Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1074 Fate is not over?

Chapter 1074 Fate is not over?

"It's okay, I just accidentally broke it."

No. 12 smiled lightly, as if she wasn't the one who was hurt, walked to the bed, sat down and looked at NO.[-].

"Ectopic pregnancy? Does it hurt?"

She knew that NO.12 wanted a child more, and she must be very sad when she got pregnant but lost it.

"Yeah, I'm not lucky."

Tears flashed in NO.12's eyes, she felt uncomfortable, why is it an ectopic pregnancy?Why can't she have a child?
"Don't say that, you are still young, and you have plenty of opportunities."

No. [-] was silent for a while, and dryly spoke words of comfort.

Her character is really not suitable for comforting anyone, I think it is better to say less, for fear of making NO.12 sad.

"Hello Auntie."

Dong Sheng blinked his big eyes, and softly called No. 12. No. [-] looked at his son appreciatively, and quietly gave him a thumbs up.

Dongsheng looked at his mother happily. If he behaved well, his mother would be happy.

Sitting on the stool solemnly, like a little adult.

"Dongsheng, don't touch mom, she's hurt."

Lu Sihui reminded her that she was very afraid that the child would jump into NO.12's arms, and he often did this when he was at home.

"I know, Dad already said it."

Dongsheng nodded sensiblely, as expected he was far away from his mother.

"Number one, sit down quickly."

NO.12 saw No. [-] standing there with her head bowed, as if she was full of worries, and hurriedly patted the edge of the bed to let her sit down.

"No, I'm going to Ward 215 in a while, and the doctor helped me add an extra bed."

Number One shook his head, realizing that he was not in the mood for small talk at all, and wanted to leave right away.

"I was just about to ask you about it! It's not a trivial matter that your arm is broken. If you can't take care of it well, you won't be able to grab it in the future."

NO.12 cared and told her that it was her right hand that was injured, and the iron-blooded man couldn't hold the wall, so the only way was to go home.

"Well, I see, thank you, and you should take good care of your body."

No. 12 nodded, looked at NO.[-]'s belly, and hoped that she would still have children.

He said in a low voice, "Let's go first, you lie down and don't move around."

Lu Sihui glanced at her sister-in-law, her complexion was very good, her eyes were sparkling, and she was very energetic.

"Sister-in-law, I'll send her to the ward and be right back."

"Don't worry, my wound doesn't hurt at all, I feel like I'm fine."

NO.12 is very strange, the doctor said that after 24 hours of anesthesia, the wound will be very painful, but she didn't feel anything, neither pain nor itching.

"Well, be careful then."

Lu Sihui's eyes flickered, and she gave a light order to send No. [-] to the ward by herself.

Ward 215?It seems to be Jin Chen's mother's ward.

Lu Sihui glanced at number one, does this prove that her fate with Zhao Jinchen is not over yet?
With so many wards, how could she be assigned to 215?
There are a lot of beds in the corridor, which looks very crowded.

There are many patients in this season, and there are not enough wards, so it is useless to find the director.

No. [-] looked at Zhao Jinchen from afar, is he still awake?

It was as if a millstone had been pressed in my heart, and it was heavy and uncomfortable.

Lu Sihui accompanied her silently, there were some things that could not be said, and some things that they had to face by themselves.

Zhou Zixu sat in front of Zhao Jinchen's hospital bed, looking at his old friend with concern.

"Zixu, Jin Chen hasn't woken up?"

Lu Sihui walked up to Zhou Zixu and asked him in a voice that could be heard on the [-]st.

"No, he's too tired. It's better to sleep a little longer. Uncle Zhao woke up and knew he needed water!"

Zhou Zixu stood up, looked at No. [-], and was a little puzzled.

She hurts her arm and walks around, doesn't it hurt?
"No. [-], why don't you go back to the ward?"

(End of this chapter)

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