Chapter 1013
Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui came to see Li Yanhong. Lu Sihui sneaked out to catch a pheasant, boiled chicken soup and brought it to Li Yanhong.

Because she went hunting in the mountains privately, Zhou Zixu was so angry that he didn't eat dinner.

She promised again and again that he was not angry.

When the two entered the room, they saw Li Yanhong sitting on the bed. Her complexion looked very ruddy, her eyes were black and bright, her spirit was not so good, she didn't look like a patient at all.

"All right?"

Lu Sihui asked her in surprise, regretting in her heart, did she take less medicine to make her sleep.

The original plan was to torture Zhou Zisong for a while longer, who made him treat his sister-in-law badly before?
"Okay, thank you, Sihui."

Li Yanhong stretched out her hand to her, her eyes were full of gratitude, she heard from Zisong that it was Sihui who boiled the medicine and saved their husband and wife.

"Why are you being polite? I drank the chicken soup. I stewed it all morning, and I added some ginseng whiskers!"

Lu Sihui shook her head with a smile, since she woke up, she couldn't make her dizzy anymore.

Here he was drinking chicken soup, while Zhou Zisong bought something there and came back early. When he saw his younger brother and his wife, a look of unnaturalness flashed across his face.


Watching his younger brother say something in a muffled voice, he took Fankui and went out to wash up.

"Brother, do you seem ashamed?"

Zhou Zixu chased to the door, looked at the hurrying footsteps of his elder brother, turned his head and smiled slyly at Sihui.

"It's not easy!"

Lu Sihui still didn't like her elder brother, so she said something lightly and poured Li Yanhong a bowl of chicken soup.

"Drink it while it's hot, and it will turn fishy when it's cold, so it's not good to drink."

Zhao Jinchen came back in the afternoon and bought a new medicine for treating snake venom in City B.

During the three or four days he went there, he didn't delay for a moment. He bought the medicine and ran back immediately, fearing that the best time for emergency treatment would be missed.

"Why did you wake up?"

When he went to the hospital and saw Li Yanhong and Lu Sihui chatting and laughing, full of energy, Zhao Jinchen asked a question in disbelief.

"But it's all right."

Zhou Zixu took the medicine he brought back, and his sister-in-law didn't need it anymore, so she donated it to the hospital and saved it to save lives.

"Sihui's medicine is very useful."

Zhou Zisong was in a good mood, and explained to Zhao Jinchen for the first time.

"I remembered that it was her medicine that saved me back then."

Zhao Jinchen looked at Lu Sihui with deep black eyes. Her belly was really big, like a huge ball about to explode.

Lowering his eyelids, he whispered something.

"thank you!"

Zhou Zixu patted Zhao Jinchen on the shoulder, seeing the disappointment in his eyes, Zixu was jealous, and his hand was a little strong.

"I go first."

Zhao Jinchen looked up at his good brother, smiled wryly, and turned to leave.

nothing can go back
After a day of observation in the hospital, nothing serious happened, so Li Yanhong decided to go home at night.

She misses her son.
Mr. Zhou knew that his granddaughter-in-law was ready, so he sent Aunt Su to buy a lot of delicious food, cooked a big table of delicious dishes, and called the whole family home for dinner.

The happiest thing is Dongsheng, who is reluctant to leave when he is around his mother for a moment.

Mother and child love each other deeply, this scene is very moving to watch.

When Zhou Baichuan learned that his daughter-in-law was well, he rushed home immediately after a meeting at his superior unit.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard laughter and laughter, and his cold face also smiled rarely.

The whole family enjoyed this meal, especially with Zhou Zixu around, there was no silence.

His jokes seemed to be in his stomach, and he came as soon as he said them.

"Come on, stop talking, Sihui can't laugh too much, it will cause fetal movement."

Aunt Su took a look at Zixu, she was laughing, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Lu Sihui stopped smiling, she really felt a little pain in her stomach, and couldn't help but frown.

(End of this chapter)

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