Chapter 1011 Relieved Her
Zhou Zisong kissed her for a long time before he reluctantly let go of her, and looked at her pale little mouth with satisfaction. With his own efforts, it was as rosy as a bright red cherry.


With a low sigh, he hugged Li Yanhong into his arms again.

I found that I can also be overjoyed and sad, she was poisoned by the snake and fell into a coma, he was sad and worried about gains and losses.

He was overjoyed to see her awake, like he'd found a lost treasure.

This strange feeling made him feel that he was also a normal person for the first time.

Li Yanhong didn't understand what he meant when he said too good, she leaned meekly in his arms, her broad chest and fierce heartbeat made her feel relieved.

It's good to be alive and to see him.

"are you hungry?"

Zhou Zisong's deep and mellow voice sounded like a cello's melodious and affectionate voice. Li Yanhong subconsciously hugged his waist, and greedily buried her face in his firm chest. Smelling his tough breath, she was drunk.

I am willing to hold him quietly like this, and don't want to be separated from him for a minute.

"You haven't eaten for several days, are you not hungry at all?"

Zhou Zisong felt his wife's dependence on him. In the past, he was very disgusted with the love of his children, because it was the fetters that restrained the hero.

But now I feel very happy.

"Not hungry, I'm afraid I'll lose you if I let go."

Li Yanhong shook her head in his arms, her voice was soft, full of deep affection for him and fear of losing.

"No, I will never leave you."

When Zhou Zisong said this, a suspicious red color appeared on his cold face.

Afraid of being seen by his wife, he buried his face in her neck.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see her fair neck, which looked like the elegant long neck of a swan. With her head bowed, she had the demure beauty of a Jiangnan woman.

Looking at her, the restless heart became settled.

The two of them hugged each other like this, and neither of them let go until...

Stomach growled inappropriately.

Li Yanhong's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she just said that she was not hungry!At this moment, my stomach starts to sing empty city tricks, it's too embarrassing.

"Hehe, aren't you hungry? You wait for me, go home and ask Aunt Su to make you some supper."

Zhou Zisong laughed softly, pushed away the daughter-in-law in his arms, and seeing her blushing like an apple, couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her lightly.

"No, troublesome people in the middle of the night, I'll just drink some water."

Li Yanhong is a kind girl, she couldn't bear to ask Aunt Su to get out of bed in the middle of the night to cook for herself.

"By the way, there is milk powder. I'll make it for you. It will be dawn soon. What do you want to eat when it dawns? I'll go buy it for you."

Zhou Zisong glanced at the small cabinet in front of the hospital bed, and then remembered that there were a lot of delicious food in it.

There was hot water in the thermos, so he got up to help Li Yanhong make milk powder.

Li Yanhong leaned on the pillow, looking at her husband with tender eyes, she couldn't believe that she got Zisong's love because of a blessing in disguise.

If she had known this, she would have jumped off the cliff earlier, and she would have died and survived.

Zhou Zisong opened the snack bag, which was Zhou Zixu's supper for his eldest brother because he was afraid that he would be hungry in the middle of the night.

It's a pity that he hasn't been able to eat anything these two days. Now, smelling the delicious milk powder and seeing the cakes and pastries in the snack bag, his stomach growled uncontrollably.


Li Yanhong covered her mouth and smiled, her dark eyes looked at Zhou Zisong mischievously.

"What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Zisong asked her seriously, feeling that he was too ashamed.

"Laughing, you are hungrier than me, your stomach growls so loud~!"

Li Yanhong's playful appearance made Zhou Zisong's heart tremble fiercely, and he looked at her deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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