Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1007 Planting Her Husband

Chapter 1007 Planting Her Husband
He asked his unconscious daughter-in-law in a hoarse voice, he wanted to hear her say no, it would also make him feel better.

NO.12 on the hospital bed, his eyes were closed, but his eyelashes seemed to move?
But Zhou Zisong, who blamed himself, didn't see it. He was staring at the soup in the medicine bowl.

Taking a small spoon to scoop out a spoonful, when he wanted to feed Li Yanhong, he stopped and stood up.

Lu Sihui, who was so frightened to peek through the crack of the door, hurriedly hid aside, Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law amusedly, how can there be such a sister-in-law?
"Little villain, stop messing around, how embarrassing it is to be discovered by the elder brother?"

He pulled Lu Sihui aside, but he leaned over to look curiously.

The door was pulled open suddenly, and the eldest brother appeared at the door with a cold face, with raging anger hidden in his deep eyes.

"Brother, I want to see if I can help you?"

Zhou Zixu smiled awkwardly, and Zhou Zisong slammed the door shut, not because he hid quickly, his nose must have been broken.


Lu Sihui burst out laughing, Zhou Zixu glared at her: "Is it funny?"

"Indeed. It's funny."

After Lu Sihui finished speaking, she squatted on the ground covering her stomach, and shrugged her shoulders while laughing.

"Planting up your husband, being able to make you happy like this, makes my heart feel cold."

Zhou Zixu covered his heart and looked at his daughter-in-law unrequitedly. His words were matched with his expression.
The smile that Lu Sihui couldn't hold back with great difficulty was hooked again, her stomach hurt from laughing, and the child protested in her stomach, so she stopped.

"Wipe your tears!"

Zhou Zixu handed over the handkerchief considerately, Lu Sihui blinked at him, and took the handkerchief from Juan to wipe away the tears from laughing.

The passing doctors and nurses glared at Lu Sihui angrily, and the patients in the room were still wandering between life and death, laughing as if they were relatives.

Lu Sihui put on an iceberg face and stared at them coldly.

These people hurriedly looked away, bowed their heads and left.

"Daughter-in-law, the aura is strong enough."

Zhou Zixu didn't forget to flatter her.

The inside of the room was very depressing, Zhou Zisong put a towel around his daughter-in-law's neck, picked up a spoon to scoop up the medicine, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and then fed it to his daughter-in-law when it didn't burn.

If Mr. Zhou and Zhou Baichuan saw him at this time, they would definitely feel that they had misjudged the person. It was absolutely impossible for him to be the serious and serious Zhou Zisong.

You know, even if Dong Sheng is sick, Aunt Su will feed the medicine, and Zhou Zisong will stand aside and watch.

Even if the eyes are distressed, the face is also an iceberg face.

But at this moment, he was not only distressed, guilt and self-blame accounted for a greater proportion.

There was uncontrollable pain in the hoarse voice, "Yanhong, is it very bitter?"

He saw that the medicine flowed out from the corner of Li Yanhong's mouth, and her eyebrows frowned, and he took a handkerchief to help her wipe off the medicine stains around her mouth.

If the medicine is left for a while, it will become cold, and the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.

He hesitated and made a quick decision.

He took a spoonful of the medicine and drank it into his mouth, stood up and pinched his daughter-in-law's cheeks, and fed the medicine into her mouth.

This pose is quite...

When his mouth touched her somewhat cold cheek, his heart was startled suddenly, he was really afraid that her blood would be cold.

Prying open her mouth, the liquid medicine entered Li Yanhong's mouth, and she wanted to spit it out, but Zhou Zisong pressed her tongue tightly, and finally swallowed the medicine, and he let her go.

He fed her medicine one mouthful at a time, and as the number of times increased, Zhou Zisong suddenly found that her body was very soft, which made him reluctant to leave.

Heiliang cold eyes stared at the wife on the hospital bed: "Yanhong, as long as you are willing to wake up, I will definitely make it up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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