Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1000 It was also a blessing in disguise

Chapter 1000 It was also a blessing in disguise

Zhou Zixu sat in the jeep guiltily, holding his elder brother tightly in his arms. He didn't know before that his elder brother held such a heavy place in his heart.

The eldest brother is the father, although he has always been angry with him, he is also a little jealous of the elder brother.

His debt to his elder brother has never been clear in his life. It was he who caused his elder brother to lose his mother at a young age.

"Captain, we'll be at the hospital soon."

Zhang Changyou is in charge of driving. He usually has good driving skills. He drives the car so fast that he can fly into the sky with wings.

At this moment when every second counts, Zhou Zixu chose to let him be the driver.

"Brother, we're almost there, come on."

Zhou Zixu looked down at his elder brother. The tough and ruthless him seemed to be asleep at this moment, but the coldness on his face was gone when he was asleep, and he looked so handsome.

Sniffing, took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped away the blood from his mouth.

The eyebrows couldn't help but lock deeply, if the elder brother drank water and rinsed his mouth in time, wouldn't he be poisoned?
Now he only hopes that the snake venom will not invade too quickly, and that the eldest brother will not be poisoned too deeply.

Soon the car arrived at the hospital, Zhou Zixu picked up his eldest brother, and the medical staff took NO.12 away on a stretcher.

The lights in the emergency room came on, and Zhou Zixu sat at the door of the emergency room as if collapsed.

Zhou Baichuan also came to the hospital. Seeing his youngest son's slumped and guilty look, he walked over and patted his shoulder.

"Zixu, don't feel guilty. You are making a contribution to the unit. Field training is the same as real combat, and sacrifices are inevitable."

Zhou Baichuan didn't want his son to lose his fighting spirit because of guilt.

His existence and his training methods are all worth learning.

In the process of learning, what will happen is unpredictable. Otherwise, why is there a casualty indicator for the actual station exercise?

"Dad, I don't want anything to happen. Really, what I'm doing now is not a personal heroism. In times of peace, I should be prepared for danger. I just want to let the station friends know how cruel the real station war is, and let them know that in normal times Where are the training deficiencies?"

Zhou Zixu thrust his hands into his short hair, his voice could not conceal the sadness.

What the eldest brother said about him hit him hard.

"Father knows that it's not just me, the leaders of the superior unit also agree with your point of view, and agree with the station strategy simulation exercise of your actual station training."

Zhou Baichuan nodded and told his son in a mellow voice.

"Thank you Dad, I feel much better."

Zhou Zixu looked up at his father, then at the red light in the emergency room, it was still on, and his eldest brother and sister-in-law were still being rescued.

"Father, in fact, elder brother also loves sister-in-law, but he can't express it, hoping to cover up his sincerity with indifference."

Zhou Zixu thought that in order to save No.12, his elder brother would not hesitate to drink poison and blood for her, and would not let anyone hold No.12.

This all proves that he has her in his heart.

"After going through the test of life and death, if your eldest brother can know his true heart, it will be a blessing in disguise."

Zhou Baichuan looked at the emergency room with deep eyes. His face was calm, and his heart seemed to be boiling. He was uneasy and worried about losing his outstanding eldest son and gentle and kind daughter-in-law.

It was a painful torture for Dongsheng, for himself, and for his father.

"Brother and sister-in-law will definitely survive."

Zhou Zixu looked firmly at the emergency room. NO.12 had a strong sense of survival. When she fell off the cliff, she kept saving herself.

When he came down, he saw the dagger she had left in a rock crevice about three meters above the ground.

There are fallen leaves on the ground, and they won't die if they fall from this height.

"I think of who can save elder brother and sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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