei touched her chubby belly and took Chenchen's hand, "Brother Chenchen, I can't walk anymore."

"I'll carry you on my back." Chenchen squatted down.

Beibei lay on Chenchen's back.

The classmate next to him looked at Beibei with envy, "I really want a brother to carry me on my back!"

"Me too!"

Beibei hugged Chenchen's neck tightly, and rubbed against Chenchen's back.She has an older brother to carry her, but other classmates don't. She sleeps on elder brother Chenchen's back, so comfortable.

After sending the children to the car, Beibei's head teacher looked at Chenchen, who was carrying Beibei on his back. He was like an adult. She saw his care for Beibei today, and she smiled. Walking towards Chenchen, "If I didn't know that you were only in the sixth grade, I would have thought you were an adult. Last time you told me about Pan Pan bullying Shen Xiaobei, and the way you spoke at that time, I thought you belonged to Shen Xiaobei Parents. Lu Yichen, you are not Shen Xiaobei's real brother, but Shen Xiaobei's real brother takes care of her even more."

"So, what do you want to tell me?" Chenchen looked at the teacher.

Chenchen is not very old, but because of Lu Ye's influence, he has followed suit. He has been more mature since he was a child. Generally speaking, with people he doesn't know well, he speaks like: What's the matter?Then?so?So it will make people feel that the words "don't get close to strangers" are written on his face.

Beibei's teacher looked at Chenchen, and felt a little uncomfortable being asked, "I...I just want to tell you that I am a teacher and you are a student, so you should respect me. The last time you talked to me The tone is wrong, you shouldn't be ordering me to transfer Pan Pan to another class. I know you and Shen Xiaobei must have some background, but background doesn't mean anything, you can't use privileges in school. School is a fair and beautiful place... ..."

"I'm going back." Chenchen felt that Beibei on his back didn't seem to be sleeping very peacefully, probably because he was disturbed by the teacher, he frowned and interrupted the teacher's voice.Obviously he had no interest in what the teacher said, only Beibei.

After finishing speaking, he carried Beibei on his back and walked towards the parked car.

The teacher watched Chenchen go away, and sighed slightly. This is only a child in the sixth grade, and she felt more pressure facing him than facing the principal.

(End of this chapter)

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