Chapter 1037
The words of No. [-] aroused Zhou Zixu's interest. He wanted to contribute to the flames and seek happiness for his good brother.

"Number one, speak boldly, today the captain will make the decision for you."

"Everyone applaud together to encourage number one."

After Zhou Zixu's booing, No. 13 and Deputy Team Wu stood up excitedly, only No. [-] looked at No. [-] sadly.

He had known for a long time that No. [-] liked No. [-], and the way she looked at him was completely different from how she looked at herself.

"Okay, number one, speak boldly, represent our team, and practice with Comrade Zhao Jinchen."

Vice Captain Wu said jokingly, but what he said was very strategic, without mentioning the relationship between men and women.

Lu Sihui applauded along with the comrades, encouraging No. [-] to continue to express her love.

Zhao Jinchen was in the mood of riding a tiger, and it was impolite to withdraw his hand, and he seemed petty, but he didn't want to hear what Number One wanted to say.

"Number two, I like you, I want to be your wife, and I want to share the burden of your family with you."

No. [-] took a deep breath and looked firmly into Zhao Jinchen's eyes. If she didn't speak out today, she would never have another chance.

The other comrades were silent for a while, and stopped with their hands in the air. In this era, I have never seen a woman who dares to court in public.

"Okay, encouragement, women in the new era should boldly pursue happiness."

Zhou Zixu was the first to applaud, and Lu Sihui stood beside him with a smile, looking at No. [-] with admiration.

Don't think she is from the last days, but in this respect, she doesn't have No. [-] courage.

"Don't mess around, you've had too much to drink, you can't drink any more."

Zhao Jinchen said something bluntly, turning No. [-]'s affectionate confession into her drunken gibberish.

He forcibly pulled her hand away and pulled his arm out. He put the glass of wine on the table, and instead of looking at the injured expression in No. [-]'s eyes, he looked down at the glass in a daze.

"I'm not talking nonsense. I like you. It's been two years. I like you. I don't care about your family's burden. I will bear it with you. I just hope you can give me a chance."

On the first day, she cried, and she dared to speak out her heart with the strength of alcohol, but he ruthlessly rejected her.

It felt like someone had ripped a big hole in my heart, dripping with blood.

"Jinchen, I think you are a good match. You have been training together in the mountain village, and you can say that you are flying together. Where can you find such a deep relationship and such a good woman?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and scolded Zhao Jinchen. This man is a lump of elm, and he doesn't know how to behave.

"I don't need it. I won't marry a wife in my life. Thank you for your kindness."

Zhao Jinchen's Adam's apple rolled and counted, and when he said these words, his voice sounded very difficult.

"Okay, I'm self-indulgent, leader, I'm a little dizzy, go back first."

No. [-] cried and drank the wine in the glass, put down the glass and ran out of the hotel.

"I'll go see her."

Lu Sihui stood up and chased after her, NO.12 gave Zhao Jinchen a look.

"You deserve to be single."

She complained about No. [-], he didn't want such a good woman, he deservedly didn't have a wife.

Zhao Jinchen never raised his head, picked up the wine glass on the table, and directly poured it into his mouth.

The hot, spicy liquor rolled down his throat, all internal organs were completely occupied by the hotness.

Lu Sihui chased out of the restaurant, and grabbed Number One who was running wildly.

"Do not be sad."

She persuaded in a low voice, No. [-] quickly wiped away her tears, and tried to force a smile at her.

"I'm not sad, at least I've said what I feel in my heart. Unlike him, he is a coward. The person I like doesn't dare to confess, and I regret it for the rest of my life."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lu Sihui with burning eyes.

NO.12 then ran over, and when he heard her words, he subconsciously looked at Lu Sihui.

(End of this chapter)

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