Chapter 1086

"Don't think about others. Can you still think about your original spouse after climbing a high branch? Female Chen Shimei. Bah, how long will she be arrogant?"

Zhao Cuihua spat on the ground. In more than two years, she has aged a lot, and most of her hair has turned white.

The wrinkles on the face catch up with the terraced fields, and if a fly lands on it, it can be crushed to death.

She does all the work at home, and the man does nothing but drink, and Sun Guodong refuses to help her with work, saying that he is a high school student and shouldn't stay in the countryside all his life.

The daughter just got engaged and said she would take good care of her. She also said that she had sold her after receiving the bride price, and that the goods would not work.

Lu Sihui ignored the family and stood quietly in the yard.

Zhou Zixu walked up to her, his ears were good, he heard Zhao Cuihua's mother and daughter's words.

He put his arms around Sihui's shoulders and protected her with the posture of a god of protection.

The perfect chin was raised arrogantly, his eyes were like swords, and he stared coldly at the three members of the Sun family.

It's like silently announcing that this is his woman, whoever dares to bully them, he will deal with them.

Sun Guodong squeezed into the crowd despondently, this pair standing together was too eye-catching.

He felt as if his heart had been pierced by a thousand swords.

It was his woman who was supposed to be, and it was all his fault for thinking wrongly for a moment, otherwise the one standing beside her and hugging her now would be himself.

The police also came to check and perform an autopsy, but Zhou Guifang refused to let her go.

"Let my daughter have a whole body! Don't dissect it, she will hurt. Woohoo."

The crying made all the women in the village cry, and it was a bit miserable for the white-haired man to send the black-haired man.

After all, the police are also doing routine work, and the cause of death cannot be confirmed without an autopsy. What if someone killed him!
The result of the examination was that the neck was broken and the trachea was blocked, purely by accident.

The timid villagers didn't dare to look at it at all. Zhao Yuying's face was livid, she looked like a ghost baring her teeth, her eyes were staring out desperately, as if they were about to pop out, and just looking at it would give me nightmares.

Zhao Yuying's funeral was arranged by Zhao Jinchen, Zhao Yaozu and his wife were in a daze except for crying.

As a good buddy and a good station friend, Zhou Zixu helped him all the way.

After Zhao Yuying was cremated, she was buried in the village.

The rest of the children, Zhao Jinchen carried them to Zhou's house. If you want it, you have to take it, if you don't want it, you have to take it. If you dare to abuse him, he knocked out Zhou Zheng's teeth.

Knowing that Zhao Yuying was dead, and seeing Zhao Jinchen glaring at him, Zhou Zheng didn't dare to fart, and honestly kept the child.

On the day of Zhao Yuying's funeral, Number One went, and Zhao Jinchen seemed to treat her a little differently.

Even if this matter is over, autumn will pass in a blink of an eye, and it will be Chinese New Year again, and the life of the Zhou family is peaceful and happy.

Little Swift will leave, and she does a lot of shopping every day. Dong Sheng looks like a little big brother, and plays with his younger sister every day.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, there was a heavy snowfall, and the snowflakes fell endlessly, and the people who were beaten could not open their eyes.

Zhou Zixu didn't drive, and walked home holding his wife's hand, which he called romantic.

"Daughter-in-law, this year's snow is so heavy, next year's crops will be bumper."

Zhou Zixu is tall and has long legs, stepping on the snow without much effort.

Lu Sihui stepped on his footprints carefully, not paying attention to what he had to say.

Snowflakes poured into the shoes from time to time, bringing a piece of ice, and then turned into snow water, and the feet were almost frozen.

Glaring at Zhou Zixu, he was reaching out to catch the snowflakes with a smile, his bright black eyes, against the background of the snowflakes, became more and more black and bright like lacquer.

He didn't seem to be cold at all, the scarf didn't wrap around his face at all, his handsome face was flushed from the cold, and he still smiled wantonly and frivolously.

(End of this chapter)

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