Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1025 Thinking about it without seeing it for a day?

Chapter 1025 Thinking about it without seeing it for a day?
"not yet."

NO.12 has bright eyes, and happiness flows in her eyes.

"There are a lot of exercises recently, you get together less and leave more, but it doesn't matter, take your time."

The two sisters-in-law were talking and laughing in the room, and three tall and handsome men came back downstairs.

Zhou Baichuan went to city B for a meeting, and when he came back, Zixu picked him up and gave him a big surprise.

After hearing this, he rushed home without stopping.

Although the cold face is still the same, but the heart is already happy.

"Dad, wait a moment, I'll go and take your granddaughter down."

Zhou Zixu couldn't wait to see his wife and daughter. He used to go to work, and he and Sihui flew together.

Now I'm going by myself, thinking about the two girls in my heart, and I don't want to be separated from them for a minute.

"Baichuan, come here, let's see what name you should name your granddaughter?"

Hearing the voice, old man Zhou came out of the study and beckoned his son to come in.

"You can take it as you see it, the name is just a code name."

Zhou Baichuan took off his hat and put it on the clothes hanger. He was a bit of an amateur when it came to names.

"I originally wanted to get along with Dongsheng, called Donghua, Dongshan."

Hearing his father pronounce his granddaughter's name, Zhou Baichuan's iceberg-like face cracked open.

What are these names?Rustic as hell, Dongshan?Comeback?Is this a girl's name?

"Dad, I think, I should choose this name!"

He said dumbly that he must not let his granddaughter be called such an ugly name.

"Look, you listened to it first, and then I thought these names were not pleasant, so I named a few more, Jingyi, Yingxin, Le Yao."

Master Zhou finished reading his name, took off his glasses and looked at his son.

"Uh, these are quite pleasant to listen to. I'll ask Zixu and Sihui for their opinions later."

After Zhou Baichuan listened, he nodded. He thought it was good. After getting his son's approval, Mr. Zhou smiled complacently.

Zhou Zixu ran upstairs, entered the room and saw NO.12 talking to Sihui, his wish to kiss his wife fell through.

"Sihui, how do you feel today? Does your stomach still hurt?"

Looking at his daughter-in-law tenderly, he asked her with concern.

NO.12 looked at the captain with a smile, her brother-in-law really loved his wife, he didn't even look at the child first when he entered the house, he just looked at the wife.

"Is your brother back?"

NO.12 is also a smart person, stood up with a smile, and asked a casual question.

"Sister-in-law, have you missed my elder brother for a day?"

Lu Sihui teased her, and found that whenever she mentioned Zhou Zisong, her eyes would light up, like a shy little daughter.

"Yes, I thought about it."

NO.12 Jiao 1 glared at her angrily, then walked out with a smile.

As soon as she went out, Zhou Zixu couldn't wait to get to his wife's bed.

The bright peach blossom eyes looked at her with concern, from the head to the feet, and then to the stomach.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Sihui patted him,
"I see if you feel unwell."

Zhou Zixu's eyes fell on his daughter-in-law's enlarged waistline. How could it look like a steamed bun, growing so fast?
"What are you looking at?"

Lu Sihui hit him again, where is this man staring?

"I see my daughter-in-law."

Zhou Zixu bent down and kissed his daughter-in-law with a playful smile, as if he had stolen candy, very proud.

"I don't have milk yet! Our daughter doesn't have a name yet."

Lu Sihui found that after giving birth, she became coquettish.

"Grandpa and my dad are naming the child! If there is no milk, let's feed it milk powder. I have been buying milk powder for the child in the contact person these days!"

Zhou Zixu wiped Sihui's pure skin with his big hand, it was red, moist and soft like a shiny red cherry, delicious.
(End of this chapter)

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