Chapter 1083
While the couple were talking, the neighbor Uncle Wang squeezed over sweating profusely. When he saw Zhao Jinchen, he grabbed him and ran out.

"Uncle Wang, what's the matter?"

The first thing Zhao Jinchen thought of was his niece. Before leaving, he entrusted the child to his family.

"Your sister had an accident, she's already... Alas, when she found out, she was so hard."

Uncle Wang glanced at Zhou Guifang, he should not be able to hear their conversation from the distance, so he dared to speak about Zhao Yuying.

"What did you say?"

Zhao Jinchen grabbed him with too much strength, and Uncle Wang repeatedly said "Hey Yo" in pain.

"Take it easy, my old bones can't bear you."


Zhao Jinchen hurriedly let go of his hand, his heart seemed to be on fire, his sister died?
How did she die?So young, only in my 20s
His eyes were blood red and swelled very painfully, his eyes blurred for a while, and the water mist covered his vision.

I still remember how innocent and cute my sister was when she was a child, how naughty she was when she called her brother, and how she acted like a baby when she begged herself to do things.

how did he die
He couldn't accept it.

"Fall to the ground by itself, landing head first."

Uncle Wang was a little embarrassed, he didn't care when he heard Zhao Yuying shouting that he was hungry, and later he didn't care when he heard her calling for help.

After more than an hour, I found that something was wrong with the silence of her house, so I went over to take a look. Unexpectedly, I became stiff.

When he died, his eyes were frighteningly wide open, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets.

He was so scared that he turned around and ran away, and asked the brave people in the village to help him, and now he is parked on the straw mat!
No one in the Zhao family was there, so he couldn't make the decision.

The daughter-in-law was too frightened to stay at home. There was a dead body in the yard of the Zhao family, and it was still a sudden death. No one was afraid.

"Old King, what happened?"

Zhou Guifang didn't hear what they said, but seeing that there was something wrong with their expressions, Lao Wang wiped his sweat anxiously, his eyes were frightened, as if he had been frightened.

The son stood there blankly, as if he was stupid?

"Old sister-in-law."

Old Wang looked at Zhao Jinchen in embarrassment, wondering if he should tell Zhou Guifang.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Guifang panicked, thinking of her daughter and granddaughter, she stepped forward and grabbed Uncle Wang's hand, shaking it back and forth.

The temperature in her hand disappeared little by little, and it was as cold as ice.

Lao Wang looked at her in embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, you hold on! Don't think so much, the fate of your mother and daughter is over."

Lao Wang's voice became smaller and smaller, and Zhou Guifang still didn't understand.


She shouted her daughter's name with all her strength, and she fell on her back.

Zhao Jinchen hugged her, and seeing his mother lose his temper, he hurriedly ran downstairs with her on his back.

In the ward, Zhao Yaozu suddenly sat up when he heard his wife's shrill cry, "Yuying."

"Uncle, don't get excited, just a little bit, if you have a cerebral hemorrhage, you will die."

Zhou Zixu hurried over to support him, stroked his chest and back for him, and comforted him repeatedly.

Hearing my aunt's shout, there is still something I don't understand.

"My Yuying. You... hurt my father so much."

Zhao Yaozu beat his chest hard, his heart hurt like a needle.

No matter how bad the children are, the parents can't bear it.

No. [-] didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. She is not good at words, so she doesn't know how to comfort the old man?
Zhou Zixu went over and grabbed Zhao Yaozu's arm: "Uncle, don't be sad."

"How can I not be sad? Yuying is only in her 20s, and the child is so young, so it's gone? Who can bear a white-haired person giving a black-haired person?"

How could Zhao Yaozu be willing to listen to persuasion, tears poured down his cheeks, people would fall to the ground when they put on shoes, he didn't believe that his daughter just died like this?It must be Lao Wang who lied to him.

(End of this chapter)

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