Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1010 Don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter 1010 Don't be afraid, I'm here

After the doctor left, NO.12 complained in a low voice, regretted it after finishing speaking, and looked at Zhou Zisong carefully, for fear that he would get angry again.


After hearing this, Zhou Zisong hummed, and when NO.12 thought he had heard wrong, he opened the door and went out.

"Thank you, doctor."

He shouted at the doctor's back, and saluted him with a standard salute. The thank you made the doctor confused.

"You're welcome."

The doctor is a little flattered 1. Surprised, it's not easy to say thank you from this man's mouth.

But he hasn't finished speaking yet!Then Zhou Zisong turned around, opened the door and entered the room, leaving him on the spot.

"This man."

He smiled and shook his head, finally got a thank you, he should be satisfied.

Zhou Zisong pushed the door open and entered the room. Seeing that NO.12 had already sat up, he strode over, took the pillow, and put it behind her considerately.

"Be careful."

The low and hoarse voice attracted NO.1's attention.

Looking up at him carefully, there was a mist in front of his eyes.

He seemed to have lost a lot of weight, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and the thick dark circles under his eyes looked very tired, but he looked at his eyes very brightly, with a very strange feeling.

Unable to control her love for him, she threw herself into his arms regardless.

"Zisong, I thought I would never see you and Dongsheng again. I was really scared. Really, I was really scared to leave you."

She cried and hugged Zhou Zisong's waist tightly, her tears wet his skirt.

"Don't cry."

Zhou Zisong didn't know where to put his hands. He moved his mouth for a long time before he could say a dry word.

But his consolation didn't work at all, instead NO.12 cried so much that the Yellow River flooded.

"Woooo, I'm so scared. When I fell off the cliff, I tried my best to save myself, just not to leave you, but I saw a cobra. I was really scared. I was very afraid of the animal without bones. It's on my head, I can't hold it anymore. Woohoo"

She told the situation intermittently, and Zhou Zisong's eyes were red with distress when he heard it, and his hands hanging by his side couldn't help but pat her on the back lightly, and finally hugged her tightly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'll be with you."

This was the first time he spoke to NO.12 like this. After hearing this, she felt warm in her heart and hugged him even harder.

She felt safer than ever before, with him, even if she fell into the snake's nest, she would not be afraid.

Two hearts stuck together, Zhou Zisong wanted to push NO.12 away, but she hugged her even tighter.
The Adam's apple rolled vigorously, and he felt that something was strangling his throat.
The daughter-in-law fell from the cliff, and her thoughts were on herself and her child.
Just thinking of the image of her falling helplessly like a leaf, Zhou Zisong's heart hurts.
Sitting on the edge of the couch, let her lean on his shoulders, gently wipe the tears off her face with his big hands.

NO.12 The eyes that have been washed by tears are as clear as a lake, and the eyes are full of love and attachment to him.

Facing her like this, Zhou Zisong felt a strong desire to protect, held her thin shoulders tightly, looked into her eyes and slowly lowered his head.

NO.12's heartbeat seemed to freeze instantly, and he looked at Zhou Zisong's sharp-edged, tough face in a foolish way before his eyes.

And what she noticed was only his bright red color, which looked like a tempting apple. She licked her hair and her lips, suppressing the desire to taste it.

Looking at him obsessively, he hugged her pure little by little, her mind went blank, her whole body was trembling, she didn't know what to do except put her arms around his strong neck to support herself?
(End of this chapter)

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