Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 999 I will definitely save you

Chapter 999 I Will Save You

Zhou Zisong slapped the ashes water bottle handed over by his younger brother, and growled at him angrily.

"Brother, no one wants this kind of thing to happen. We are iron-blooded men, and we are ready to sacrifice at any time since we joined the team."

Zhou Zixu closed the kettle lid silently, looked at his sister-in-law sadly, but his deep voice was not admitting his mistake.

"You are individual heroism. Twenty people attack a team? Tell me how good you are? It's all right now, you are satisfied with killing your sister-in-law."

It was the first time Zhou Zisong yelled at his younger brother like this, and lost his usual composure. After yelling, he staggered to pick up his wife and ran out of the valley.

"Yanhong, don't be afraid, I will definitely save you."

Looking at the daughter-in-law in his arms, Zhou Zisong's deep voice sounded from his heart, he owed her too much in the past.

He said a word to her, and she smiled happily for a long time.

She shed tears for Dongsheng, she is a kind and good stepmother.

But what did he do?She is not allowed to become a complete woman, and talking to her is no different from the stationmates under the opponent.

There was no warmth in the eyes of the cold order.


His eyes darkened, and he vaguely saw NO.12 holding hot tea and smiling gently at her.

This sorry for being late was what he owed her.

NO.12 was groggy, as if hearing Zisong's voice, but it was so distant and empty.

She wanted to catch the voice, to open her eyes and smile at him.

I wanted to tell him that when I fell off the cliff, I was thinking of him and Dongsheng.

With a strong sense of survival, she desperately wanted to grab anything she could borrow. The dagger saved her life. The dagger was sharp enough, and she stabbed in the crack of the rock, buffering the force of the fall.

Just when she thought she was all right and just relaxing, she saw a cobra.

The two of them stared at each other with big eyes, and she didn't dare to move, because the snake would attack the moving target, and it thought that the other party wanted to hurt it.

Seeing that she was not a threat, the cobra took her as a branch, climbed to her head and circled around.

She was sweating coldly at the time, and she prayed secretly in her heart that the poisonous snake had had enough, so she left quickly.

I don't know how long the stalemate lasted, but it seemed to her that it was as long as a century.

The strength of her arm was exhausted, she couldn't hold it anymore, and fell down.

The thick leaves gave her the final protection. She was not killed by the fall, but because she fell to the ground, she instinctively supported the ground with her hands.

The cobra was frightened and attacked her. After being bitten, she was numb all over, and she didn't have time to save herself.

"Zisong, Dongsheng, Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore, I love you."

These were the last words she said before she lost consciousness.

"Big brother, big brother."

Zhou Zisong suffered from snake venom and fell to the ground. At the last moment of landing, he hugged NO.12 tightly and let her fall on him.

"Don't be afraid. I will protect you."

The first thing Zhou Zisong looked at was his wife. After seeing that she didn't fall, he smiled in relief, and spat out the tenderness he had never experienced before.

Zhou Zixu rushed over, carried his elder brother on his back, and ordered No. [-] to carry his sister-in-law.

"Hurry up and go to the hospital."

"Report to the leader. No. 12 has been found. He was bitten by a poisonous snake. He is now dead or alive."

The correspondent came to report to Zhou Baichuan.

"Immediately, the car cleared the way and sent the person to the hospital for emergency treatment."

Zhou Baichuan clenched his fists violently and quickly issued an order.

A fight against the god of death is fought, who wins and who loses?Not worth it.

But he will use his greatest efforts to save the life of the stationer.

(End of this chapter)

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