Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1008 The Chance to Compensate His Wife

Chapter 1008 The Chance to Compensate His Wife

The big rough hand slowly rubbed her pale lips. He wanted to use his own way to stain her pure red. Because he was so pale, he was afraid. Only when there was blood, his heart would not be so flustered.

Mr. Zhou and Zhou Baichuan pushed the door open and entered the room, and what they saw was Zhou Zisong's expression of deep affection and distress.

Having never seen Zhou Zisong like this before, the two chose to quit in a tacit understanding.

"Grandpa, why did you come out?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his grandfather with a playful smile, presumably what was going on in the room was a program that old people shouldn't watch.

The eldest brother is also vigorous enough, and the sister-in-law is unconscious, and he can still do beastly things.

"Why are you outside?"

Master Zhou glared at his grandson without reminding himself.

"I don't want to disturb my eldest brother's two-person world."

Zhou Zixu looked at his grandfather with a smile, raised his eyes and glanced at his father, seeing that he was staring at him accusingly, he quickly put away the smile on his face, and put on a serious expression.

"Your sister-in-law is seriously injured, you are responsible, and you are still smiling like this? Go back and write a self-criticism. Where the command made mistakes this time, you must conduct a deep self-criticism."

Zhou Baichuan stared at his son, he felt guilty and blamed himself yesterday, but he comforted himself!Those who do not come here will return to their original appearance.

He doesn't mind either, just pour some cold water on it.

In any case, if a stationmate had an accident during the exercise, Zhou Zixu, as the command team, would have to undergo investigation and self-reflection.


Zhou Zixu saluted and answered loudly.

Lu Sihui sat on the bench without saying a word, her lips were tightly pressed, which showed that she was very dissatisfied with her father-in-law's punishment.

The condition of NO.12 got better that night, and I started to urinate a lot.

Zhou Zisong poured urine on her without frowning.

After urinating, it is natural to wash frequently. This work can be handed over to the nurse.

But Zhou Zisong felt that this was his chance to compensate his wife.

He decided to wipe her body himself, which was embarrassing. At night, he closed the door of the ward, fetched a basin of warm water, and brought it to the bed.

After working hard for a long time, he reached out and lifted the thin quilt.

NO.12, who was wearing a hospital gown, looked so thin. When he was lying on the bed and covered with a quilt, he seemed to be flat with the bed.

Zhou Zisong was no longer embarrassed, what was left was only distressed,
One by one, she unbuttoned her hospital gown and showed it in front of him.

The blood all over his body seemed to rush to his face at once, Zhou Zisong looked away, his heartbeat was like a train moving fast, and he couldn't control it at all.

Swallowing his saliva, he soaked the towel in warm water and wiped it gently for her.

NO.12 had a ureter inserted, looking very pitiful, when he rubbed it here, he was so distressed that he wanted to pull it out for her.

At the same time, his face turned redder, and it was the first time he looked at her like this.

Quickly wiped it clean, and put on a new hospital gown for her. The heartbeat has not eased, and it is still pounding like a drum.

After the first time, he became more natural and took care of her more carefully during the second and third times.

It's just that every time he touched the two Min positions, he would blush and heartbeat.

Lu Sihui still chooses to cook medicine for NO.12 every day, and all the snake venom on NO.12's body has been removed, but she added sleeping medicine in a nasty way.

Just don't let her wake up, Zhou Zisong doesn't know that his sister-in-law is so bad, otherwise he will definitely be furious.

For three days, Zhou Zisong's eye sockets were sunken, and he never had a good night's sleep except lying down beside his wife's bed for a while when he was sleepy.

Mr. Zhou sent Aunt Su to replace him, but Zhou Zisong insisted on taking care of his wife by himself and did not allow anyone to intervene.

On the night of the third day, a little accident happened
(End of this chapter)

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