Chapter 676

Shen Xiaobei was thinking about things to herself, but didn't answer Pan Pan.

This must be rejection, Pan Pan looked at Shen Xiaobei who was walking away with some disappointment.

Shen Xiaobei finished the morning class in a daze, and Tang Ningning found out that something was wrong with Shen Xiaobei, "Shen Xiaobei, what's wrong with you? You look preoccupied."

"No, it's nothing..." Shen Xiaobei swiped, her cheeks flushed.

How could she have the nerve to tell Tang Ningning about that kind of thing?

Tang Ningning looked carefully, "Shen Xiaobei, are you in a relationship?"

"No. How could I be in love?"

"Then what happened to you?"

Shen Xiaobei rubbed her head, "Last night when I was drunk, the door hit me, and my head is still groggy. Let me sleep for a while."

It's not hard to see the big bag on Shen Xiaobei's head.Tang Ningning was still caring about Shen Xiaobei, but when she saw Xu Dan walking in, she exuded fighting spirit, as if she was ready to fight at any time.

"Flowers, and chocolates as a gift here, Yu Xi, Shen Xiaobei, whoever wants what you want, take it." Xu Dan said this in a tone of charity.

Tang Ningning stared at Xu Dan with a half-smile, "Miss Xu is charity, I wonder if there is a gift from Handsome Pan here for you to pass on to Shen Xiaobei?"

Xu Dan dodged his eyes with guilt, but his voice was steady, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

"Hehe! What are you pretending to be?! You threw all the snacks that Handsome Pan asked you to hand over to Shen Xiaobei into the trash can! You lied to Handsome Pan and concealed it from Shen Xiaobei. You thought that this happened without anyone noticing." ?” Tang Ningning had a mocking smile on her lips.

Xu Dan pushed Tang Ningning who was standing in front of her, "I don't understand what you are saying!"

"Am I talking nonsense, you know it in your heart! You like classmate Pan, and classmate Pan likes Shen Xiaobei. You pretend to help classmate Pan, but in fact you want to disturb their good affairs. It's a pity that you have the opportunity to be with classmate Pan. , Classmate Pan has no interest in you at all, and you will be disliked even if you post back."

"Who said Pan Pan likes Shen Xiaobei? He didn't confess to Shen Xiaobei, nor did he say that he wanted to chase Shen Xiaobei. Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and Pan Pan spent it with me and gave me flowers. Tang Ningning, you flatter Shen Xiaobei Speaking for her, do you think she is a rich second generation who can take you to eat, drink and have fun?" Xu Dan looked at Tang Ningning contemptuously.

"What did you say?"

"Can't you understand human language? Did you really become a pug?"

'Snapped'!Tang Ningning slapped Xu Dan, distorting the fake chin she made.

Xu Dan also got angry, "You dare to hit me!"

"So what, it's not the first time."

The two immediately fought.

"Hey, stop beating, stop beating!" Shen Xiaobei anxiously climbed off the bed.

Right now, Yu Xi is still taking a shower and changing clothes, she will have cosplay activities later.Only Shen Xiaobei was able to fight in time. She wanted to pull Tang Ningning, but Xu Dan slapped Tang Ningning, even her hair was pulled.

Shen Xiaobei immediately let go of Tang Ningning, and took Xu Dan's hand instead. She was not strong enough, so she could only control one of Xu Dan's hands, but this was enough for Tang Ningning to hang and beat Xu Dan. Hit as you like, Xu Dan still can't hit Tang Ningning with one hand.

At the end of the matter, Yu Xi and Shen Xiaobei pulled Xu Dan and asked Tang Ningning to beat Xu Dan.However, Shen Xiaobei and Yu Xi wanted to fight at first.

The housekeeper aunt arrived and stopped them.

Xu Dan's face was really unrecognizable, so the housekeeper aunt reprimanded them, and then told the counselor and dean.

Hearing Auntie Su Guan calling there, Tang Ningning pulled Yu Xi and Shen Xiaobei, rolled her eyes, and screamed: " hurts so much! I'm going to the hospital!"

"Tang Ningning, you are pretending, don't think I don't know. My face is beaten like this by you, and I haven't shouted to go to the hospital yet!" Xu Dan surrounded his face with a silk scarf, afraid of being caught by others See, if she hadn't been unable to swallow her breath and wanted to wait for the principal to come over, she would have gone to the hospital a long time ago.

The dormitory aunt didn't want to tell the truth, she said with a cold face, "Go to the infirmary first, I have already notified your counselor and dean."

"Auntie, dormitory manager, please call the principal again." Xu Dan said this.

I really don't think it's a big deal. It hasn't been long since the start of school. Both of them have already beaten two families. They must be punished and their credits deducted. Recidivism is more serious than first-time offenders, but Xu Dan's face is calm and composed. , it seems that they are not afraid at all, and hope that the bigger the trouble, the better.

Auntie Suguan also felt upset when she saw them, "I'll call, you all go to the infirmary first."

After going to the infirmary, Tang Ningning yelled that she was in pain again, and was transferred to the hospital for examination.Xu Dan's face also had to go to the hospital for surgery, so they went to the hospital.

Shen Xiaobei was worried about Tang Ningning, "I don't know how the principal will handle this matter."

"If you think about it with your brain, I know that the unlucky one must be me. Xu Dan is not afraid at all. The rich second generation must have something to do with it. I have pity on me. Credits will be deducted, graduation will be postponed, and my student status may be expelled." Tang Ningning sighed tone.

"Then you know, why are you still so impulsive?"

"Then you and Yu Xi wanted to fight, why did you help me?"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, all happy.

Having fought together, the friendship seems to have taken another step.Shen Xiaobei originally didn't think about Lu Yichen at this moment, but when she received a call from her mobile phone, she took out her mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, the note read: Brother Chenchen.

Shen Xiaobei felt hot while holding the phone, and wanted to hang up the phone, but after thinking for a while, she put it to her ear and answered, "Hello, brother Chenchen..."

Lu Yichen's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Beibei, where are you now?"

It is now 05:30, Lu Yichen called at this time, and Shen Xiaobei knew that he was going to pick her up.She was flustered, and she pretended to be calm and said, "Brother Chenchen, I won't go back, I don't want to live at your place anymore..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Yichen asked puzzled.

Shen Xiaobei bit her lower lip, it was hard for her to speak.I really don't know if Brother Chenchen really doesn't know or if he doesn't know.

Through the phone, Lu Yichen heard the noise, frowned and asked, "Bebe, where are you now?"


"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell or injured? Why don't you call me when you go to the hospital? Which hospital are you in?"

From Lu Yichen's voice, Shen Xiaobei could hear that he was anxious and worried, as well as the sound of him starting the engine, which meant that he wanted to rush over to find her immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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