Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1032 Winning Again

Chapter 1032 Winning Again
"There is an orphanage, I'll ask someone to take a look."

Zhao Jinchen frowned deeply, feeling uncertain in his heart.

To be able to go to the orphanage, you must be a household with five guarantees, and you have no relatives at home.

But in his family, his parents are still alive, and he has both elder brothers and younger brothers. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to accept it.

"Let's talk about it when we can't take care of her! We can't cause trouble for the country."

Zhao Yaozu waved his hand to refuse, lit the cigarette in annoyance, took a deep breath, and surrounded himself with the smoke he exhaled.

"Last time I said, I found someone to serve Yuying in the village, why didn't I do it?"

When Zhao Jinchen saw his parents surrounded by sorrowful clouds, his heart seemed to be crushed by a huge rock, which made him feel so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

"Your brother's college entrance examination this year, the score is estimated, and there is hope to go to college, we can't waste money."

Zhou Guifang wiped away her tears secretly, the family is too difficult now, life is dragging down and panicking.

"Then I'll go home, I can't just watch you die from exhaustion."

Zhao Jinchen came up stubbornly again and made up his mind.

"You're home, where did the second child get the money to go to school?"

Zhao Yaozu got angry again and smothered the smoke fiercely.

For an ignorant daughter, ruining two promising sons is more painful than killing him.

"I can find a unit to go to work when I go home, so that I can go home at night and help you share."

Zhao Jinchen took a deep breath, he loved this uniform so much, and there was another person in the unit that he couldn't let go of.

Although she is married, he can't expect extravagantly, but occasionally seeing her heroic appearance makes him feel very happy.

However, he lives with guilt and self-blame, the more he likes her, the more he feels sorry for Zixu.

It's okay to leave, to forget her.

"Old man, what your son said is right. Our bodies are getting worse day by day. If we collapse, what will happen to this family?"

Zhou Guifang hoped that someone could share the burden for her, and now she was a bit powerless to serve her daughter.

"No, send this girl back to the Zhou family, our Zhao family cannot raise children for their family."

Zhao Yaozu gritted his teeth, and finally set his sights on his granddaughter.

The cost of raising her is not small. The girl has no milk, so she can only beg from the owner and the west, and find those women who have given birth to feed her.

But one time, two times, after a long time, people don't do it.

Now I have to buy goat milk every day, and it’s a lot of money in a month!
The Zhou family didn't care about it at all, and didn't pay a penny. It's not something people do.

"Dad, this can't be done. You have seen the Zhou family's attitude. Can you treat the child well? They didn't even look at Xiaoyu when she was born. They even rushed back with their sister and sent the child back. They would abuse her. It doesn't work."

Zhao Jinchen flatly refused. His family was poor, but they could still afford to raise a child.

Zhou Zixu won the national competition again. Last year's opponent, Zheng Yaoxian, went home. For the others, Zhou Zixu had known their routines for a long time, so he easily won the championship.

Zhou Zisong accompanied his younger brother after the competition, and went directly to the special training school for further study. He participated in the training for senior officials, and his main learning was station strategy command.

Zhou Zixu was eager to return home, instead of accompanying his elder brother to the special training school, he chose to go home directly.

Just after returning to work, he received Zhao Jinchen's application for retiring from the fifth grade, and this time, he was extremely determined.

"Zixu, you don't need to keep me anymore. My parents are not in good health, and my sister and niece can't take care of them. I have to go back."

Zhao Jinchen's gaze was firm, and his words carried an unquestionable determination.

"Is it okay to wait two days, I have to respond to the leader, you go back first!"

(End of this chapter)

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