Chapter 1062 Please don't worry
After Zhou Zixu finished speaking, he walked upstairs. He couldn't see Swift for a day, and his heart was empty.

In the bedroom, Swift was like a quiet little angel, sleeping soundly. The sound of his father entering the room did not disturb him.

Zhou Zixu stood in front of the crib, his evil peach eyes were full of tenderness, his daughter's face was pink, and her cherry red mouth was like the most beautiful flower bud. I don't know what dream I had, The corner of her mouth was curved into a smile, she looked very soft and cute.

Zhou Zixu couldn't help but bent down, and kissed Swift's chubby face lightly. The tangy milk fragrance inspired Zixu's fatherly heart.

"Yuyan, Dad is willing to protect you all his life and not let anyone bully you."

His whisper sounded like disturbing the sleeping Swift, the child frowned slightly, turned his face and continued to sleep.

Zhou Zixu chuckled, his daughter seemed to be a sleepy god, and she was really good at sleeping.

"Zixu, here's the money."

The old man Zhou returned to his room to collect the money, passed by Zixu's room, and saw Zhou Zixu loving his daughter, the old man smiled in relief.

The rebellious grandson loves the child no less than others.

"Thank you grandpa."

Zhou Zixu took the Dachuan knot from his grandfather, and saluted him with a smile.

An old man in a family is like a treasure, and grandpa is the treasure of the Zhou family.

"go quickly!"

Mr. Zhou waved his hand and chased his grandson away, while he smiled and moved to his great-granddaughter's crib, looking at her curiously.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and smiled, walked out gently with his long legs, for fear of waking up his precious girl from the loud noise.

"Zixu, the buns are ready, take them away!"

Aunt Su was thoughtful, she not only brought buns, but also filled with soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, and two heads of garlic.

"Aunt Su, don't take the garlic, it smells bad in the hospital."

Zhou Zixu said something with a smile, carrying a big cloth bag, and walked out the door.

"I want to go see it too."

Aunt Su called him to stop hesitantly, but Zhou Zixu shook his head and refused: "Aunt Su, there are one old and two children at home! Just help me take care of the logistics! The hospital has me and Sihui."

Leaving home, driving to the hospital, thinking about Uncle Zhao, he is the pillar of the family, so don't worry about anything.

In the hospital

The emergency room was still being rescued, and the surgeon came over in person. After the examination, he asked the patient to be sent to the operating room immediately.

Zhao Jinchen heard that his father was going to have a craniotomy, so he sat down on the stool with weak legs.

People at this time think that if their heads are opened, can they still live?
"Doctor, is it possible to treat conservatively?"

Zhou Zisong was calmer and went to discuss with the doctor.

"Patients with cerebral hemorrhage will die without surgery. There is no guarantee that the operation will be cured. The best case is that the patient cannot take care of himself. The worst case is that the operation is halfway through and the person is gone. Decision, 1 minute late, 1 minute more life-threatening.”

The doctor's words are like a death sentence for Zhao Yaozu, and he will die no matter what.

"Jin Chen, what do you think?"

Zhou Zisong frowned and looked at Zhao Jinchen. In this situation, it is difficult for outsiders to make a decision.

"No more surgery, doctor, you can prescribe some medicine."

After a fierce ideological struggle, Zhao Jinchen finally decided that he didn't want his father to suffer anymore and let him die with dignity.

But this decision made him heartbroken, and there was suppressed pain in his voice.

Zhou Zisong looked at him deeply. This choice sounds cruel, but it is for the good of the patient.

"Okay! Since you have decided this way, we will not rescue it, and treat it conservatively!"

The doctor glanced at Zhao Jinchen complainingly, and said something in a cold voice.

"Jin Chen?"

(End of this chapter)

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