Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1098 I Can Smell Its Breath

Chapter 1098 I Can Smell Its Breath
Zhou Zixu raised the hare in his hand with a smile, this is the best excuse.

Pushing open the door and entering the room, Zhou Baichuan was sitting on the sofa, with a serious face, his sitting posture was upright, and he was full of momentum.

But looking into his arms, it was a little funny.

The big leader is holding the little granddaughter in his arms. The point is that the little girl is not honest, she is crying with tears all over her face, and her snot is all over her grandfather.


After seeing her mother, Swift smiled and stretched out her chubby hand before she wiped away her tears, letting Lu Sihui hug her.

"Why are you back so late?"

Zhou Baichuan couldn't bear his granddaughter to cry, and sat on the sofa holding her for half the night. He got angry when the child cried, and when he saw his son, his voice was cold and severe.

"Isn't this going to catch rabbits for grandpa?"

Zhou Zixu raised the hare with a smile, using it as an excuse.

"Stop messing around, the children are crying and getting angry."

Zhou Baichuan stood up and tugged at the skirt seriously. His granddaughter ripped his clothes into wrinkles.

"Yes, the leader learned the lesson."

Zhou Zixu clicked to stand at attention, saluted his father, and answered solemnly.

Zhou Baichuan shook his head, stopped admonishing him, turned around and walked upstairs.

"It's all your fault."

Lu Sihui gave Zhou Zixu an angry look, her daughter was crying so pitifully, her heart ached to death.

"Swift, Dad must have a serious talk with you."

Zhou Zixu didn't look at his daughter-in-law, instead he taught her a lesson with a cold face.

Little Swift looked at her father timidly, and when she saw clearly that he was not joking with her, she buried her face in her mother's arms in fright.

"what are you doing?"

Lu Sihui asked him with lip language.

"We are iron-blooded men, how can children be so clingy?"

Zhou Zixu also answered with lip-smacking, the children of iron-blooded men need to cultivate independence since childhood, Swift is too squeamish.

"Yuyan, father and mother are iron-blooded men. There are many things in the work unit. In the future, when you don't come back all night, you can't cry, or your mother won't like you."

Lu Sihui felt that her husband was right, and looked down at her daughter seriously.

If there is a mission, she and Zixu will be obliged to carry it out. If you really grab the real knife, who can guarantee that you will come back whole.


Yuyan bowed her head and flattened her mouth to agree, but she actually understood half of what she heard, all she knew was that she was crying, and her father and mother were not happy.

Back in the house, Lu Sihui asked Yuyan to sleep on the couch by herself, no matter how coquettish she was, she always said no with a cold face.

In the next few days, Lu Sihui began to consciously be on duty at the unit, not returning all night.

On the first day, Zhou Zixu was at home, and Yuyan was still looking for her mother, so he scolded her a lot.

The next day, the couple didn't come back, and Swift was also looking for her mother, but she didn't cry.

And then, she got used to her parents not coming home, so she climbed onto the couch early and fell asleep right away, very obedient.

In a blink of an eye, it will be the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and it will be thirty in two days.

Aunt Su was busy cleaning, while Lu Sihui ran into the mountains when she had time, bringing back a roe deer today and two pheasants tomorrow.

It was useless for Zhou Zixu to object, and he was curious about where his wife caught these animals, so he strongly demanded to follow them into the mountain.

"Sihui, let's catch a few wild boars for the station friends, and make dumplings for the New Year's Eve dinner."

Zhou Zixu bared his small white teeth, following his daughter-in-law into the mountains, step by step.

There is discipline in the unit, and robbing and sub-orders cannot be wasted, that is to say, hunting can only rely on daggers.

"Wild boar? This thing is not easy to touch."

Lu Sihui gave him a sideways look. She originally decided to catch a wild boar, but she didn't do it herself, she just sent out a robot.

With Zixu following, it is only luck.

"It seems to be around here? I can smell its breath."

(End of this chapter)

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