Chapter 1012
Stared at by his deep eyes, Li Yanhong was so frightened that she put away her smile, regretting that she had made a joke with him, and finally eased the relationship, because she returned to the freezing point with a word.

Zhou Zisong saw all her expressions, especially the look of annoyance in her eyes, which really looked like a child who had done something wrong.

He walked to the window with serious steps, and ordered in a cold voice: "Don't lower your head, raise your head."

Li Yanhong was startled, she raised her head abruptly, and looked at Zhou Zisong aggrievedly: "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

She was the same as before, obviously it wasn't her fault, but she was the one who apologized.

Zhou Zisong felt a sudden pain in his heart, and Jianmei couldn't help twisting into knots between his eyebrows.

"Where did you go wrong?"

His voice was harsher than before, Li Yanhong took a deep breath, trying to suppress the grievance in her heart.

"I shouldn't make fun of you, I'm sorry, I won't in the future."

She lowered her eyelids to apologize, her long eyelashes trembled, a crystal teardrop, at some point, ran onto her eyelashes, and dripped down as she blinked.

"In the future... it's not your fault, don't apologize, I'm not a ***, I'm your husband, understand?"

Zhou Zisong felt very distressed when he heard her apology and saw her appearance of doing something wrong.

The voice naturally softened, a pair of big hands wrapped around her shoulders, and patted her gently.

"We are husband and wife, not superiors and subordinates, so you don't have to be afraid."

After saying this, Zhou Zisong realized what made him uncomfortable. The daughter-in-law seemed to be very afraid of him.

"Can I really?"

Li Yanhong raised her head.Looking at him in disbelief.

"Of course, just now, where did you go wrong? My stomach growls louder than yours."

Zhou Zisong looked at her dark eyes soaked with tears, couldn't help stretching out his thumb, and gently scraped away the crystal tear.

Laughing at himself, this is his clumsy attempt to please his wife.


Li Yanhong's joke was really not that high, she couldn't help but burst into tears when she heard him slandering her.

"You look so pretty when you smile."

Seeing her sparkling eyes when she smiled, and seeing that gentle dimple, Zhou Zisong couldn't help blurting out.

Li Yanhong's face turned red again, but her heart was sweet, as if drinking honey.

"Let's eat! I soaked the cake in milk powder, can you taste it?"

Seeing her focused eyes, Zhou Zisong's heart was beating wildly, his blood was boiling, but considering that she had just recovered from a serious illness, he tried his best to restrain himself.

Standing up, he took Fankui and took a spoonful to feed his wife.

"You eat first! You are hungrier than me."

Li Yanhong refused to eat it, she was afraid that if she dirty Fankui, Zhou Zisong would dislike it.

Up to this time, in front of Zhou Zisong, her love is still humble.

"Open your mouth, this is an order."

Zhou Zisong's face darkened, and there was an unquestionable order in his tone.

Li Yanhong hurriedly opened her mouth in fright, the aroma of milk powder and the sweetness of cake quickly spread in her mouth.

The cake soaked in milk powder is soft and melts in the mouth, making it easy to swallow.

She was also really hungry, Xiao Bankui made a cake with milk powder, and she ate it all up.

"If you are full, eat too!"

Clutching her bulging belly, Li Yanhong began to care about Zhou Zisong again.

He just fed himself!She is beautiful, and a flower is blooming brilliantly in her heart.

"Okay, I'll go make some."

Zhou Zisong took the cake made by Fankui that his wife had eaten, and he didn't dislike it at all.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Zisong went out early to buy buns for his wife, and Li Yanhong sat on the bedside, waiting for him to come back.


The door of the ward opened.

(End of this chapter)

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