Chapter 662 Wishes
The senior high school entrance examination is over, and Shen Xiaobei himself feels that he did well in the examination.

Because Brother Chenchen was with her all the time outside the examination room, so she felt very at ease, as if she had a protector.

After finishing the last test, Shen Xiaobei sprinted all the way to Lu Yichen who was waiting for her, threw herself into Lu Yichen's arms, and then let out a dull moan, and took a deep breath, "Hey..."

Lu Yichen, who was originally infected by Shen Xiaobei's smile, frowned before the corners of his mouth raised, and quickly looked at Shen Xiaobei in his arms, "What's wrong?"

"It hurts, like a needle prick."

"Where does it hurt? I'll rub it for you." Lu Yichen supported Shen Xiaobei's shoulder, examining her up and down.

Shen Xiaobei stretched out a finger and pointed, "It hurts here..."

Lu Yichen looked at the chest where she was pointing. Shen Xiaobei was wearing a school uniform short-sleeved shirt, so the development of her chest could be clearly seen. Lu Yichen raised his hand slightly, and when he saw When her breasts froze, should she rub her or not...

During the growing period, there would be a sharp stabbing pain when bumping into the chest, and Shen Xiaobei also knew that this was normal, so she stretched out her hand and rubbed it, and smiled silly at Lu Yichen, "It doesn't hurt anymore. Brother Chenchen, I've finished the exam! I finally finished all the exams! There are many questions in today's physics test paper, which I have done before!"

"That's good." Lu Yichen lowered his hands naturally, looking into her smiling eyes.

After a while, he slowly said again, "Go back."

"Well, good." Shen Xiaobei took the initiative to hold Lu Yichen's hand.

Because they have known each other since they were young, and Shen Xiaobei regards Chenchen as an older brother, all of them holding hands, hugging, and eating each other's food until now feel normal, and it is normal for Shen Xiaobei.

It's so normal that it's as normal as being hungry and eating.

At the door of the house, when getting off the car, Lu Yichen looked at Shen Xiaobei, "Beibei, if you pass the exam this time, what wish do you want me to help you realize?"

"Brother Chenchen helps me realize my wish, I can't think of it yet." Shen Xiaobei is in a good mood, and is also thinking about what wish Brother Chenchen can help her realize, anyway, it can't be too simple.

After a pause, Shen Xiaobei remembered something important, "I haven't called my mother yet, so I have to call her quickly."

She still remembered that before Uncle Huo left, he asked her to call her mother after the exam.

Of course she didn't ask her mother to pick her up, now her mother is with her father, how can she be so spoiled?

After entering the house, Lu Yichen looked at her again and asked, "What do you want to eat? Let Wu Ma make it for you."

As soon as Shen Xiaobei entered the door, she saw Xiaobao. Xiaobao ran towards Shen Xiaobei with a bunch of snacks in her arms, and kept rubbing against her arms, happily saying, "Sister, sister, I miss you so much. Mom said sister, you can do it today." The exam is over, so I brought delicious food to celebrate with you, sister."

"Xiaobao, you really understand me!" Shen Xiaobei was so happy that she carried herself away, already treating Lu Yichen as air.

Wu Ma at home came over and looked at Lu Yichen, "Young master, what do you want for dinner?"

"I don't have anything in particular to eat."

Shen Xiaobei and Xiaobao were holding hands, and they had already walked to the sofa in the living room. When they put all the snacks on the sofa, Shen Xiaobei remembered her brother Chenchen, and looked in the direction of the door, "Brother Chenchen, you Come here quickly, Xiaobao has brought a lot of snacks!"

It's normal for children to love snacks. Shen Xiaobei loves snacks very much, and basically likes to eat foods related to strawberries. These are about Shen Shaoqing's control over snacks. Lin Anan also likes snacks, but because of Shen Shaoqing's reason , Lin Anan always ate behind Shen Shaoqing's back.

As a result, when Shen Xiaobei was very young, she thought for a while that snacks were the most delicious thing in the world.

Because you can't eat it, you can rarely eat it.

Little Treasure walked to the big [-]-[-]-inch LCD TV hanging on the wall, looked for the remote control for a long time, and pressed the power button, "Snacks are delicious when you watch the TV."

Sofa, snacks, and TV are all learned from adults.

"Find something nicer." Shen Xiaobei said while picking out snacks. After searching for a long time, Shen Xiaobei frowned, "Xiaobao, among the few jellies you brought, how come none of them are strawberry flavored?"

"I want to eat strawberry-flavored jelly. I haven't eaten strawberry-flavored jelly for a long time. The last memory of strawberry-flavored jelly is the last time I went to play. I fell into the pool and drank the water in the pool. In the pool The water tastes like strawberry jelly."

Xiaobao looked at Shen Xiaobei with a look of 'you are hopeless', "Sister, how could the water in the pool taste like strawberry jelly? You are an adult who is about to go to high school, and you will be laughed at by others. Sister, I am so much younger than you, I know it all, you don’t know, is it true what Sister Zhenzhen said, sister, you are not in good health? Brain retardation? "

"Papa and mom will pick us up in a while. I told mom and dad to take my sister to the hospital for an examination."

