Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1024 Have you.. got it?

Chapter 1024 Have you.. got it?
He has signed a consent form, first save his wife, will the daughter-in-law be in danger after the child is born?

The door of the delivery room opened, and the nurse came out holding a baby, and congratulated Zhou Zixu with a smile.

"I gave birth to a daughter, she weighs eight catties."


Zhou Zixu hasn't waited to speak yet!The husband of a pregnant woman said something in disgust.

"A daughter is a priceless treasure, what's the matter? Patriarchal? My daughter is worthless."

Zhou Zixu's eyes widened. He just wanted a girl who could pamper them together. 1 How beautiful they are.

The man shrank his neck in fright, avoided his gaze, ran away and squinted.

"Nurse, how is my wife?"

Zhou Zixu took his daughter carefully, and he was about to go to the delivery room again.

"Your daughter-in-law is very good, the birth went smoothly, and there is no danger at all. It is a miracle."

The nurse looked at him appreciatively. He was handsome, loved his wife, and was not patriarchal. How did he find a husband?
"Great, mother and daughter are safe."

Zhou Zixu was so happy that he almost wanted to jump up. He immediately ran to tell his grandfather and handed over the baby to Aunt Su, and then ran back to the door of the delivery room to wait for Sihui.

"Be careful, bring the push bed back to us in a while."

The nurse pushed out Lu Sihui who had been cleaned up, and gave Zhou Zixu some instructions.

Returned to take care of another mother.

"Sihui, you have worked hard."

Zhou Zixu squatted beside the bed, holding his wife's hand tightly. At this moment, he swore to himself that in the rest of his life, he would love the woman in front of him even more.

"What about the child?"

Lu Sihui smiled at him, and looked into his arms, but didn't see that her daughter was in doubt.

"I'll let Aunt Su hold it! I'll take you to the ward first, and I'll carry you back later."

Zhou Zixu took off his uniform and wrapped his daughter-in-law's head. Her head was full of sweat and she was prone to postpartum wind.

When Mr. Zhou saw his great-granddaughter, his blood pressure dropped and his heart beat normally.

It's rare at first glance, the granddaughter is not bad, she can be as smart as Sihui, maybe she will be a female general in the future!
Lu Sihui stayed in the hospital for one day and could be discharged the next day.

In order to take care of her conveniently, she went directly to Zhou's house.

Aunt Su bought several old hens and made chicken soup for Lu Sihui to nourish her body.

Lu Sihui looked at the girl in the car, reluctant to close her eyes and go to sleep.

"Sihui, drink up the chicken soup, it's okay to close your eyes, don't keep them open, it will hurt your eyes, you should get sick when you are old."

Aunt Su entered the room, handed her the chicken soup, and went to change the baby's diaper by herself.

"I don't have milk yet!"

Lu Sihui was a little impatient, she really wanted to raise her daughter herself.

"Don't worry, Zixu is back, let him rub it for you."

Aunt Su made milk powder, and after checking that the temperature was just right, she picked up the baby and nursed it.

"No name yet."

Lu Sihui began to think about her daughter's name again, she always wanted her child's name to be particularly nice.

"The old man is here! Wearing glasses every day, looking up in a dictionary!"

Aunt Su smiled. The old man really attaches great importance to this great-granddaughter.

"Sihui, you have worked hard."

NO.12 The first thing I did when I got home was to see my baby. Looking at the cute little girl, her mother's love was overflowing.

"Sister-in-law, you."

Lu Sihui hesitated for a moment, but did not ask.

The elder brother had already said that she would not be allowed to have a child, so if he asked again, it would be irritating to her.

"Your elder brother has agreed that I have my own baby."

NO.12 looked at Lu Sihui shyly, she didn't tell anyone about it.

"Really, great, do you have it?"

(End of this chapter)

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