Chapter 1073

Seeing her expression, No. [-] frowned in disappointment, and now felt that the girl had bad intentions for the captain.

"No! It's just envy."

Zhang Moli was startled, she forced out a stiff smile, and closed the iron door after she finished speaking, blocking No. [-]'s searchlight-like gaze from the door.

After Zhao Jinchen was pushed into the corridor, Zhou Zixu went to call out Lu Sihui.

"He's not awake yet."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Jinchen on the temporary hospital bed, she was really pitiful.

"Hurry up! I'm tired. I want him to sleep for a while. I'm fine here. You go and stay with my sister-in-law. I'll let my elder brother go home and sleep."

Zhou Zixu felt that the smell in that ward was too strong, and he was reluctant to let Sihui stay here.

"Okay! I went to see my sister-in-law and said I came to take care of her, but it turned out"

Lu Sihui smiled and nodded, feeling an unprecedented sense of pride in her heart.

The doctors were at a loss, and her space capsule was easily resolved.

He walked towards the intensive care unit, and at the top of the stairs, he met No. [-] who was walking up with a sickle in his hand.

"Number One, what's wrong with your arm?"

Lu Sihui frowned and went forward, what happened today?Is there a big gathering in the hospital?

There are three members of the Zhao family, sister-in-law, and No. [-]. They are about to contract the hospital.


Number one answered with some embarrassment, and glanced at the extra bed in the corridor, where is he?
Lying alone in the corridor, my heart throbbed again, and I couldn't hide the concern and anxiety for him in my eyes.

"He's just tired, that's okay."

Lu Sihui followed her gaze and found that she was looking at Zhao Jinchen again. She shook her head and sighed, hoping that No. 12 could also be like No.[-], keeping the clouds open to see the moonlight.

Why are you all so infatuated?Without Zhao Jinchen, there would be NO.13, and there would be hundreds of men in the team, all of whom were imposing.

"I didn't look at him, but at the captain!"

A suspicious red color appeared on No. [-]'s face, he whispered something, and looked away.

What can I do after seeing it?She wanted to share it with him, but he didn't care.

"Hey, my man, what are you looking at?"

Lu Sihui joked with her, knowing that she was embarrassed.

"Sihui, what are you doing?"

Number one blushed and changed the subject, usually seeing Lu Sihui as cold and arrogant, why are you still teasing yourself?
"My sister-in-law is hospitalized, in the intensive care unit."

Lu Sihui pointed to the ward and told Number One that the incident happened so urgently that many people in the team didn't know what happened?
"Ah? NO.12 is also hospitalized? What kind of illness? It was fine two days ago!"

No. [-] looked at Lu Sihui in disbelief, she looked very strong, and said she was in the hospital as soon as she said it.

"The ectopic pregnancy is out of danger. Do you want to see her?"

Lu Sihui smiled lightly, she knew in her heart that NO.12 is almost healed now.

The doctor must be surprised again. Fortunately, they are iron-blooded people and have good physical fitness. This is the only reason that can explain it.

"Okay, I'll go see her."

No. 12 hesitated for a moment, and chose to go to NO.[-] with Lu Sihui.

But before entering the ward, she couldn't help but glance at Zhao Jinchen who was lying on the extra bed in the corridor.

The nose suddenly felt very sour, and the mood was very depressed.

Such a cold and arrogant man was lying alone in this corridor, only the captain was with him and no one was watching.

Is it too miserable?Her eyes were swollen, which she didn't like very much.

Taking a deep breath, she followed Lu Sihui into the ward.

"Sister-in-law, who's coming to see you?"

Lu Sihui moved away with a smile, and stepped forward on No. 12: "No. [-], I'm here to see you."

Li Yanhong is coaxing her son to talk!Seeing number one, she smiled, and the next moment, she widened her eyes and asked her.

"What happened to your arm?"

(End of this chapter)

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