Hearing Xiaobao's words, Shen Xiaobei's heart was hurt. She was rejected by her brother who was eight years younger than herself.

Shen Xiaobei snatched the remote control from Xiaobao's hand angrily, and hummed, "You kid who just started elementary school, don't show off your smartness in front of me, you can't even choose a channel, this kind of TV is only Only adults can watch it. Change the channel!"

The picture on the TV is showing a young man and woman kissing mouth to mouth.

"Sister, how can only grown-ups read this? Isn't it just mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration? Didn't Brother Chenchen do it for you? I've seen it a long time ago." Xiaobao didn't think so.

Artificial respiration...

mouth to mouth……

Brother Chenchen gave her artificial respiration...

Shen Xiaobei was stunned and did not move, because at this moment, half of her head was filled with flour and half filled with water, and if she moved, it would turn into a paste.

Well, as long as it was her first kiss, the first kiss was gone.

Xiao Bao took the remote control from Shen Xiaobei's hand, smiled flatteringly and moved his head closer to Shen Xiaobei, "Sister, why don't we stop watching TV and come play fruit cutting, how about I compete with my sister?"

Seeing that Shen Xiaobei didn't respond, Xiaobao looked at Shen Xiaobei's blank eyes, and pinched Shen Xiaobei's cheek with his little hand, "Sister, sister, are you stupid?"

"Brother Chenchen, hurry up and look at my sister, I'm going to call my parents, my sister suddenly lost her mind!" Xiaobao bounced off the sofa with a look of urgency, looked at Lu Yichen, and ordered to help , Then he took the landline phone in the living room and dialed out.

Lu Yichen walked towards Shen Xiaobei, frowning worriedly, "Beibei, what's wrong with you?"


After Lu Yichen called her for the second time, Shen Xiaobei looked at Lu Yichen indifferently. Suddenly, it was like a flash of light, and his mind brightened. Brother Chenchen kissed her to save her. This matter must not let Wen Lan Sister knows, otherwise Sister Wen Lan will definitely be angry with Brother Shengchen.

It was this thought that lasted for five seconds, and made Shen Xiaobei react, that is, take Xiaobao by the hand and go home!
Wu Ma, the servant at home, looked at Lu Yichen in confusion, "Master, Miss Beibei and Master Xiaobao are going back..." She suddenly changed her words, "Do you need to arrange a driver to take them?"

"En." Lu Yichen froze his body, his eyes fell on Beibei in the distance.

Shen Xiaobei was in a daze when she heard what Xiaobao said, every subtle expression on her face fell into his eyes, she was at a loss, bewildered or afraid...

She didn't understand everything like she did when she was a child. She should understand now. Is her reaction an answer to him?

Out of concern for Lu Yichen, Mama Wu asked, "Young Master, Miss Beibei was fine just now, what's the matter? It looks like she's not angry."

"No, you go and do your work first."

Shen Xiaobei, who had already gotten into the car, hadn't even opened her mind yet, but she knew one thing in her mind, that Lu Yichen, her elder brother Chenchen, kissed her, although it was artificial respiration, he only did it out of desperation Yes, but kissing requires a very intimate relationship. Only lovers, boyfriends, and couples in love can do that.

At this moment, Shen Xiaobei's cheeks were as red as boiled shrimp, from her cheeks to the back of her ears.

Xiao Bao, who was following Shen Xiaobei, was very worried about Shen Xiaobei. Seeing Shen Xiaobei blushing, she stretched out her little hand to test Shen Xiaobei, "Sister, your face is so hot and red, do you have a fever?"

"No..." Shen Xiaobei replied in a small voice.

"Yes, there must be." Xiaobao was very sure, and looked nervously at the driver driving ahead, "Uncle driver, please take me and my sister to the hospital. My sister has a fever."

"Oh well."

In a daze, Shen Xiaobei didn't know how she was sent to the hospital, and then she didn't know why her parents were looking at her so worriedly, and then when she got home, her mother kept guarding her every step of the way.

The whole Shen family thought that Shen Xiaobei was sad because he failed the high school entrance examination, so they were very careful about Shen Xiaobei's emotions.

When Shen Xiaobei lay down on the bed, she became more awake.

This can't be called a kiss, it's just artificial respiration, she can't think about it.

After a while, Shen Xiaobei got up from the bed, took out the diary and wrote in it.Shen Xiaobei is usually very lazy, and she has to be supervised by others to do her extracurricular homework. Only the good habit of writing a diary is something she rarely persists in.

June [-]th, the weather is fine, the most worrying thing is that the senior high school entrance exam is over, and the exam should be pretty good, but... now I have a little secret, I can't let Miss Wen Lan know, and I have to find a way to make Xiaobao not mention it in the future this matter.Sister Wen Lan must know that she will definitely be angry with Brother Chen and blame Brother Chenchen.

That...isn't it a first kiss...

(End of this chapter)

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