Chapter 664 Gifts
During the summer vacation, the school gate was empty. Lu Yichen stood waiting under the willow tree at the school gate. He had made several calls with his mobile phone, but no one answered.

"Hello, the person you dialed is busy, and there is no answer for now..." Another mechanical female voice rang out, making Lu Yichen frowned. He put down his phone and looked at the number that Beibei was noted on the screen.

Shen Xiaobei on the other end of the phone was too focused on making handicrafts, and missed answering the phone, and the phone was forgotten in the corner.

As for the scheduled meeting, Shen Xiaobei also thought about waiting for the handicrafts to be ready before going out to see if it was too late.

In the distance, Wen Lan got out of the car at this time, and trotted towards Lu Yichen.

After a distance, Wen Lan shouted, "Lu Yichen..."

Seeing Lu Yichen looking at her, Wen Lan smiled, walked in front of him and stopped, and handed him the present with both hands, looking cautiously full of anticipation, "This is the gift I am going to give you. "

"How do you know I'm here?" Before accepting the gift from Wen Lan's hand, Lu Yichen's first sentence was to ask this.

Wen Lan was silent for a while, and then smiled again, "Sister Beibei told me. Sister Beibei and Zhenzhen, they are helping me. Today I want to..." She approached Lu Yichen with the gift in her hand again Some, "Here's a birthday cake I made for you...".She was so nervous that her voice seemed to hang down her throat, she was a little muffled and couldn't make a sound, and it took a long time to make a trill, "Lu Yichen, I have something to tell you, I..."

At this moment, Lu Yichen's brows were deeply frowned. He had told Beibei what he wanted a few days ago, and Beibei would not come today, so he even told Wen Lan to come and find him.

Beibei wants him to be with Wen Lan?
Thinking of this, Lu Yichen looked at Wen Lan, "Thank you for the gift, I'll go back first."

From the beginning to the end, Lu Yichen didn't notice the emotion on Wen Lan's face. He was just a young man with an imposing manner, as calm as a breeze, as if they hadn't talked about anything, and there was no emotion on his face.

Wen Lan had finally brewed up his emotions, and the words he had prepared were already on his lips, but Lu Yichen turned around and walked away.

She stayed where she was stiff, wondering why he left like this, did he see that she was going to confess?Did you leave because you didn't want to hear her confession?
"Lu Yichen..." Wen Lan murmured, looking at Lu Yichen's back as he walked away.

They have known each other for a long time, and she has accompanied Lu Yichen to the bookstore to buy books several times, so they should be considered friends, but he is the kind of person who is hard to get close to.It's not that Lu Yichen has a cold and menacing appearance on the outside and is hard to get close to, he just has a unique temperament, noble and compelling, like the light of the bright moon with a little coldness.

It is the kind that does not need to speak, does not need to look, it will be daunting.

Wen Lan stared at Lu Yichen's back as he walked away and got into the car. It took a long time to look away, and took out his mobile phone to call Lu Nianzhen.

"Really, I haven't come to confess my love yet, and I haven't given the gift to Lu Yichen yet. He seems to have gone back now. I can't confess to him on his birthday. Really, I've made up my mind. I'm going to study abroad too. Wherever your brother is, I will be there."

I have liked her for so long, as long as I continue to persist, he will always find her after she has been with him for a long time.

What's more, she was studying abroad alone and was prone to homesickness. She would take care of the people she met abroad together. This could be an excellent opportunity for her to cultivate a relationship with him.

Shen Xiaobei sneezed several times in a row at home.

Seeing that Ms. Chen Qiu was worried, she quickly brought hot water to Shen Xiaobei, "Little Jindouzi, you have caught a cold, right?"

"No. Grandma, the weather is so hot, how could I catch a cold?" Shen Xiaobei rubbed her nose uncomfortably, took the water Ms. Chen Qiu brought her, took two sips, and continued to work on her handicrafts.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Birthday gift for brother Chenchen." Shen Xiaobei pouted sullenly after seeing the finished product, "I only made this little thing until now, and I probably have to wait until tomorrow to give it to brother Chenchen."

Ms. Chen Qiu smiled, "I thought there was some conflict between you and your brother Chenchen! Since you came home from the exam, you haven't mentioned your brother Chenchen, and you haven't asked your mother to take it with you. You go to your brother Chenchen's house to play."

"...There is no conflict." Shen Xiaobei lowered his head, his eyes flickering.

Because she suddenly felt a little flustered, and she could still recall the scene of Brother Chenchen kissing her in her mind, as if there was still a residual taste of strawberry jelly on her lips.

Huo Di, Shen Xiaobei came back to her senses and saw Ms. Chen Qiu testing her forehead, she was startled.

Ms. Chen Qiu finished testing Shen Xiaobei's forehead, and looked at Shen Xiaobei with concern, "Your head is not hot, but your face is so red. You keep sneezing, and your face is still red. Most likely you have a cold."

"Grandma, I really don't have a cold. Go back and rest first, I'll go to bed after I finish this."

