Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1082 I don't want to drag people down

Chapter 1082 I don't want to drag people down
"Jin Chen."

Zhou Guifang smiled, and looked at the man gratefully. It's okay for him to make it clear, but winked at his son, what a girl, where can I find her if she misses it?
Number one was ashamed and wanted to cover her face, even though she was usually calm and unable to face this kind of situation, she didn't even know what to say?
Zhao Jinchen was also very embarrassed, what happened to Mom today?
"Mom, don't talk nonsense."

He dropped the next sentence and strode away.

If he stayed any longer, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

"Auntie, are you in a hurry?"

Zhou Zixu laughed and teased Zhou Guifang, in front of a room full of patients, can the girl be ashamed?

"A good girl has to hurry up, girl, my family's situation is not very good, and the burden is heavy, do you dislike it?"

Zhou Guifang hit the iron while the iron was hot, got out of bed and took off her shoes, walked to the side of No. [-] couch and sat down, took her hand and asked.

The affectionate look gave people the feeling of a mother and daughter.

No. [-] lowered her head and said nothing, looking at her old hand with protruding veins, it was a lifetime of work.

Feeling sore in her heart, she licked her lips. She really wanted to say that she didn't dislike her, but she was rejected before and dared not agree.

"Auntie, shall we let them get along by themselves?"

Lu Sihui smiled and went over to rescue No. [-].

If you don't do your son's work well, what do you say to a girl?
"Yes, I'm going to find my son."

Zhou Guifang stood up in a hurry, not at all like a patient, her previously cloudy eyes lit up, and she looked energetic, as if she had been injected with chicken blood, squeezed out of the crowded ward, and went to find her son.

Zhao Yaozu was lying on the hospital bed. Although he kept silent, he looked at No. [-] with kind eyes.

Zhou Zixu took his daughter-in-law's hand, raised his eyebrows, and gently scratched her palm with his big hand. In exchange for his daughter-in-law's eyes, she still happily showed her white teeth.

"I think we should go back."

He whispered to his wife that he wanted to leave No. [-] alone.

Lu Sihui hesitated for a moment, Zhou Guifang was fine, since she was the number one match, she would naturally take care of her.

"Number one, let's go first."

She said goodbye to No. [-] with a smile. This is her good chance, and I hope nothing will go wrong again.

"Sihui, don't go."

No. [-], who has always been bold and strong, is now inseparable from people.

She was flustered and didn't know how to face the Zhao family. After all, Zhao Jinchen's attitude had been unclear, and she didn't want to have unrequited love again.

"Okay, I'll be with you."

Lu Sihui rescued her hand from Zhou Zixu's and glared at him by the way.

Zhou Zixu looked at her with an innocent face, he had no choice but to take care of his uncle and aunt for Jin Chen, as there was his sister-in-law over there, and there were three patients here.

Suddenly found that the couple had been separated.

Outside the ward, Zhou Guifang was trying to persuade her son.

"Jin Chen, that girl is not bad. I observed her, and she looks at you differently."

"Mom, don't mention this matter. Don't you know what's going on in our family? I don't want to drag people down."

Zhao Jinchen refused straight away, his heart was like still water, without waves.

"Jin Chen, as long as the two of you are married, mom and dad won't drag you down, just pursue your own happiness! Don't waste your life's important events for this family."

Having experienced the edge of life and death, Zhou Guifang was very open-minded and hoped that her eldest son would be happy.

"Stop it, I don't like her."

Zhao Jinchen's cold eyes are deep, like an ancient well that can't be seen at a glance.

Parents are the responsibility of his life, he can't ignore it, if his sister is a drag, if he lets go, it will be his parents who will suffer.

"Oh, I found you. Something happened to your family."

(End of this chapter)

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