Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1076 She no longer pretends to be crazy

Chapter 1076 She no longer pretends to be crazy

He had just run two steps before he fell to the ground top-heavy. Zhou Zixu hurried over to help him up, and called his name complainingly.

"Are you crying?"

It was only when he was lifted up that he realized that he was crying. The way a man made of steel was crying was so sad.

"My dad. How is my dad?"

Zhao Jinchen grabbed Zhou Zixu's hand and asked, his desperate eyes seemed to sink into a bottomless abyss.

"Uncle is fine, just in the ward."

Zhou Zixu felt that his hands were as cold as ice, they were obviously on the verge of falling, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Looking at him with distress, such a family is a heavy mountain, who can't be crushed?
"I'm going to see him."

Zhao Jinchen didn't care that he was still dizzy, and walked towards the ward, his feet seemed to be stepped on cotton, he had no strength at all, the steps were too hasty, and he fell headfirst.

Zhou Zixu grabbed him and persuaded him in a low voice: "Are you trying to make uncle and aunt anxious? They can't be stimulated."

Zhao Jinchen was stunned. Indeed, he didn't think carefully, and his parents would definitely be anxious when they saw his appearance.

"I'm steady."

He took a deep breath, stood where he was, and regained his strength.

"Eat some food first, and you won't faint when you gain strength."

Zhou Zixu persuaded, Zhao Jinchen smiled wryly and shook his head, at this moment, he couldn't eat anything.

Back at Zhao's house in the mountains, everyone left, and the house was empty.

Zhao Yuying, who was lying on the kang, looked at the green outside the window with dull eyes.

The smell in the room was terrible, and she couldn't smell any strange smell after staying for a long time, she was used to it already.

Her stomach was growling. Since she was paralyzed, she was hungry faster than usual, as if she couldn't get enough to eat no matter how much she ate.

Seeing the scorching sun shining into the room, it happened to shine on her face, making it hard to keep her eyes open.

Raising the back of her hand to cover her eyes, she no longer pretended to be crazy, who was she pretending to be?

Besides her parents and elder brother, who would pity her?

"Anyone? Am I hungry?"

She stopped pretending and started shouting loudly.

No one answered, she was suddenly very scared, did everyone despise her as a burden and don't want her anymore?

What to do after that?Are you starving to death?
Thinking of how her mother fainted, tears slowly filled her eyes, and cloudy teardrops rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

She raised the back of her hand to cover her eyes. In this life, she was ruined by her own willfulness.

How good would it be if it could never happen?
She will never fall in love with that Zhou Zixu again, and will not do anything to get him, and end up hurting herself.

Not to mention marrying Zhou Zheng in order to marry into the city.

If she can do it again, she must honor her mother well, instead of torturing her with her own misfortune.

Mom was dizzy from her endless fuss.

At this moment, no one in the room was in charge of her, so she realized that, except her parents, no one would help her become paralyzed without complaint or regret.

If you kill them, you are not far from death.

Waiting minute by minute, time seemed to stand still, the room was eerily quiet, and she shouted loudly with frightened eyes.

"Anyone? Don't leave me alone, come out to someone, help me, I pooped, I peed, change me, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I need food, I need water."

She yelled over and over again, but the answer was still silence.

The neighbors heard about it, but no one wanted to come over. It smelled so bad that they could not even eat lunch.

"I'm so hungry, this Zhao Yuying nearly killed her parents."

Aunt Wang next door frowned and looked at the child on the kang, regretting that she had agreed to help look after the child, and it was annoying to cry there at the moment.

"Or, let's take a look! Don't have an accident."

(End of this chapter)

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