Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1067 Slandering My Woman

Chapter 1067 Slandering My Woman

Her angry look made Lu Sihui laugh.

"Zixu, tell her, who am I to you?"

She looked at Zhang Moli amusedly, and wanted to see how she would react when she found out that she was Zhou Zixu's wife?
When his wife gave the order, Zhou Zixu naturally cooperated with all his strength, with a bright smile on his face, and he said lightly: "My daughter's mother, the woman I love the most."

"You have a kid?"

Zhang Moli looked at Zhou Zixu sadly, but she didn't care about getting married, how could a girl with a yellow flower compare to a married woman?
And don't look at that female gentleman who is beautiful, but cold and arrogant. Such a woman is not feminine, and men don't like it.

Unexpectedly, she actually had a baby with him?This made Zhang Moli feel that the person she liked had been desecrated. She was very angry and sad.

"What's so strange, you don't want children when you get married?"

Zhou Zixu folded his hands and looked at her contemptuously, the disgust in his eyes was undisguised.

For this kind of woman, you just can't give a good face, otherwise, you will get more and more.

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhao Yaozu who was pushing the bed, she didn't have time to talk nonsense with this woman, so she strode towards the water room.

A few minutes of delay might have cost Zhao Yaozu's life. She will take care of this woman.

Seeing Lu Sihui leaving, Zhang Moli sniffed and then showed a smile that she thought was very beautiful.

"Let me help you contact the bed!"


Zhou Zixu refused in a cold voice. If the doctor couldn't squeeze out a couch, he would find a way through the dean, and there was no need to accept this woman's help.

That was an excuse for her to get close to herself.

"Why are you so impersonal?"

Zhang Moli looked at him with tears in her eyes, she was so arrogant, she didn't care that he got married and had children, why did he still speak coldly to her.

"My daughter-in-law can't tolerate sand in her eyes, and she speaks dirty words, so don't affect your reputation then, please respect yourself."

Zhou Zixu saved some face for her, so he stopped talking to her after he finished speaking, and pulled Zhao Yaozu's push bed to block between the two of them.

The disgust was obvious, if she couldn't see it, she would be blind.

"Why? Why is she jealous? Can't you have friends of the opposite sex when you get married? It's petty, you can't get on the stage, and you look cold, not feminine at all."

Seeing Zhou Zixu like this, Zhang Moli took all her anger on Lu Sihui, since she wasn't there anyway, so if she could slander her, she just said a few more words, maybe Zhou Zixu would despise her after hearing it?

Dare to say Sihui?

In Zhou Zixu's dark eyes, a cold light flashed past, like dark swirls, brewing a storm that would engulf everything, and shot towards Zhang Moli.

"She is the most beautiful woman in my eyes, little girl, you are slandering my woman, so I will not let you go, I will tell the dean about your words and deeds, and ask him if she is a girl from your hospital, Are you all talking like you, stalking and stalking?"

The low voice was full of majestic chill and arrogance.

Zhang Moli took two steps back in fright. He was obviously smiling, and he looked like the kind with a good temper. How could he be so scary all of a sudden?
"Comrade, I consulted with the leader, and he agreed to give me a ward."

The doctor went back and forth, probably in a hurry, a little out of breath, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing Zhang Moli standing there, there were still brand new tear stains on her face, and she wiped them hastily there.

He frowned and asked, "Why are you here? Who is collecting money for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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