Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1085 Makes Her Crazy With Jealousy

Chapter 1085 Makes Her Crazy With Jealousy

As soon as the car entered the village, there was a huge crowd of people around the gate of Zhao Yaozu's house. The whole village came running, discussing and buzzing, but it was hard to hear who said what?

"Step aside."

When the car just stopped, Zhao Jinchen opened the door and rushed out of the car. He cleared the way for his parents.

Lu Sihui supported Zhou Guifang, and Zhou Zixu supported Zhao Yaozu. The two old people's legs were weak, and they stood in front of the car, not daring to enter their yard.

"Uncle Zhao, you are back, Yuying is dead."

Lao Wang's daughter-in-law was still holding Zhao Yuying's daughter in her arms. She didn't dare to enter the hospital or go to see Zhao Yuying.

Seeing a car approaching, she hurried over and reported her death.

Zhou Guifang shook a few times, couldn't hold on any longer, sat down on the ground, patted her legs and cried: "Yuying! Why don't you wait for mom to come back, let mom see you for the last time Ah! Oh, God, if you don’t take me away at my age, why did you take Yuying away?”

Lu Sihui felt funny when she heard her words, Zhao Yuying had done so many bad things, of course God would take the bad guys away first.

Go to help Zhou Guifang up: "Auntie, don't cry, go into the courtyard and have a look!"

Lu Sihui's expression was too flat, and her voice was too indifferent, Zhou Guifang looked up at her, feeling very sad.

Wiping away tears with his sleeve, he stood up.

"Old lady, go in and have a last look at our daughter!"

Zhao Yaozu, who was still crying on the road, calmed down after returning home.

Crying, people can't live, so hurry up and deal with funeral affairs!
With the current weather, people can't stop for a few days.

Zhou Zixu admired the old man very much. After all, he was a village head, and he was able to stabilize when things happened.

Helping him to walk into the courtyard together, the villagers gave way automatically, and they all looked at the old couple sympathetically.

"Sorrow and change, let's think about it,"

"Don't be sad, it's a good thing for her that Yuying is gone."

The old people in the village persuaded them one after another. The old couple felt uncomfortable, and they walked into the yard with their heads down without saying a word.

There was a door panel on the ground, and a person was lying on the door panel, covered with a mattress, covering her whole body underneath.

From Lu Sihui's position, only the top of her black head and her raised toes can be seen.

The dead people in the village are basically like this. They put them on the door panel in the courtyard, change their clothes, wash their hands, put a basin on top of their heads to burn paper, and those who have money buy coffins.

Burials are not allowed now, and they will be cremated in the crematorium in the city until the end of the day.

Lu Sihui saw an acquaintance in the crowd, Sun Guodong, the man who abandoned the original owner.

At this moment, he was staring at himself obsessively, and stared at him coldly, with a stern look in his eyes.

"Mom, is that Li Sihui?"

Sun Guodong's younger sister Sun Qiuju pulled Zhao Cuihua and asked in a low voice.

"It's that dead girl who still has the face to come back?"

When Zhao Cuihua saw Lu Sihui, her teeth itch with hatred. Ever since this damn girl hanged herself, she has become more powerful.

She also became more and more beautiful, and was admitted to the publicity team, and found the son of the big leader.

This made her go crazy with jealousy, how could that dead fat pig have such a good life?

"Brother, what kind of eyes do you have? People are staring at you!"

Sun Qiuju took a look at her eldest brother, she fell in love with Lu Sihui's husband Zhou Zixu, but unfortunately, no one even looked at her.

"To shut up."

Violence flashed in Sun Guodong's eyes, his lover in the city was messed up by Lu Sihui, and he lost the opportunity to work in the city. Now he is a farmer, or the kind of farmer who can't farm.

He used to be Prince Charming in this village, but now, it is difficult for him to find a wife.

(End of this chapter)

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