Chapter 1088
So the next day, Zhou Zixu and his wife went to work together, and spent the day in anticipation.

After getting off work that night, Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui were inseparable, walking on the way home together, wishing they could achieve their wish now.

Lu Sihui looked at him and smirked, and Zhou Zixu's peachy eyes fell into her ruffian smirk, and her heart couldn't help but feel cold.

"What are you laughing at? Little villain?"

Zhou Zixu's lazy voice seemed to be teasing her mischievously, low and full of dissatisfaction.

He felt that he was about to become a monk, and his wife still made fun of him, so he should be punished.

"You should be too anxious. The scenery is good now, so let's take a stroll."

Zhou Zixu was very happy to hear that, yes, this can be regarded as a two-person world, as long as he is with his wife, everything is comfortable.

In fact, what she wanted to say was that she was not only thinking about him, but also about her.

A bright color flashed across Lu Sihui's beautiful eyes, and his shy expression made him understand.

Zhou Zixu did the same, a gleam of light flashed across his eyes.

The corners of the mouth raised proudly, how about it?Or are you a man with infinite charm?

Turning up the corners of his mouth wickedly at his daughter-in-law, he smiled evilly, illuminating the night.

Looking at his lovely daughter-in-law, Zhou Zixu hugged her tightly, and no matter it was a cold night, he kissed the cherry lips he dreamed of hard.Lu Sihui didn't refuse either, and entangled with him for an hour, until she felt her breath was exhausted, so she let go.Zhou Zixu didn't forget to slap Tianzao:
"Daughter-in-law, you are so cute."

Lu Sihui glared at him reproachfully, this man is being cheap and good-looking, but he has always been like this, and she has long been used to it.

Zhou Zixu stretched out his big hand to hold her hand, hugged his wife's waist tightly, and continued their strolling journey together.

Soon he found that Lu Sihui was having a hard time following, and snow was always getting in her shoes. Zhou Zixu dragged her behind him and asked her to step carefully into Zhou Zixu's footprints, which would be much easier.

Although I was tired from walking, I didn't want to be left behind by him, and kept following closely, but I didn't expect him to stop suddenly, and the tip of my nose hit his strong back.

"What are you doing?"

Holding the sore tip of her nose, Lu Sihui stared at Zhou Zixu reproachfully, why did she stop without saying a word, the tip of her nose hurt.

"It takes an hour for us to walk home from here, and it takes up to 10 minutes to walk back to work to get the car. Do you think we are stupid?"

Zhou Zixu didn't want to waste time, but he had calculated it in his heart, raised his eyebrows and smiled meaningfully at his wife, time was short and the task was heavy, why did he want to walk back stupidly, when he got home, it was already midnight, and he could still do it What?
"Are you impatient again? Where's the agreed-upon two-person world?"

"No, I can't wait."

Zhou Zixu said anxiously.

Lu Sihui smiled, but refused to follow him back. The snow was so deep that walking was too hard.

"Then find a place with a leeward wind and wait for me. Don't go too far, just around here."

Zhou Zixu knew what Lu Sihui was thinking, the little lazy cat was afraid of being tired, so he bent his index finger, hooked it on the tip of her nose, and gave instructions with a smile.

His long legs are striding towards the work unit. Although the snow is deep, it can't support his long legs. He walks fast, and he can't wait to step on them all!Immediately lift the foot, so the speed is not too slow.

Lu Sihui watched him leave, and his figure disappeared into the darkness. With a smile on her lips, she walked into the woods by herself. She has her own ideas, so she won't be obedient!
(End of this chapter)

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