Chapter 1035 Have Another Cup

As soon as she put her daughter into the leisure car, No. [-] ran upstairs in a hurry, entered the door and pulled Lu Sihui out, without stopping for a moment.

"Where to go?"

Lu Sihui looked at her daughter nervously, but fortunately, she didn't cry.

"The leader is practicing for No. [-]. They are all friends on the same station. You should go there too!"

No. [-]'s voice sounded very hoarse, and when he spoke, it gave people a feeling of enduring pain.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui was silent for a moment and did not refuse. This was the last time she saw Zhao Jinchen.

No. [-] drove very fast, the jeep seemed to be flying, and the bumps were uncomfortable.

The wheels raised dust all over the sky, and followed closely behind the car.

Lu Sihui looked sideways at No. [-], her eyes were black, like a silent dead sea, filled with endless sadness.

A female iron-blooded team member with strong willpower is also so fragile in front of love words.

"Sihui, I know the secret in Jin Chen's heart, he doesn't have me in his heart."

As the sun set and darkness fell, the cold voice of No. [-] suddenly sounded in the dimly lit car.

Lu Sihui looked at her silently, she didn't know how to answer her?
"He is just like me, unrequited love, but I still have some hope, but he has no hope at all."

What No. [-] said made Lu Sihui even more speechless. She looked sideways out of the car window. She didn't want to discuss this matter because she had no feelings for Zhao Jinchen.

In the past, it could be said that it was because he wronged her twice, but later, it was because he always looked at her with that kind of deep gaze, which made her feel uncomfortable, so she didn't want to talk to him.

However, being in the same village and being a comrade, what happened to him now is really pitiful.


No. [-] couldn't wait for Lu Sihui's answer, she sighed leisurely, she thought, she already knew Lu Sihui's attitude.

She stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and at this speed, it was already more than half an hour when the two of them arrived at the entrance of the small restaurant.

Get out of the car, before entering the house, I heard the singing of sending off friends from inside, the deep sadness can be felt outside the door.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, I found that the faces of several men were flushed from drinking, but the dishes on the table were hardly touched.


Seeing his wife coming, Zhou Zixu stood up and waved to her. He, who claimed to be drunk after a thousand cups, actually became drunk. His eyes were red, I don't know if it was because of drinking or crying.

"Why didn't you wait for us?"

No. [-] forced a smile on his face, and looked at Zhao Jinchen jokingly as he entered the door.

She stared at him boldly. She wanted to see him so close in the future, but she had no chance.

"And wine."

Zhao Jinchen's body was stiff when Lu Sihui entered the door, forcing himself not to look at her.

Hearing the question on the [-]st, he just answered lightly, filled himself another cup, raised his neck and poured it into his mouth, as if it was boiled water.

After drinking a glass, he filled another, and when he was about to pour it down, he was snatched away by No. [-].

"You drank it all up."

She was smiling, but she looked at him with reproachful eyes.

Zhao Jinchen looked at her quietly, didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, motioning for her to return the wine glass to him.

"This cup is mine."

No. [-] didn't care what he meant, raised his neck, and drank from his wine glass in one gulp.

Embarrassment flashed across Zhao Jinchen's eyes, and he subconsciously wanted to look at Lu Sihui.

"No. [-], how do you grab the wine from No. [-]?"

NO.12 stood up, and she also drank a lot. She was a little dizzy at the moment, and reached out to grab the cup in No. [-]'s hand, but it was empty.

"Continued Cup."

No. [-] stared at Zhao Jinchen, with an empty cup in front of him, and looked at him affectionately with his dark and quiet eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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