Chapter 1038
"Why do you care? Luohua intends to be ruthless, and this is too much. Forget it. Since he doesn't appreciate it, then forget it. You deserve a better man."

Lu Sihui looked at her calmly and said very clearly, I am not interested in him, I have never liked Zhao Jinchen for a second.

NO.12 didn't come forward and chose to leave, she didn't want to know the secret she shouldn't know.

"I know, I just want to not leave any regrets, Sihui, and I also know that you never liked him."

No. [-] smiled miserably, and his eyes became firm again.

Lu Sihui smiled and patted her on the shoulder, not feeling embarrassed at all.

She can't control other people liking her, all she can do is ignore him.

In the restaurant, the atmosphere was a bit delicate, NO.13 glared at Zhao Jinchen angrily.

"No. [-] and No. [-] are a good woman. I like her. If she likes me too, I will be happy to forget my last name. But you, for hurting such a good woman, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life."

"Tsk, NO.13, don't follow along."

Vice-team Wu pulled him to sit down, really didn't see that No. 13 and NO.[-] still had such small thoughts.

The training tasks in the unit are so heavy, but they can still develop feelings?

"Jin Chen, I think you should think about it,"

Zhou Zixu looked at him seriously. He understood some things, but he didn't point them out.

Because he believed in Jin Chen's character, but for any man, he felt uncomfortable if a good brother liked his wife.

"I don't want to drag anyone down with my family's situation. In this life, I can only guard Yuying and not harm her."

Zhao Jinchen looked up at Zhou Zixu with pain and despair in his eyes.

This is the first time he has shown such an expression. In the past, he was always expressionless, indifferent and arrogant like his elder brother.

"You think it's bitter, but here on No. [-] you think it's sweet, why don't you understand?"

Zhou Zixu was furious. Women can boldly express their love, but he has been holding back.

"Stop talking, I'm single all my life."

Zhao Jinchen's resolute attitude left Zhou Zixu speechless.

"Drinking, your business, the only person who can decide is you."

Zhou Zixu simply invited everyone to drink, and he would not return if he was not drunk.

After the meal, Zhou Zixu asked the boss to pack the dishes and gave them to Zhao Jinchen. He paid the bill, a total of more than 20 yuan. His half-month salary was gone, but he felt it was worth it.

Lu Sihui sent No. [-] away and drove back to pick up Zhou Zixu. She was worried that he drank too much.

As soon as he arrived at the restaurant, he saw Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen hooking their shoulders together, their feet spread out. Looking carefully, it was Zhao Jinchen who drank too much, and Zhou Zixu was supporting him.

"Deputy Captain Wu, I order you to send him back to the unit safely, wash off the alcohol, and then go to bed."

Zhou Zixu gave orders to Deputy Team Wu, and he was the only one who drank less.

"Get in the car!"

Lu Sihui was the driver of Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen.

On the way back to the village, Zhao Jinchen leaned his head against the car door, closed his eyes tightly, and seemed to be asleep.

"You sent number one back?"

Zhou Zixu glanced sideways at the back seat and saw that Zhao Jinchen was asleep, so he asked Lu Sihui in a low voice.

"Well, she sent it back, and she cried all the way."

Lu Sihui nodded, and told about the situation on the [-]st, who said that a resolute person can't cry?That's because she didn't encounter sad things.

"Oh, I really admire No. [-], a bold girl who is also bold and careful when performing tasks. If Jin Chen really marries her, he will be happy."

"Yes, whoever marries No. [-] will be happy." Lu Sihui nodded in agreement.

Zhao Jinchen in the back seat moved his eyelashes.

(End of this chapter)

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