Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1031 I have a soft spot for Zhao Jinchen

Chapter 1031 I have a soft spot for Zhao Jinchen
Both myself and No.12 are happy, and there is a sister who really misses No.[-].

In fact, in her heart, she felt that it was better not to be with Zhao Jinchen on the [-]st, that person was too cold and rigid, and marrying him would be tiring.

"No. 13 is not good to her, but No. [-] is very good to her, just."

NO.12 was a little hesitant, and she didn't really like talking about other people's personalities behind their backs.

"It's just that she, like you, likes moths to a flame, right?"

When Lu Sihui saw that she hesitated to speak, she understood what was going on?
It must be that No. 13 is indifferent to NO.[-], has a special liking for Zhao Jinchen, and has been injured badly, but still has no hesitation.

"You're right. Zixu seems to have mentioned it to No. [-], but he didn't agree."

NO.12 shook his head, seeing today's No. [-], he thought of himself in the past.

Love is so humble, so wronged.

But keep the clouds open to see the moon, she and Zisong are very happy now.

She was not allowed to have children before marriage, but she agreed after marriage.

"I want to go to the unit, even if I can't train, I want to stay in the unit."

Lu Sihui frowned, and was happy with her daughter, but she preferred the atmosphere of the unit.

"Come on, within half a year, you can take care of your children at home. Women will return to their families sooner or later."

Li Yanhong doesn't have much ambition. If she has a child, she wants to live a life of husband and wife.

In this regard, her personality is different from Sihui's.

"All right!"

Here Lu Sihui wanted to go to the work unit, but Zhao Jinchen had returned home from vacation. Number one seemed to have lost his soul and was listless all day long.

Zhao Jinchen left the work unit and returned to Kaoshantun. He saw his younger sister was still lying on the kang, his mother was even older, her back was a little hunched, and a thin person could fall down in the wind.

Dad's hair is white with few black hairs, the sharpness in his eyes is gone, and his eyes are cloudy.

Zhao Jinchen was so sad that he couldn't speak, and his young niece was also a worried child.

Because my mother has no milk, she can only eat rice cereal, which makes her more noisy, always crying as if she is not full.

The mother has to take care of the children, and also has to take care of the younger sister, and even hard-nosed people can't bear it.

"Dad, Mom, I want to go home,"

Zhao Jinchen raised this question again, and Zhao Yaozu stepped forward and slapped his son.

"You bastard, you are the pillar of the country, how can you give up everyone for the sake of a small family? We don't need you to deal with it."

Zhao Jinchen closed his eyes sadly. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, and he deeply understands it.

"Dad, you and Mom are getting older every day. How long can you take care of my sister like this? My brother is going to take the college entrance examination this year, and there are only you and the old couple left at home, what should we do?"

Zhao Jinchen's voice was a little excited, and he looked at his sister on the kang with sad eyes.

She was also looking at herself with dark eyes, like a female ghost crawling out of a cemetery.

"What else can I do? One day of serving is one day. In the future, before I leave with your mother, I will send her away first."

Zhao Yaozu looked at his daughter, if he didn't learn well, he would end up today.

He will never let her drag Jin Chen and the second child down again.

"Dad, that's too cruel. I want to go to the Disabled Person's Federation and see if I can find a place for him?"

Zhao Jinchen wanted to send his sister away so that his parents could relax.

"No, I heard that people always die in the madhouse, and your sister is paralyzed, so she won't survive for a few days after entering."

Zhou Guifang cried, no matter how much her daughter dragged others down, she couldn't bear to die.

But she is like this now, when will she be the head?What would she do if she and her wife died?
(End of this chapter)

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