Chapter 665 Misunderstanding
When Shen Xiaobei was in her third year of high school, the whole family was anxious and worried, because Shen Xiaobei had no one to help her make up lessons this time.

Hiring a tutor is helpful, but not very effective.In fact, the main reason for the failure of this grade is because of Shen Xiaobei. Shen Xiaobei didn't really want to study. She didn't like studying. When they were in the second year of high school, they were divided into arts and sciences. Shen Xiaobei heard some students say that they want to study abroad and don't need to take the college entrance examination.

Shen Xiaobei also considered studying abroad. She felt that the pressure of studying would not be too great, and...she hadn't seen brother Chenchen in almost three years, maybe she would meet him.

Shen Xiaobei has never been separated from any of his relatives for such a long time since he grew up so old, and he really misses it.

Shen Xiaobei brought up the idea of ​​studying abroad at the dinner table, and the family was bombed.

"No, I firmly disagree! Little Jindouzi, how can you have the heart to go abroad without your family, your grandparents, your parents, your brothers and sisters?" Ms. Chen Qiu had the most violent reaction.

The family members agreed, but they all opposed it. Chen Qiu was so excited and anxious because her daughter was lost if she left.

Lin An'an also knew about Aunt Beibei's matter, and she also hated Beibei, so she did not agree with Beibei's study abroad.

Not to mention Shen Shaoqing, he sees Beibei being strict at home, and seeing that Beibei is going to college, he is worried that someone who is tired of working in college will chase after his daughter, so he is making some plans to prevent it from happening. If you go abroad, you will lose his protection and protection, which is very dangerous.

Xiaobao also hugged Shen Xiaobei's arm, "Sister, sister, I don't agree either. Going abroad is too far away, we are separated, I will miss my sister."

"Beibei, if you are really afraid of the pressure of the exam, ask Dad to donate some money and ask the principal to admit you." Qiuqiu also expressed his opinion.

Father Shen was the last one to speak, and he said in a leisurely manner, "Well, studying abroad is not a good thing. Regardless of whether you will follow the path of your aunt, Beibei, to find a foreign husband, just take a plane It is very dangerous to go abroad, and there have been too many air crashes recently."

Shen Xiaobei is also timid, and also afraid of some kind of air crash, so she just let it go.

But to spend money to buy a school, Shen Xiaobei felt quite ashamed no matter how she thought about it, so after thinking about it, she asked her family to hire a tutor for her, and arranged for her to attend classes for twelve or three hours a day.

It's a shame, Shen Xiaobei worked hard on his own, and he did well in the exam.

But when she was admitted to the university, Shen Xiaobei felt very strange. Her own understanding of herself was to skip the second book at a low level, so she didn't choose one of the schools for the college entrance examination, but she didn't expect that she skipped one at a low level. Line, happened to be admitted to that university.

This happy event caused the Shen family to take Shen Xiaobei to eat big meals from the moment Shen Xiaobei received the admission notice. For a week, it was because Shen Xiaobei had a bad stomach and indigestion that they stopped going to restaurants outside.

On the first day of school, Shen Xiaobei packed up her things, and the whole family accompanied her there.

When Xiaobao arrived at the gate of the university, he saw a two-dimensional girl in cosplay, and excitedly took Shen Xiaobei's hand, "Sister, sister, that beautiful little sister, it's like walking out of the TV. Sister, You go talk to her."

"I don't know her, why should I talk to her?" Shen Xiaobei looked at Xiaobao's bright eyes, and knew his little thoughts.

Xiaobao muttered dissatisfiedly, "Sister, it's because we don't know each other that we need to talk, so that we can get to know each other and become good friends."

Anyway, Shen Xiaobei didn't want to go, Xiaobao took the initiative to say hello, but she left after saying a few words to him.Therefore, Xiao Bao was very sad and stood aside sullenly.

The military training started, and Shen Xiaobei was ready to be dried into briquettes. Military training is to endure hardships, so she is still in a heavy mood now. She didn't have much mood to control Xiaobao, so she patted his little head comfortingly, "If in the future I got to know her, and I took her to our house to play on Sunday."

"Okay, sister, please do your best." Xiaobao regained his spirits.

Come on, Shen Xiaobei has to come on.

As far as Shen Xiaobei's body is concerned, Shen Shaoqing had greeted the principal of the school, and she had brought the cases identified by the hospital. The school didn't want anything to happen to the military training, so she also specially instructed the instructor in charge of the military training for Shen Xiaobei.

When she arrived at the dormitory, Shen Xiaobei looked at the school's dormitory. She planned to stay in the dormitory. Although it was not far from home, the accommodation was more convenient and she could sleep in for a while.

There are four people living in a dormitory. When Shen Xiaobei arrived at the dormitory, there were already two of them, and one of them was the cosplay girl she saw at the door.

Shen Xiaobei took the initiative to say hello to her, "Hi, my name is Shen Xiaobei. This looks really nice on you."

"Thank you. My name is Yu Xi. There is an event today, that's why I'm wearing it like this. I haven't had time to change it yet. I just checked the dormitory, and I haven't received the electric card. The water heater has no hot water, and there is no hot water for bathing."

