Chapter 1023 was born
Lu Sihui returned to the delivery bed again, while Zhou Zixu wandered anxiously outside the door.

"Where's grandpa?"

After turning around a few times, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. After looking around for a week, he realized that his grandfather was gone, not only him, but also Aunt Su.

"Nurse, have you seen a vigorous old man and an aunt in her 50s?"

Zhou Zixu grabbed the approaching nurse and asked. The nurse shook her head blankly and entered the delivery room with a bag of blood plasma.

"Is it the old man sitting on the bench?"

The husband of another woman leaned over and asked him.

"Yes, do you know where he went?"

Zhou Zixu felt uneasy, he grabbed his arm and asked.

"Take it easy, it hurts."

Maternal husbands often twitch their hands while breathing in the air-conditioning.

"Sorry, that's my grandpa, do you know where he went?"

Zhou Zixu hurriedly let go, apologized, and asked anxiously.

"Looks like he had a heart attack and went to the emergency room."

That man was also kind-hearted, pointing to the emergency room and telling Zhou Zixu.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu hurried to the emergency room. He was still worried about his wife's safety, so he wished he could split himself in half.

After Lu Sihui entered the delivery room, she was scolded by the doctor.

"The child's umbilical cord is entangled in the neck, it's very dangerous, don't you know? Still willful at this time? How can you be a mother?"

"Don't worry, my niece told me that it's all right, it's normal."

Lu Sihui made a joke weakly, just as she got on the delivery bed, her stomach seemed to fall off all of a sudden, she hurriedly held her breath.

"I'm going to give birth."

She yelled at the doctor who wanted to teach her a lesson, and the child's head had already popped out over there.

The doctor was terrified, this was a dystocia, and it was judged that she would not be able to give birth for a while, so she planned to cut the child's umbilical cord!The blood plasma was brought over, and the baby was born here?
He was so frightened that he hastily held the child's head, sweat was protruding from the head, and the child would have to be strangled to death when it was born.

As a doctor, I don't want to see this tragedy.

However, the child squeezed out of the mother's body as if in a hurry.

"Wow wow."

Loud cries sounded in the delivery room, and the doctor looked nervously at her neck.

"No? How could it be?"

It's so strange, he brushed it before, the child's neck was wrapped twice, and there were signs of tension, it was impossible to be born alive.

"My daughter got rid of it by herself."

Lu Sihui looked at the child weakly, with a smile of a new mother on her face.

Her daughter was finally safe and sound.

"It's a miracle, this child turned somersault in the mother's womb?"

The doctor was talking to the nurse, and Lu Sihui was so tired that she wanted to close her eyes and go to sleep.

The tense strings were finally relaxed.

Another woman's cries shook her eardrums.

"It's all about having children, so you can't learn from her?"

The doctor reprimanded her angrily. The child just went down here, but when she cried and screamed, the child sucked it up again. Isn't this just asking for guilt?

"Don't cry, let's be strong."

Lu Sihui looked at the pregnant woman and comforted her. This pain is really beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

The doctor did a simple treatment again, took out the placenta, Lu Sihui looked at her belly worriedly, why is it still so big?

"The child weighs so much, he is really a fat baby."

After taking the foot model for the child, the nurse weighed her again, and reported to Lu Sihui with a smile.

"It's very fat."

Looking at the girl with wrinkled skin and glowing red body, Lu Sihui grinned, she didn't look good!
After Zhou Zixu saw his grandfather, he was fine, but his blood pressure was high and he needed an IV drip. The old man urged him to go back to the delivery room.

"gave birth?"

As soon as he arrived outside the delivery room, he heard loud crying inside, but Zhou Zixu was worried about his wife's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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