Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1077 She doesn't want to die

Chapter 1077 She doesn't want to die
Uncle Wang was smoking a cigarette, and looked at the child with the same irritability, and found that the child was crying too much, and was as troublesome as her mother.

"If you don't go, you won't die of hunger."

Aunt Wang glared at him, picked up the child and walked back and forth.

"You said, that Zhou's family is not a human being, so if you don't want a daughter-in-law, why don't you want this child?"

Looking at the little milk baby in his arms, he is not ugly, but he has been disliked by his father since he was a child, and he doesn't even look at him, so there is no one else.

"How do you find a partner if you want a child? I heard from my nephew that Zhou Zheng is in a relationship again. The other party is a second marriage with a son. He is about to get married! Besides, who doesn't spend money to support a child? The Zhou family is smart Yes, only our big brother is stupid."

Uncle Wang sighed, what a crime!A good girl, she made herself so miserable just because of the life in the city.

"Zhao Yuying deserves it. The village can't let her go. There are so many good guys in ten miles and eight villages. Who can blame her for going to the city to find crooked melons and dates? The most pitiful thing is the big brother and the big sister-in-law who have to serve her every day. Urinating on the kang, it's disgusting."

Aunt Wang put the child on the kang, made a little dough, and fed her little by little. When the child was full, he naturally stopped making noise and fell asleep honestly.

"Look, why should the child cry like that if he was fed early?"

Uncle Wang complained to Aunt Wang, and she gave her a glaring look, "White noodles don't cost money? I want to wait for the Zhao family to come back and feed them themselves."

"You are too small-minded."

"No! Why is Zhao Yuying silent?"

The couple were talking, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, they listened for a while, and looked at each other.

"It may be that no one pays attention to her, and she stops shouting when she is tired."

Aunt Wang curled her lips. Anyway, she agreed to help take care of the child, but she didn't say that she would help take care of the paralyzed one.

Zhao Yuying stared at the roof with dull eyes, what was the point of living like this.

No parents, does she have to live like this every day?

Starved to death without eating or drinking, or suffocated to death by your own excrement?
No, she wants to live on and find food by herself, so she can't take advantage of big brother, who told him not to help her back then.

She is not happy, so don't think about it, just stay single in this life!

Zhao Yuying's eyes became vicious, and she began to feel that everyone in the world owed her, and the ones she hated the most were Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui.

She thought that Zhou Zixu was ruthless and betrayed her heart, and that Lu Sihui robbed her of her man, which made her suffer so badly.

Grasping the edge of the Kang, I tried my best to prop up my upper body. There was a cake on the counter, which my mother used to feed the child every day.

She doesn't care, she is hungry now, she wants to eat this thing.

He reached out to reach for the cake, but he was still far away from the cabinet.

Seeing that she couldn't eat, Zhao Yuying's anger rose, and she gritted her teeth and rubbed against the cabinet.

There was no feeling in the lower body, and it was dragged forward by force, and because of this, there was no support.

She supported the edge of the kang with one hand, but she was not strong enough, and she was about to reach the cake, and she fell headfirst from the kang.


With a crisp sound, Zhao Yuying's eyes widened, her body was twisted and lying on the ground, her hands were hanging limply by her sides, her eyes seemed to pop out, she opened her mouth wide to pant, trying to make a sound, her neck bone was broken, she Can't shout at all.

The fear of death enveloped her, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die.
In the hospital, Zhao Jinchen had some strength before he walked into the ward.

All his attention was on the hospital bed, and he didn't find a pair of black eyes looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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