Chapter 1033 Difficulty

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a frown. It is not easy to train a falcon. The country has spent a lot of manpower and material resources. It seems that only one person left, and the unit lost a lot.

"All right!"

Zhao Jinchen lowered his head and looked at his uniform with longing eyes.

"Actually, can't your sister be sent to the orphanage?"

Zhou Zixu frowned wearily, and suddenly thought of a good place. He didn't know that Zhao Jinchen had proposed it long ago, but his father vetoed it.

"No, my dad said you can't cause trouble for the country."

Zhao Jinchen moved his eyes from the uniform to Zhou Zixu, with a trace of exhaustion in his voice.

"Well, you go back first."

Zhou Zixu's eyes dimmed after hearing this, and he waved him away.

He went to the superior unit non-stop, found Deputy Minister Ma, and reported the situation of Zhao Jinchen's family to the leader.

"It's a pity."

Vice Minister Ma also sighed repeatedly, it was hard to find a good stationer, and Zhao Jinchen's overall quality was one of the best in the unit.

"Vice Minister Ma, I have a proposal."

Zhou Zixu told the deputy minister about the hidden plan he had thought about before.

"Your proposal is good, but what department is it arranged in?"

Vice Minister Ma nodded in agreement after hearing this, hesitating where it would be better to place him.

"The public security system!"

Zhou Zixu has already figured it out, it's normal for him to go home to law enforcement or do security work.

"I'll discuss it with the leader."

Vice Minister Ma didn't agree immediately, so Zhou Zixu had to return without success.

When he got home at night, he was still in deep thought. Lu Sihui coaxed Swift to sleep before coming to chat with him.

"Why are you still frowning when you get the first place?"

In order to commend her husband for winning the first place, she personally made tea for him, which is considered very gentle and virtuous.

"That kid Zhao Jinchen went home again."

Zhou Zixu took his wife's hand, let her sit on his lap, buried his face in her neck and took a deep breath.

It was the smell he was familiar with, but it smelled better than before, with a touch of milky smell.

"Five back again?"

Lu Sihui's neck was itchy from the heat from his nose, she raised her hand to push him away, and looked into his eyes to ask.

"Yes, it's still that Zhao Yuying, and her daughter. It's really not enough to succeed, but more to fail."

Zhou Zixu sighed, reluctantly left his wife's neck, the worry in his eyes was more serious than before.

"That can't be helped. It may be a good thing for him to go home. Provincial No. [-] is fascinated by him."

Lu Sihui didn't think so, Zhao Jinchen was a good iron-blooded man, but she just found him awkward.

Because he always pays attention to himself if there is nothing, and there is an indescribable feeling in his eyes, which makes her very uncomfortable anyway.

"He's your comrade, with a heart of stone."

Zhou Zixu nodded her eyebrows, but he didn't expect Sihui to say that.

"so what?"

Lu Sihui raised her chin, her eyes were a little indifferent.

No one can be a comrade for a lifetime, Zhao Jinchen will go home sooner or later, and it's okay to go back to help his parents share the pressure.

"Oh, I can't bear it. I reported it to Deputy Minister Ma. He said that he would discuss with the leaders. Regarding the matter of lurking, it may be difficult."

It can be said that Zhou Zixu did his best for Zhanyou, worried about his worries, and tried his best to keep him in the work unit.

Lu Sihui looked at the children in Youche, Swift was full and was still laughing while falling asleep.

Seeing the child's cute appearance, she was in a good mood, and the corners of her mouth curled up beautifully.

If the other party wasn't Zhao Yuying, she would do Zhao Jinchen a favor and heal him.

But Zhao Yuying.
forget it!When the scourge is cured, it's time to torment the good people.

"Sihui, what are you thinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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