Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1084 It's heartbreaking to hear

Chapter 1084 It's heartbreaking to hear
Zhao Jinchen was busy taking care of his mother. Fortunately, he was in a hurry and did not have another cerebral hemorrhage. He pinched the victim and gave him oxygen, and he regained consciousness.

"Jin Chen, let's go home, mom is going to see your sister."

With a little strength, Zhou Guifang cried and held her son's hand.

"Mom, please be steady first, how can I let you go back under such circumstances?"

Zhao Jinchen's eyes were bloodshot, and he was also sad when his sister died.

It's just that the dead have already passed away, and the living must be caught up first.

"No, we have to go back."

Zhou Guifang took off her oxygen mask and insisted on leaving, making a lot of noise and crying miserably, which was heartbreaking to hear.

Over there, Zhao Yaozu also insisted on going home, refusing to listen to anyone.

"Zixu, you drive uncle."

Lu Sihui whispered to Zhou Zixu.

"No way! Uncle has a cerebral hemorrhage, walk around casually, in case something happens, there is no time to rescue him."

Zhou Zixu frowned, why did his daughter-in-law follow suit!
Lu Sihui knew in her heart that Zhao Yaozu was just a little weak, and the cerebral hemorrhage was completely fine.

"Let uncle go back! Otherwise, you will be in a hurry."

Lu Sihui pulled him to persuade him, she really wanted to follow her to see if Zhao Yuying was really dead.

To be honest, she hoped that Zhao Yuying would die so that Zhao Jinchen could be completely freed.

"Uncle, don't be sad, maybe, the girl just fell down!"

No. [-] held back for a long time, and finally said a word of comfort.

This is not easy for her.

"Is it possible? Just a drop?"

Zhao Yaozu looked at her hopefully, it was really tiring to serve his daughter, but at least he knew that she was alive, so he was willing to be tired.

On the [-]st, seeing Zhao Yaozu's complex expression of expectation and sadness in his eyes, she was speechless instead.

Give hope to the elderly.What I saw when I went back was the dead body, which was even more unbearable.

"Uncle, death is inevitable for everyone, you have to think about it."

What Lu Sihui said made Zhao Yaozu's heart ache, he closed his eyes and beat his chest hard.

"No, how could she die! She's only in her 20s!"

"Uncle, you go to the mortuary to take a look, there are still children! We can't decide on this matter."

Lu Sihui continued to speak indifferently, but Zhou Zixu hurriedly held her back and winked to prevent her from continuing.

Lu Sihui glanced at him calmly, shut her mouth and did not speak.

In the end, without turning Zhao Yaozu around, Zhou Zixu supported her, and Lu Sihui followed, walking downstairs together.

As soon as she went downstairs, she heard Zhou Guifang's mournful cry, crying Yuying, crying out Zhao Yaozu's tears.

"Old woman, don't cry, let's go home and see her, and always let the child clean and go on the road."

On the contrary, Zhao Yaozu, who was always excited, went to comfort Zhou Guifang.

"Go, Jin Chen, I'll take you back."

Zhou Zixu saw that Zhanyou's eyes were flushed, as if there were tears floating in his eyes, he went over and patted his shoulder, and said something in a low voice.

"Thank you."

Zhao Jinchen was worried that he couldn't bring his parents back!Zhou Zixu's proposal is timely rain.

The three members of the Zhao family, together with Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu, happened to be in the same car.

Lao Wang, who came to deliver the letter, still drove the donkey cart back.

Along the way, Zhou Zixu stepped on the accelerator, knowing that the old man was in a hurry, so he didn't need them to urge him.

Lu Sihui looked out the window quietly, her eyes were as indifferent as water, she didn't care whether Zhao Yuying was alive or not.

Seeing Kaoshantun from a distance, Zhou Guifang started to cry again.

"Yuying, mom is back, you must wait for mom."

Zhao Yaozu raised the back of his hand and wiped his face, like every time he went to the city for a meeting, he pulled his clothes straight.

(End of this chapter)

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