Chapter 1005

Zhou Zixu naturally wanted to help his elder brother. Seeing him looking at his sister-in-law with affectionate and worried eyes, Zhou Zixu even hoped that his sister-in-law would wake up two days later, so that his elder brother would know how important she was to him.

The eldest brother treated his sister-in-law badly before, so he should be tortured.

"Okay, I'll go to the doctor and ask for the address."

After Zhou Zixu finished speaking, he left the ward, found the doctor and asked for the address and name of the medicine, and sent Zhao Jinchen to buy medicine in City B.

Lu Sihui was boiling medicine at home, smelling the fragrance of the medicine all over the room, she pursed her lips and looked at the bubbling pot of medicine.

She had taken out those medicines for treating snake venom a long time ago, and she was not in a hurry to put them into the medicine at the moment.

Seeing the steam turn the kitchen into a white mist, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Raising eyebrows, stirring the medicinal soup in the pot with chopsticks.

"Sihui, elder brother is awake, but sister-in-law is not awake yet. Eldest brother is so anxious that he refuses to go to rest no matter what, so he sits beside sister-in-law's bed to accompany him."

Zhou Zixu stayed in the hospital until the afternoon, and when he went home to get the medicine, he told Lu Sihui about the situation in the hospital.

"It's right that my sister-in-law didn't wake up. The medicine I gave her was half that of my elder brother."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with a smile, this is her benefit for NO.12!Continue to punish Zhou Zisong, and see if he values ​​her in the future?

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Zixu stretched out his long arms, and pinned his daughter-in-law against the wall. He stared at the naughty daughter-in-law with a smile on his black eyes.

"What do you think? Your elder brother keeps a dark face every day, and he treats Li Yanhong badly. If you don't punish him, who will you punish?"

Lu Sihui raised her chin arrogantly, not caring at all that she was controlled by her husband.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's cute little appearance, Zhou Zixu wanted to kiss her, but Sihui's huge belly became an obstacle between them.

"Son, you just block Dad from looking at Mom."

He looked at Lu Sihui's stomach tenderly, stroked her with his big hands, and his voice was low and full of emotion. We haven't met yet!He is extremely rare.

"How can you be sure it's a son? If it's a daughter, don't you like it?"

Lu Sihui pushed him away unhappy, because she already knew that she was pregnant with a girl, so she still cared about what Zhou Zixu said.

"Girls are better, I will pamper you both together."

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was upset, Zhou Zixu hastily turned on his electric eye and sweet talk.

Lu Sihui couldn't resist when his bright peach blossom eyes released electricity.

Looking at him obsessively, this man is getting more and more masculine and handsome, what should I do?
She loves him more and more.

"Sihui, you are too naughty. If you do this, will sister-in-law be poisoned too much?"

Zhou Zixu put away his sloppy heart, frowned, and taught his daughter-in-law a lesson.

"Don't worry! No, I just want my sister-in-law to wake up two days late to let your elder brother know how important she is to him. If he is not in a hurry and doesn't care about Li Yanhong, then I will wake her up immediately and firmly let her Divorce your eldest brother, such a ruthless man, don't mind."

Lu Sihui's eyes turned cold, that's what she planned to teach Zhou Zisong a lesson, and by the way, see if he had any feelings for Li Yanhong.

"Hey, if you ask for a divorce, just get a divorce? Also, do you think you are a genius doctor? Stop making trouble, it's snake venom, hurry up and give my sister-in-law some medicine. After a long time, I'm afraid that her other organs will also be poisoned."

Zhou Zixu hooked her nose in a funny way, asking his elder brother to divorce?Don't you know that you can't divorce your marriage?

"Don't worry, this medicine will protect the organs and won't be damaged."

Lu Sihui has a solid mind, and she has already asked the robot clearly. Her trick is to put it to death and have a new life. Whether No. 1 is happy or not, and whether she can have a child of her own, is all in one fell swoop.


(End of this chapter)

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