Chapter 1006

Zhou Zixu stroked his forehead, and Lu Sihui looked at him with a frown. This person was startled, and those who didn't know thought that something big had happened?

"what happened?"

"I have already sent Zhao Jinchen to buy medicine in City B, Sihui, if you are naughty once, it will waste people's money."

Zhou Zixu hooked her nose again, and looked at her helplessly, but the girl didn't tell herself that if she had told her earlier, she wouldn't have sent Zhao Jinchen.

"As long as it can make my sister-in-law happy, it's worth spending some money."

"Bring more medicine. I said why did you drive me away yesterday? I felt strange at the time, so you did this?"

Zhou Zixu watched behind Lu Sihui, this time, no matter how much Lu Sihui chased him away, he would not leave.

"End the basin."

Lu Sihui glared at him and asked him to look at the medicine bowl. While he was carrying the medicine bowl, she took the bottle of snake venom medicine and poured it into the small bottle.

No matter what Zhou Zixu said, she still felt that making Zhou Zisong anxious for a day was not considered punishment.

How did Zhou Zisong know that his sister-in-law set him up?
After staying at his wife's bedside for a whole day, he was so tired that he fell asleep lying on the hospital bed, holding Li Yanhong's hand tightly, afraid that if he let go, she would leave him.

Only when life and death are parted, do you know what love is like?
Worried, heartbroken.
Footsteps were heard in the corridor, and the door of the ward opened. Zhou Zisong woke up immediately, and instead of looking at the door, he looked hopefully at his wife on the bed.

"Brother, here is the medicine, you can drink some too."

Zhou Zixu entered the room with the medicine bottle, seeing the elder brother's actions, he was still very moved.

Such a big brother is humane.

"Thank you, let your sister-in-law drink first."

Zhou Zisong's voice was already hoarse, and he couldn't hear the usual majesty at all. He felt as if he had aged several years and was very tired.

Lu Sihui's eyes flickered, she brushed her hair, walked to Li Yanhong's hospital bed with her waist supported.

"Sister-in-law, wake up early! Brother seems to be worried about you?"

Zhou Zisong looked up at her, why did this sound like a bit of sarcasm?Worried about putting it in front of it?
Isn't there irony in the look she looked at Lu Sihui when she raised her head?
Her Adam's apple rolled, she lowered her eyelids, and clenched Li Yanhong's hand.

Outsiders have realized that they treat her badly, so what about Yan Hong's feelings?

Thinking of the way she hesitated to speak when she brought him hot tea, and thinking of her sad eyes when he ignored her.

He really wanted to punch himself a few times, why is he so cold-blooded?

"Give me the medicine, I'll feed her myself, you guys go out!"

Zhou Zisong took the decoction from Zixu's hand. It smelled very offensive, and it smelled bad and tasted bitter, but it was good for the disease.

He started chasing Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu, not wanting anyone to disturb his time alone with Yanhong.

"Zixu, let's go out! Eldest brother should take care of sister-in-law. She has always paid for it, but it turned out that her hot heart was stuck on the iceberg. I saw her secretly crying several times!"

Lu Sihui walked towards the door with her waist on her back, but she was chanting in bits and pieces, deliberately speaking to Zhou Zisong.

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law helplessly, this was a stab at his elder brother's heart.

He looked at the sad back of his elder brother sympathetically, he knew this before, so why bother?
He is not worthy of pity, he is completely on the side of his wife, the eldest brother is not abusive.

The couple with ulterior motives left, leaving only Zhou Zisong and Li Yanhong in the ward.

Zhou Zisong's hand holding the medicine bowl was shaking, Lu Sihui's words were really hurtful.

"Yanhong, do you hate me very much?"

(End of this chapter)

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