The other is Tang Ningning. She sighed, "The school's dormitory conditions are really bad. Our military training must be black iron eggs."

"I brought sunscreen, I can use it with everyone." Shen Xiaobei took out the sunscreen in the bag.

Tang Ningning looked at Shen Xiaobei's sunscreen, "My God, you are a rich man, this sunscreen is very expensive. And what's in your bag... classmate, are you from the capital? Are you a rich second generation?"

Being asked by Tang Ningning, Shen Xiaobei felt a little embarrassed, she had never encountered such a situation before.Everyone will chat about what to eat and what to watch TV, but no one will talk about what cosmetics to use and what brand is expensive.

"It's okay." Shen Xiaobei smiled politely.

Tang Ningning put a little on her hands, "It smells really good, I hope it will work." She saw Shen Xiaobei's arm again and compared it, "Shen Xiaobei, why are you so white? I am already very white in our place, compared to yours , I am at least two shades darker than you."

"The environment is different. Now that you are here, you will be white in the future." Shen Xiaobei smiled.

These two personalities are very cheerful, but the topic Yu Xi is interested in is two-dimensional, and Shen Xiaobei can only chat a little bit, and she doesn't understand more.Tang Ningning is okay, but there is still a classmate who hasn't come here. Shen Xiaobei only met at night. That classmate is Xu Dan, and her family is also the second generation of rich people. During the summer vacation, she turned herself into an internet celebrity, and she hasn't recovered yet. .

But on the first night, Xu Dan and Tang Ningning quarreled over the bathing issue.

The noise was so loud that it shook the entire floor, and the dormitory where Shen Xiaobei lived became famous.

In the dormitory, there were two people who were not compatible. The counselor wanted to separate them and transfer them to another dormitory, but neither of them wanted to.

Xu Dan took Shen Xiaobei to have lunch together, Shen Xiaobei and Xu Dan didn't say a few words, but seeing Xu Dan took the initiative to invite her, she couldn't refuse.

The small school cafeteria where Xu Dan took Shen Xiaobei to eat was the most expensive place to eat in the school. She brought a lot of dishes for Shen Xiaobei and was very enthusiastic about Shen Xiaobei. Let's eat. Which handsome guy you like in school, if you want to know his detailed information, just ask me, and I will help you."

"Ah? No need." Shen Xiaobei refused.

Xu Dan smiled, "Don't be shy, and don't be polite to me. I'll take you to meet the most handsome boy in our school later."

"...I don't really want to go."

Xu Dan ignored Shen Xiaobei's refusal, so she just thought Shen Xiaobei was shy.

It's only been a week since the military training, and everyone is exhausted, yet Xu Dan still wants to find a handsome guy from the school.

After eating, Xu Dan's eyes lit up as soon as he left the cafeteria. He pulled Shen Xiaobei and dragged Shen Xiaobei to a male student, "Hi, classmate Pan, we are from the Chinese Department, my name is Xu Dan."

The male classmate kept looking at Shen Xiaobei, Xu Dan was a little embarrassed, but he heard the male classmate shout, "Shen Xiaobei."

Xu Dan's face turned ugly for a moment, he glanced at Pan Pan and then at Shen Xiaobei in a daze.

When Shen Xiaobei heard the male classmate in front of her call her name, she was slightly startled, and looked at him suspiciously, seeing that his eyes were full of smiles, like an old friend she knew.She couldn't remember who he was, "You are?"

"Shen Xiaobei, I guessed that you would forget me. But I am very happy that we can meet in college." Pan Pan smiled.

Xu Dan stood aside, like an invisible person being ignored, with a stiff smile on the corner of her mouth, "Shen Xiaobei, you know classmate Pan."

"Haven't you remembered yet?" Seeing that Shen Xiaobei still looked blank, Pan Pan felt a little lost.

Pan Pan reminded Shen Xiaobei, "Do you still remember that you shared chewing gum with others in the second grade, but you didn't give it to me?"

Seeing that Shen Xiaobei still didn't respond, Pan Pan reminded her again, "I'll sit right behind you."

In an instant, Shen Xiaobei remembered, she was so surprised that she couldn't believe it, she looked at the 1.8-meter tall boy in front of her, with a tall and straight figure, messy hair, and big European-style eyes, Pan Pan, who was considered a handsome guy. a fat man.

"You... you are Pan Pan." Among Shen Xiaobei's classmates, she remembered Pan Pan the most clearly, because Pan Pan stuck chewing gum on her hair.

A happy smile appeared on Pan Pan's face again, "I recognized you at a glance. I saw you last time when we assembled on the playground, but I didn't have a chance to talk to you. Later, I didn't know which class you were in, so I didn't know which class you were in." I found you. Shen Xiaobei, you are the same as before, you haven't changed at all. "

"Hasn't it changed?" Shen Xiaobei was a little disappointed, she also tried to lose weight, but the baby fat on her face couldn't be lost.With a round face and baby fat, she looks like a junior high school student.

"It hasn't changed for the better. I'm still worried that you have changed. I like you just like you are."

Shen Xiaobei looked at Pan Pan in surprise, "..." After a few seconds, she smiled dryly again, she is really too sensitive to the word "like" now.

(End of this chapter)

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