Chapter 663 Excuses
The summer vacation had begun, and whenever he met Lu Yichen, Shen Xiaobei would try every means to shirk and find excuses not to go.

Knowing that what she ate was not strawberry jelly, but Lu Yichen gave her artificial respiration, Shen Xiaobei fell into a daze, especially when she thought that she had mentioned this in front of Brother Chenchen more than once, Shen Xiaobei was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole and jump. go in.

"Sister, you seem to be acting weird recently, something is wrong!" Xiaobao asked blankly.

Shen Xiaobei patted him, and snorted angrily: "Go away!"

Blame him!

She would rather brother Chenchen's lips were strawberry jelly all the time.

Xiaobao lay on the gun innocently, and moved to the ground sadly.

After taking a shower at night, Shen Xiaobei received a text message from Lu Yichen, saying that he would take her out to play tomorrow.

Shen Xiaobei bit her lip, and replied: I have an appointment with someone else tomorrow.

Lu Yichen replied in seconds: Got it, go to bed early, good night.

Shen Xiaobei put down her phone, holding her small face sadly. In fact, she didn't have an appointment, so she just didn't know how to face Lu Yichen.

The next day, Shen Xiaobei still stayed at home with the air conditioner on. It was so hot outside, so she didn't want to go out.

Apart from the servants, she was alone in the house.

Shen Xiaobei was lying on the bed watching dramas when she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. It might be that Xiao Bao, who was taken out by her grandma, had returned. She quickly opened the door, only to find Lu Yichen standing at the door.

"Don't you have an appointment?" There was no expression on Lu Yichen's handsome face.

If he hadn't asked her acquaintances all over to find out whether it was a man or a woman who was hanging out with her, he would not have known that Shen Xiaobei was avoiding her.

Her social circle was so narrow that she spent most of her spare time with him.

"Brother Chenchen..." Shen Xiaobei lowered her head guiltily, and asked softly, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yichen didn't speak, went in, changed his shoes and sat on the sofa, as if he was the master of this house.

Shen Xiaobei, like a pupil who made a mistake, walked up to him slowly and said, "Brother Chenchen, I didn't mean to lie to you, are you thirsty, are you hot, do you want to eat ice cream?"

Lu Yichen said coldly, "Why?"

Shen Xiaobei looked down at her toes, drooping and not speaking.

"If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly."

"I am..." Shen Xiaobei stammered, "I am... Brother Chenchen, you kissed me, that was my first kiss."

Lu Yichen was startled, and said angrily, "I did it to save you."

Shen Xiaobei knew it, but Shen Xiaobei still couldn't bear it in her heart, she was terribly wronged: "But that's something only lovers can do..."

So, just for this, she avoided him on purpose?
Lu Yichen's eyebrows twitched, he stared at her quietly, after a while, he got up and walked to her, looked down at the little girl condescendingly, and said, "You hate me for kissing you?"

When the little girl heard this, she waved her hands anxiously, fearing that he would misunderstand and explained: "No, no, no, I don't hate brother Chenchen!"

"Since you don't hate it, then what's wrong with you? You can kiss my lover, I've kissed you anyway, right?" Lu Yichen said word by word.

Shen Xiaobei's eyes widened, his mind was spinning, as... a lover...

She stared at Lu Yichen stupidly, and looked into his deep black eyes, which seemed like a gentle ocean that was about to drown her.

I've never seen Brother Chenchen's expression like this...

Shen Xiaobei was a little scared, and stammered in a panic, "Brother Chenchen, let's not stand so close, it's a bit hot."

There were two extra fingers on her face, and she slightly raised her chin. When she realized that she wanted to run away, her soft and thin lips fell down and held her mouth. Shen Xiaobei's mind went blank. , The mobile phone in his hand hit the floor with a "boom".

Lu Yichen hugged her waist, kissed her passionately and carried himself away. He didn't know when, she had been deeply rooted in his heart. The throbbing when giving her artificial respiration made him realize that if she was kissed like this by others in the future , he would go crazy with envy.

After a long kiss, he let go of her, and said in a low voice, "Do you understand now?"

Shen Xiaobei touched her lips and took a step back, staring at him in panic and shame.

understand what?
He actually kissed her again...


Shen Xiaobei picked up the mobile phone on the floor, slammed the door, locked it, and lay down on the bed.

She just started high school, how could... How could she do such a thing? !
Across the door, Lu Yichen stood outside the door for a long time, his brows furrowed.He should have waited a little longer. She avoided him even with artificial respiration. This time, she really kissed her and made her words clear. She gave him such a response.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

In the Lu family, when the whole family was sitting at the same table for dinner, Lu Yichen informed everyone, "I have decided to study abroad."

Mother Lu: "What?"

Father Lu, "Chenchen, why did you make such a sudden decision?"

Ye Jia, "Why haven't I heard that you intend to study abroad? Have you talked to your teacher and the principal at the school?"

Lu Ye, "As long as you can take responsibility for your actions, you can make any decision."

