Chapter 1034
Seeing Lu Sihui smile, Zhou Zixu asked her depressedly. He really felt that his wife had always been unfriendly to Zhao Jinchen.

Half a month later, Zhao Jinchen's five-year-retirement report was approved, and he had no other additional status, but he was still recommended to work in the public security system.

This can be regarded as the last effort of the unit for him. The settling expenses are quite large, enough for Zhao Jinchen's younger brother to go to college.

On the day the report was approved, Zhao Jinchen ran around the playground all day alone, and no one could tell whether it was sweat or tears on his face.

"Jin Chen, my brothers treat you to a drink tonight."

Zhou Zixu was in the worst mood. His comrade for many years had saved him before, but this time he tried his best to help him, but he failed.

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home."

After Zhao Jinchen finished speaking, his feet softened and he lay on his back on the grass.

The setting sun was like the orange-red duck egg yolk, reflecting his eyes red.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he wanted to seal the breath of the unit in his memory forever.

Number one has been on the sidelines of the training field, watching Zhao Jinchen torture herself, she suddenly felt like crying, and even wanted to run over impulsively, hug him, and use her soft, weak shoulders to comfort his lost mood.

It's a pity that there seems to be a nail nailed under the foot, and it cannot be pulled out.

She knew that she couldn't keep him, and she also knew that she couldn't live in his heart.

During dinner in the cafeteria at night, the stationmates sang in unison to send off the stationmates. Zhao Jinchen sang with everyone with tears in his eyes.

"Send station friends, embark on a journey, silent, two tears"

When he sang to this point, the iron-clad man burst into tears.

Zhou Zixu was by Zhao Jinchen's side, with his big arms around his shoulders.

"I will visit you, our friendship will never be broken."

"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen wiped away his tears and continued to sing with his comrades.

After leaving the cafeteria, Zhou Zixu drove Zhao Jinchen, No. 13, No. [-], and Deputy Team Wu to the city for dinner. These were comrades who had a good relationship with Zhao Jinchen.

"I'll go as well."

No. 12 and No.[-] also stood up, especially No. [-], whose eyes were extremely determined.

"Okay, go and drive another car."

Zhou Zixu's Adam's apple rolled, and when he was in the cafeteria, most of his friends cried, including himself.

The place to eat is on the side street. This is a small restaurant opened by Tuiwu old station friends, the kind allowed by the state.

"Old Mu, serve more wine, and serve the meat and vegetables on top!"

Zhou Zixu talked to the boss as soon as he entered the door. As for what to cook, he didn't care, the purpose was to drink anyway.
"I'll go get number eight."

No. [-] stood up, No. [-], Zhao Jinchen, and herself had all trained in the inner mountain of Gushantun. He left the unit, and she should also want to practice for him.

When Zhao Jinchen heard her words, his eyes fluctuated, and he also looked forward to seeing Lu Sihui again.

But soon the light in his eyes dimmed, wouldn't it be better not to see him?

"Go! They are all comrades who trained together, so they should come to see Jin Chen off."

Zhou Zixu nodded, he didn't want to leave right now.

The brothers started pouring wine to each other before the dishes were served.

No. [-] left sadly. When she was driving, she opened all the car windows, and the wind blew her short hair, and the roots flew up.

Her emotional intelligence is not high, as a comrade, she only knows about training, and it was Zhao Jinchen who lived in her heart unknowingly.

Once you live here, you will never forget it.

But his gaze didn't stay for her. During this time, she discovered the secret in Zhao Jinchen's heart.

And the secret made her miserable
Lu Sihui was playing with her daughter at home, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart for no reason.

Zhao Jinchen was allowed to go home, but she did nothing for him.

"Number Eight, follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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