"Well, that's fine. If you really feel uncomfortable, Xiao Jindouzi, you must tell grandma in time." Ms. Chen Qiu was still a little worried.Anyone in the family who has a cold and fever is not a big problem, but Beibei is hard to recover, and the cold will not be cured within a month.

Shen Xiaobei responded sweetly, "Well, yes. Grandma, don't worry."

Shen Xiaobei's parents have been to the two-person world. Brother Qiuqiu started to go to the company for an internship this summer, and moved to an apartment close to the company. Because he hid his identity as an intern in his company, he kept a low profile like an ordinary same as the interns.She and Xiaobao were left at home, so her grandma was worried and came here at night.

Under normal circumstances, most families still live in old houses.

Shen Xiaobei watched her grandma go out of the room, and she continued to make her handicrafts.

Yawning non-stop, I don't know when it was finished, Shen Xiaobei fell asleep on the bed after finishing it, and when she woke up the next day, it was already past ten o'clock.

When Xiaobao was playing with building blocks in the living room and saw Shen Xiaobei going downstairs, he gave a thumbs up, "Sister, you are amazing! You can't sleep without a pig!"

"Go to the side!" Shen Xiaobei gave Xiaobao a supercilious look, and hummed.

Xiaobao hurriedly ran to Shen Xiaobei's side and rubbed it, "Sister, don't be angry. Sister, sister, where are we going to play today?"

Shen Xiaobei pushed Xiaobao away with her fingers, "Go and play by yourself."

It was he who said the wrong thing that made his sister angry, and she stopped playing with him. Xiaobao felt a little sad, so he could only continue playing with building blocks by himself.

Shen Xiaobei went to eat breakfast on her own, and then went out to find Lu Yichen with the gift she had prepared.

I didn't say happy birthday to Brother Chenchen yesterday, and the gift was delivered so late, it was a bit unkind.But brother Chenchen shouldn't mind, he has such a good temper.

In just over ten minutes, Shen Xiaobei arrived at Lu's house by car.

At this time, Lu Nianzhen was just about to go out and saw Shen Xiaobei, "Beibei, why are you here at this time? My brother's plane is at eight o'clock this morning, I thought you would go to the airport to see my brother off!"

" the airport..." Shen Xiaobei looked at Lu Nianzhen in a daze, and after a long time of reaction, he asked, "Brother Chenchen left? Where did he go? When will you be back?"

Seeing Shen Xiaobei's appearance, Lu Nian really felt a little strange, "Beibei, you don't know that my brother is leaving today, right?"

"Well... I don't know."

"It's a surprise that my brother didn't tell you that he's going abroad today. He's going abroad to study. As for when he can come back, it depends on whether my brother is willing to come back during the holiday."

what? !

Study abroad……

Brother Chenchen didn't tell her.

Shen Xiaobei felt that it was too sudden, she received a call from brother Chenchen yesterday, why did he leave today?I asked her out yesterday to tell her that he was leaving?
Lu Nianzhen saw that Shen Xiaobei was completely motionless, and then her eyes fell on the handicraft in Shen Xiaobei's hand, and she said, "My brother did the same, and he didn't even tell you when he left. I always thought you were It's the same status as mine in my brother's place."

"But Beibei, don't be sad. When my brother goes abroad, you can make video calls to my brother. Turn on international calls on your mobile phone, and you can contact my brother at any time."

At this moment, Shen Xiaobei was a little sad. The elder brother she relied on didn't even tell her when he left.

No, I want to tell her that she didn't go to see her.

Lu Nianzhen reached out and touched the handicraft in Beibei's hand, "Beibei, my brother is not at home, so I will take this for him."

"Sister Zhenzhen, I want to keep it and give it to Brother Chenchen face to face." Shen Xiaobei's voice was soft.

"OK then."

Lu Nianzhen smiled and shared the happy things with Beibei, "Beibei, it was thanks to you last night. Wen Lan went abroad with my brother."

What made Lu Nianzhen happy did not make Beibei happy.

For Shen Xiaobei, Wen Lan has always been the big sister who has met several times. She will not be happy just because Wen Lan is with her brother Chenchen. On the contrary, she thinks that brother Chenchen is a liar. Having said those words, I went abroad with others.

Sure enough, puppy love is bad.

Very disappointed, Shen Xiaobei has never been so lost before, now she thinks she can understand the feeling of a stray dog ​​abandoned by its owner.

Brother Chenchen and sister Wen Lan went abroad to study.

Lu Nianzhen was still talking in his ear, "They have all gone abroad to study together, and good things will definitely come soon. I hope to hear good news about them when they come back."

"Sister Zhenzhen, I'll go back first." Shen Xiaobei drooped her head, lacking energy.

Lu Nianzhen looked at Shen Xiaobei, she could see that Shen Xiaobei was sad, she also felt that she should comfort Shen Xiaobei more, and should not talk about other things in an attempt to distract Beibei's attention, Beibei might not feel happy about her happy.

(End of this chapter)

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