Chapter 675 Feelings
Rejecting tens of meters away, following the street lights on both sides of the road, Pan Pancong saw a man and a woman embracing each other, the woman was Shen Xiaobei swaying and giggling, his whole body froze, and his gaze was fixed on them on two people.

Until Lu Yichen turned to the direction of the driving position, Pan Pan came to his senses and called out, "Shen Xiaobei! Shen Xiaobei!"

The man supporting Shen Xiaobei, he didn't know who it was, was worried that Shen Xiaobei would be in danger, but seeing the two of them embracing so close just now...

Thinking about the fact that he called Shen Xiaobei today and asked her to go to the movies, she rejected him, but appeared here with another man.

The car was driving slowly on the road, and it was very stable. After about 10 minutes, I arrived home.

Shen Xiaobei slept soundly along the way.

Lu Yichen picked up Shen Xiaobei horizontally, brought him back to the room, put Shen Xiaobei on the bed, took off his shoes, and put on the quilt.Lu Yichen had gentle and light movements, so Shen Xiaobei who was sleeping was not disturbed at all and still slept soundly.

After Lu Yichen left the room for a long time, Shen Xiaobei turned over and rolled off the bed.

"It hurts..." Shen Xiaobei touched her head, but didn't even open her sleepy eyes.

Shen Xiaobei was a little thirsty, so she went out in a daze, and went to the kitchen to find water to drink.After drinking the water, she reached out to unbutton her bra, tugged at it, and walked to the bathroom.She wanted to take a shower before going to bed, but she was still staggering when she walked because of drunkenness. The bathroom door was suddenly opened, and she lost her balance and threw herself into Lu Yichen's arms.

The way of throwing was not chest-thumping, but reaching Lu Yichen's waist, and subconsciously grabbed something, trying to stand up.

Then, Shen Xiaobei turned into petrification, and what she was holding was the bath towel tied around Lu Yichen's waist.

In order to prevent Shen Xiaobei from falling, Lu Yichen grabbed her waist with his big palm, and then they stuck together...

Shen Xiaobei was wearing a shirt, her bra slipped down to her abdomen.

Lu Yichen looked at the bath towel in Shen Xiaobei's hand, and then at the half-fallen bra under Shen Xiaobei's shirt. He wondered if he should be thankful that she didn't take off her shirt.What kind of habit is it to put on a bra without taking off your shirt?
As soon as he put down the shower, the sound of water stopped, and he heard the sound of stumbling outside the bathroom. Worried about Shen Xiaobei, he grabbed the towel and tied it around his waist to look.

Now that Ruan Xiangyu is in his arms, the hanging bra looks like an aphrodisiac in his eyes. He is naked, and his body is getting hotter and hotter.

Shen Xiaobei, who took 2 minutes to turn around, quickly pushed Lu Yichen away. She was sober at this time, and ran away in a panic. After unscrewing it, Shen Xiaobei bumped his head firmly against the door.

'Boom! ' A sound startled Lu Yichen, and he walked over quickly.

The final result was that Shen Xiaobei knocked herself out and suffered a lot of nosebleeds.

Lu Yichen found a doctor to examine Shen Xiaobei, and there was nothing serious, just sleep and he'll be fine.

After falling asleep, Shen Xiaobei woke up in a fragmented state in the morning. The last image was clearly reflected in her mind, which was that she pulled Lu Yichen's bath towel, and she threw herself into Lu Yichen's embrace.

"Is it a dream? Is it a dream..." Shen Xiaobei couldn't believe it, and looked in the room for evidence that the picture in his mind was a dream.

When she sat up, her head felt dizzy and painful, Shen Xiaobei supported her head, and lowered her head on the bed to relax.

At this time Lu Yichen pushed open the door and looked at Shen Xiaobei who was sitting on the bed, "Beibei, are you awake? How do you feel? Does your head still hurt?"

After a series of concerns, Shen Xiaobei looked at the home clothes Lu Yichen was wearing, and then she suddenly realized something, and looked down at the home clothes on her body. Hers was pink, while Lu Yichen's was blue, clearly they were couple clothes .

However, this is not the point, the point is that she was not wearing this one yesterday!
"Why isn't the clothes on me the ones I wore yesterday?" Shen Xiaobei's anxious voice trembled.

Lu Yichen looked calm, and slowly uttered the words, "I changed it for you. Is it uncomfortable to sleep in this clothes?"

With such a calm expression, as if nothing happened last night, Shen Xiaobei stared at Lu Yichen blankly. If her clothes hadn't been changed, she might really think that she was dreaming last night.The clothes were changed. What happened last night was not a dream. Her mind was blank now, as if she was shutting down and restarting.

"You go wash up first, breakfast is ready, I'll serve the porridge." Lu Yichen reached out and brushed Beibei's hair behind his ear.

Half an hour later, Shen Xiaobei finished his breakfast, got into Lu Yichen's car, and went to school together.

At the school gate, Shen Xiaobei got out of the car, please forgive her for not turning on her brain until now.She looked at the silver Bentley driving into the school gate, and vaguely remembered that brother Chenchen seemed to have given her some instructions, but she didn't know what they said.

She couldn't figure it out, what happened yesterday, why brother Chenchen could act like nothing happened, so indifferent?

Shen Xiaobei heard someone calling her, "Shen Xiaobei!"

Shen Xiaobei raised her eyelids and saw that it was Pan Pan.

Pan Pan looked at Shen Xiaobei worriedly, sized her up carefully, and then asked with difficulty: "Shen Xiaobei, you refused me yesterday and didn't go to the movies with me, do you have someone you like?"

"The man who was with you last night, did you come in that car just now? Is he the teacher of our school?"

"Brother Chenchen is now teaching military theory in our school." Shen Xiaobei replied to Pan Pan's last question.

Pan Pan suddenly realized that that was the elder brother who protected Beibei when he was a child. He had gone abroad since elementary school, and last night he only vaguely saw Lu Yichen's frontal eyes, so he didn't recognize him for a while.He went to ask the roommates in Shen Xiaobei's dormitory very early this morning. He knew that Shen Xiaobei hadn't come back, so he waited for Shen Xiaobei to come back at the school gate until Shen Xiaobei got out of a silver Bentley, and that Bentley drove into it again. School.

Now knowing that it is Shen Xiaobei's elder brother, Pan Pan felt relieved and smiled on his face, "It turns out that your elder brother became a teacher in school. You and your elder brother had a good relationship when you were young. Now that you have grown up, you still look like Xiaobei." It’s the same as when I was a child, the relationship is really good.”

"Shen Xiaobei, if I treat you to dinner tonight, I can call your brother."

Is it because of good feelings?

The relationship is so good that you don't care if you are seen naked?
But she has a good relationship with her brother Xiaobao, if Xiaobao sees her naked, she will definitely care.

(End of this chapter)

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