Chapter 1063

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, Zhao Jinchen fell to the ground and passed out.

Made a decision, but could not bear the cruel reality.

Zhou Zisong grabbed him, otherwise he would fall headfirst on the ground and he would be injured.

"Doctor, help, he fainted."

Zhou Zisong called the doctor in a deep voice, feeling sorry for Zhao Jinchen.

The doctor was busy rescuing Zhao Jinchen, while Zhou Zixu took the money to the cashier to pay and get his certificate back.

"Come back so soon? Don't worry."

The little girl who received the money was obviously well-groomed, looking at the thin eyebrows, lipstick and cream on her mouth.

Seeing Zhou Zixu coming, she smiled brightly, like a red flower in full bloom, and looked at Zhou Zixu with affection in her eyes, indescribably shy.

He frowned and glanced at her. Having been courted by many women, he naturally knew why this girl was making such gestures.

Zhou Zixu felt disgusted and looked cold, and said solemnly: "I don't like procrastination, please give me my work card."

Zhou Zixu with a cold face was not angry and pretentious. People with ice on their bodies have evil spirits, and they exude at this moment, like an iceberg, so cold that people dare not approach them.

The little girl was a little aggrieved, and looked at him with her mouth pouted: "I helped you just now, and you didn't recognize anyone in a blink of an eye?"

Those sad eyes seemed to be looking at a heartbroken man.

The cashier is 23 years old this year, her name is Zhang Moli, her parents are the leaders of the hospital, and she has not yet found a suitable boyfriend because of her arrogance.

Also because of this, the little girl was in a hurry. When she saw the man she liked, she naturally wanted to win his heart quickly.

Dress up, want to attract his attention, chat with yourself, and ask a matchmaker to introduce you.

Unexpectedly, for Saihua, who thought she was dressed up delicately, Zhou Zixu looked at her with disgust and coldness.

The proud self-esteem couldn't take it anymore, and tears rolled in the circles of his eyes.

"Thank you, please give me my work card."

Zhou Zixu frowned and thanked him. After finishing what he had to say, his impatience escalated.

"My name is Zhang Moli, I am 23 years old, how about you?"

Who knew, he was being polite, Zhang Moli pursed her lips and smiled, looking at him with sticky eyes, her voice was so gentle that water dripped out.

"Comrade, are you still working?"

The family members of the patient who were behind Zhou Zixu were anxious, why is this going on forever?
After a while, a long queue was suffocated.

"Please take out my work card immediately."

Zhou Zixu's face changed completely, this Zhang Moli was a bit aggressive.

He had a gloomy face, his eyes were sharp and frightening, Zhang Moli didn't dare to say any more, she handed him her work ID in aggrieved manner, and took the money by the way.

Reluctantly watching Zhou Zixu leave without looking back.

"Are you here to work, or are you dating? You are waiting for help over there!"

The family members of the patient said angrily about their work attitude, they should report it to the leader.

"What's the noise?"

Zhang Moli lost the gentleness she had just now, and sternly questioned the patient's family, snatched the money angrily, and glared at these people by the way.

I thought in my heart that it was because of their urging that Zhou Zixu left in anger.

"What's your attitude? It's too outrageous. The men don't even look at you. Ugly people make trouble."

The people in line started to get anxious, and they couldn't speak well.

"Be honest, queue up, I won't charge you if you keep arguing, when will you apologize to me, and when will you collect money again."

(End of this chapter)

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