Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1099 Is it a human or a ghost?

Chapter 1099 Is it a human or a ghost?
Zhou Zixu looked around vigilantly. There were wild boar footprints on the ground. He guessed it by seeing the footprints, but he smelled it to tease his wife.


Lu Sihui shook her head amusedly, stepped on the snow and followed the footprints of the wild boar.

Because there are many wild animals in the inner mountains of the backing mountain, if Zixu wants to follow, she can only accompany him here.

After all, it was a familiar environment, and she walked with a sense of intimacy.

"There seems to be a sound in front?"

Zhou Zixu grabbed Lu Sihui and listened with his ears up.


Lu Sihui also heard that the mountain was blocked by heavy snow. They knew the shortcut to enter the mountain and were familiar with the situation in the mountain.

The common people living around are afraid to enter the mountain by themselves at this time, one foot deep and one foot shallow, who knows if they will slip into the mountain stream?
"Go and have a look."

Zhou Zixu's eyes were cold. Could it be that the last special* still slipped through the net?

It would be unlucky for him to run into him and Sihui today.

Lu Sihui didn't say a word, but followed him step by step, her eyes were serious, and she looked around vigilantly.

The further I walked, the clearer the footprints became. The footprints were large and deep, measuring 44 yards in size. It should be a man, tall and strong.

"Sihui, be careful."

Zhou Zixu pulled his daughter-in-law behind him, not sure if there was a robbery in the other party's hand?

He and Sihui only had a dagger in their hands, and they fought each other with daggers, so they were naturally in a weak position.

Moreover, the situation of the enemy is not clear now. Although the footprints seen seem to be only one person, they are not the only ones who know the path to enter the mountain.

You can also go directly to the mountain from Kaoshantun. If you come to connect, there will naturally be a third party.

Te* is extremely vigilant, and will observe the surrounding situation when connecting.

Maybe they have already found themselves and Sihui, hiding behind a certain tree, aiming secretly, the chance of dodging the sniper arrow is very small, whoever walks in front is in greater danger.

It's like a moving target. When Zhou Zixu encounters danger, the first thing he thinks of is to protect his wife.

This touched Lu Sihui very much, she silently followed Zhou Zixu, watching around vigilantly with her jet-black phoenix eyes.

She has a strong sixth sense of danger, but at the moment, she doesn't feel any potential danger.


Zhou Zixu stepped on the opponent's footprints, but still broke a dead branch, and the sound made the mountain bird perched on the tree.


The mountain bird was frightened and flew into the sky, flapping its wings and chirping.

"Be careful."

Zhou Zixu didn't dare to take another step, he stopped, listened attentively, and with vigilant eyes, he approached the depths of the dense forest.

Lu Sihui looked at one corner sharply, and there seemed to be a figure flashing over there.

"over there."

She pointed to the northeast corner and whispered to Zhou Zixu.

"You go up the tree, I'll go and have a look."

Zhou Zixu wanted to protect his daughter-in-law and endanger him. It would be safer for Lu Sihui to hide her body.

"No, let's go together."

Lu Sihui didn't listen to him, and left by herself when she was in danger, so she was not qualified to be a falcon.


Zhou Zixu walked a few steps and found his daughter-in-law following closely all the way, so he ordered her in a low voice.

"Falcon, don't engage in personal heroism."

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhou Zixu faintly, stubbornly refusing to obey.

"I am the captain, this is an order."

For the first time, Zhou Zixu used the captain's identity to suppress his wife.

"He found us."

Lu Sihui was staring at the depths of the dense forest in the northeast corner, creaking, creaking, the sound of stepping on the snow echoed in the forest.

"Watch out."

After Zhou Zixu gave the order, he bowed his back and moved forward in a zigzag shape. He wanted to see if there were people or ghosts in the woods?

(End of this chapter)

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