"Thank you, Dad." Lu Yichen looked at his father.

Knowing a son is like a father, this statement is very well-founded.

At the dinner table, the whole family was still asking Lu Yichen why he suddenly had such a plan?Which country do you want to go to and which school?The start time of foreign and domestic schools is different, the admission procedures and so on...

After this meal, Lu Nianzhen was the only one who didn't say a word. She had something to ask, but she had no chance to ask questions at the dinner table.

Before going to bed at night, Lu Nianzhen stood at the door of Lu Yichen's room and knocked on the door, looking at the person who was tidying the desk inside, "Brother, can I come in?"

"Hmm. What's the matter?" Lu Yichen put down the stack of test papers in his hand, all of which were made by Shen Xiaobei.

"Brother, can't you wait another two years and study abroad with me?" Lu Nianzhen saw that Lu Yichen didn't speak, but she already knew his answer. After a moment of sadness, she smiled and looked at Lu Yichen, "Then you can agree I, can you go after your birthday, okay?"

"I originally planned to leave after my birthday." Lu Yichen raised his eyelids and looked at Lu Nianzhen.

To have a birthday and hold a farewell party is what Lu Nian really wants.

But Lu Yichen wanted to spend his birthday with Shen Xiaobei.

Before leaving, ask her to celebrate his birthday and meet him, she should come.She can't let her treat him as her elder brother all the time, separate him for a few years, and wait for her to grow up before coming back.As it is now, she has been avoiding him all the time, and she shouldn't be able to return to the way she used to be. She likes to cling to him and asks him to pay her to have lunch together.

Lu Nianzhen smiled, "Then, bro, go to bed early, I'll go back to sleep too."


Seeing Lu Nianzhen go out, Lu Yichen looked away, took out his cell phone, and called Shen Xiaobei.

According to the sleep time habit of the biological clock, Shen Xiaobei was sleepy and drowsy at this time, and was about to go to bed. She heard a call from her mobile phone, took it out and saw that the caller ID on it was Lu Yichen, she lost all sleepiness in an instant, and was sober. up.

Four days have passed since the day when that happened, Shen Xiaobei is no longer angry, it's just...

After hesitating for a while, I still put the phone to my ear, "Hey, Brother Chenchen..."

"Beibei, at eight o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, I will wait for you at the gate of your school."


At this time, Shen Shaoqing's voice came from outside the door, "Beibei, it's so late, you don't sleep, who are you calling?"

When Shen Xiaobei heard her father's voice, her hands trembled, and she accidentally pressed the hang up button.She is guilty and scared now, and there is a sign in her room that says no to dating early. She still remembers that her father often said: When he found out that she was in a relationship, he beat him up and threw him in Africa.

She doesn't have the guts to have a puppy love.

Although the target is brother Chenchen, she will definitely not be deceived, like someone who has heard tragic stories about puppy love, but Shen Xiaobei is in a daze, and she can't turn her nerves around. Brother Chenchen is her brother and her family, how can she change? What about becoming a boyfriend?
It seems that there is no blood relationship, it is ok...

But brother Chenchen is a brother!

The tangled Shen Xiaobei couldn't sort it out in her mind, and didn't know what to do. When she didn't know what to do, she could only stop thinking about it and put it aside.

Maybe it's because she's still young, maybe she can figure it out when she grows up a bit, why don't she tell brother Chenchen that she can think about it later?Or did she not mention it, pretending that brother Chenchen didn't say those words?
annoying? !
My head is so messy, I don’t want to, let’s go to sleep.

Just like that, Shen Xiaobei forgot about Lu Yichen calling her and asking her to go out to meet her. She still remembered that it was that day when Zhenzhen's sister called her.

"Bebe, do you know where my brother went?"

Shen Xiaobei thought about Lu Yichen asking her out, so she subconsciously said, "At the gate of my school..."

Lu Nianzhen's voice on the other end of the phone was brisk, "Great! I held a birthday party for my brother, but I couldn't find my brother anywhere. Wen Lan said that she wanted to confess to my brother today, and she was ready. I Seeing that my brother doesn't want to go to the party, let Wen Lan find my brother and let them get along alone."

"Beibei, you helped me so much today, Wen Lan will definitely thank you and buy you a lot of snacks. Then I'll hang up first, and I'll let Wen Lan find my brother."

Shen Xiaobei murmured, "Yes, good."

It turns out that brother Chenchen's birthday is today, no wonder he asked her out.What gift does she want to prepare for Brother Chenchen?
really stupid?She couldn't even remember brother Chenchen's birthday, and she didn't buy a gift for brother Chenchen. Now she was thinking about what gift she wanted to prepare. A gift represented her heart, so there must be a gift.

As a birthday present, Shen Xiaobei plans to make a handicraft, draw it by herself, and then paint it with shells and paste it on. It is a sailboat model. She lives in Lu's house. She has seen this sailboat on Chenchen's desk. Do this, I hope brother Chenchen will like it.

(End of this chapter)

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