Chapter 1068 entangled

The cash register is an important place for cash, so naturally not everyone can replace it, so under normal circumstances, they lock the drawer and come out.

The patient's family members are queuing up to pay, and the cashier has not returned for a long time, which has a very bad impact.

"I'm going to the toilet, okay?"

Zhang Moli glared at the doctor, disliked him meddling with a mouse, and peeped sadly at Zhou Zixu, afraid that he would really go to the dean and could not afford to lose this person.

Zhou Zixu's face was gloomy, like a volcano about to erupt, and his gaze was still as cold as ice.

It's just a chance to pay the money, and being entangled by her is really like attracting flies, which can't be driven away, disgusting.

Zhang Moli was so frightened that she hurriedly looked away, and hurried away with her head down.

My heart was flustered, and I was reluctant to part with Zhou Zixu, and worried that he would sue me.

Lu Sihui entered the water room, and seeing several people queuing up to fetch water, she followed behind anxiously.

Standing in front of her was a young man with parted hair, thin eyebrows and fine eyes, wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and two buttons on the neckline were unbuttoned, revealing the firm skin inside.

He wore blue trousers on his legs and a leather belt around his waist. He was dressed very neatly, with a somewhat refined feel.

Seeing a young and beautiful lesbian in the row behind him, he smiled politely at her, moved his body aside, and gave up his seat to Lu Sihui.

"Comrade, come first! You seem to be in a hurry."

"You're welcome, I'm not in a hurry, you come first!"

Lu Sihui said lightly, she seldom has words to strangers.

The man in the white shirt was not discouraged by Lu Sihui's rejection, and kept smiling.

"Which unit do you belong to? My elder brother is also an iron-blooded man."

He was striking up a conversation on purpose, mainly because the female iron-blooded team member in front of him was so beautiful and heroic, unlike the girls in the city.

Very imposing, the arrogance in his bones aroused his desire to conquer.

"it's your turn."

Lu Sihui looked at him coldly, raised her beautiful chin slightly, and motioned him to fetch water.

"Let me help you! The water is very hot."

He still didn't want to give up, he smiled and reached out to Lu Sihui for a warm pot.

Lu Sihui looked at his hands, they were very white, and she didn't try hard.

In order to keep him from pestering her, Lu Sihui grabbed his hand and exerted a little force.

The smile on the young man's face froze, replaced by pain: "Oh, it's broken."

He screamed in a low voice, afraid of being heard and humiliated.

"Hit your water honestly, and leave after beating."

Lu Sihui ordered in a low voice, her eyes were like a sword coming out of its sheath, so frightened that he nodded repeatedly and dared not say more.

Only then did Lu Sihui let go, her dark eyes kept staring at him, being looked at by her like this, the white shirt felt like being crushed by an iceberg, very cold and breathless.

No matter how much he dared to delay, he only filled half a pot of boiling water and left in a hurry.

Before leaving, he didn't dare to say hello to Lu Sihui again.

"Huh, wasting time."

After finally waiting for no one, she walked over and locked the door.

Enter the space capsule to get the nanorobots, drink half a pot of boiling water, and leave the water room.

In the corridor, Zixu and Zhao Yaozu were no longer there. Lu Sihui frowned and thought for a moment. She seemed to say that she was going to her aunt's ward?

Step upstairs and send the kettle back first. If Zhao Yaozu is not there, it will not be too late to look for it.

There are quite a few people in the corridor, and they all look sad. Only those who have been discharged from the hospital will smile.

Lu Sihui smelled the mixture of medicine and Lysol, and couldn't help frowning, she really didn't want to come to the hospital.

"Old man, old man, wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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