Chapter 1089 Very proud
"Go catch me a hare."

Entering the space capsule to give orders to the robot, she herself drank a glass of wine made from wild grapes in autumn.

Some of the advanced space capsules are equipped with modern equipment. Outside, it is stormy and snowy, but inside the space capsule is warm as spring.

Send out the robot, and she takes a bath under the light waves.

She hasn't been home once in a few months, so she needs to be prepared to make herself fragrant and beautiful.

When Zhou Zixu returned to his work unit, the guard comrades standing guard saw the captain go back and forth, straightened up nervously, and saluted him.

"Hello, captain."

Zhou Zixu was in a good mood, looked at him with a smile, returned a standard salute to him, and walked into the courtyard without pausing.

Comrade guard put down his hands and looked at the leader curiously, wondering why he came back again?
Zhou Zixu stepped on the snow and walked towards his jeep.

"Who's where?"

A flashlight came over, and Zhang Changshui let out a cold drink.

Xue Ye still came out, could it be some naughty friend?

"it's me."

Zhou Zixu covered his face with the back of his hand in dissatisfaction. This kid is too bad, so he shook himself with the flashlight.

"Captain, why are you back?"

"Oh, I see, I came back to see if we were lazy, right?"

Seeing that it was Zhou Zixu, Zhang Changshui opened up the chatter box by himself, asking and answering himself, talking happily.

"Ask knowingly, patrol well."

Zhou Zixu raised his hand and gave him a headache, and gave him an order with a serious face.


Zhang Changshui rubbed his forehead, his face full of grievances, wasn't he on patrol just now?Why don't you praise him and beat him.

Zhou Zixu opened the door and got into the car, feeling happy, and whistled.

"I am an ice, love the common people."

Zhang Changshui couldn't help singing along with the captain's whistle, and Zhou Zixu glared at him sadly.

"I'm going on patrol."

Zhang Changshui chuckled, took a flashlight to shine east and west, and left with a serious face.

"You brat, you can put on a show."

Zhou Zixu started the engine with a smile, but his smile gradually froze.

"Zhang Changshui, take someone to push the cart for me, it's frozen."

Zhou Zixu moved his dantian with luck, and his shouts were deafening.

"Hey, Captain, I see."

Zhang Changshui agreed, and ran towards the dormitory at high speed.

In winter in Northeast China, dripping water turns into ice, and the twelfth lunar month is the coldest time.

At that time, there was no antifreeze motor oil, antifreeze gear oil, the car was no longer in the garage, and it wanted to start, there were no doors, and there were no windows.

So a cart contest was in progress, and after a delay of more than ten minutes, the cart was still not pushed.

"Are you competing with me? Believe it or not, I broke you down?"

Zhou Zixu slammed the steering wheel angrily. At the critical moment, can you give me some strength?

"Captain, it doesn't seem to work, it won't start without a blowtorch."

Wang Yuzhu went to the front of the car to report out of breath, but he couldn't push it anymore.

"I won't drive, you push the car into the warm room, I'll go."

Zhou Zixu got out of the car angrily, threw the car keys to Wang Yuzhu, and strode towards the gate of the courtyard by himself.

"What is the captain doing here?"

Wang Yuzhu asked Zhang Changshui in a low voice.

"It's to check if we're lazy? But he came to drive, oh. I see."

Zhang Changshui looked at the figure of the leader walking towards the gate with a smile, and smiled very proudly.

"What do you know?"

Wang Yuzhu was at a loss, but Zhang Changshui played tricks, just didn't tell him, and kept him thinking about it anxiously in his dreams.

Zhou Zixu walked out of the team headquarters with a serious face. Comrade guards saluted, but he just waved his hand.

After leaving the unit, he looked back and saw that no one was paying attention, so he ran quickly in the snow.

(End of this chapter)

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