Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1101 Let him go down the steps

Chapter 1101 Let him go down the steps
At this moment, Lu Sihui flew the dagger towards that person.


With a low cry, the other party hurriedly dodged and hid behind the big tree, but it was still a step too late, and the dagger flew past his arm with the sound of wind.

The sleeves of the overcoat were cut open by a sharp dagger, exposing the cotton inside, which swayed embarrassingly when the wind blew.

"Jin Chen, are you playing tricks here, kid?

That's when he exclaimed, Zhou Zixu recognized who he really was, and rushed over with great strides, pulling Zhao Jinchen out from behind the tree.

Pounding his shoulder heavily with his fist, Zhao Jinchen looked at him with a smile, making a rare joke, and almost lost his life.

"Pay me for my coat!"

He smiled and punched Zhou Zixu back, joking with him.

You know, he is no longer a member of the unit, and he will have no chance to get a coat every two years.

"What's this? Take off your clothes and I'll pay you back."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Zixu with a smirk, he would be frozen into a popsicle if he took off his padded jacket this winter.

"What are you doing here in the mountains?"

Zhao Jinchen was originally joking, but he could really make the two of them lose money, so he changed the subject with a smile.

Lu Sihui walked over, looking for her dagger in the snow in the woods.

Zhou Zixu glanced at her, secretly rejoicing in his heart, if he hadn't ordered in advance to keep alive, would Zhao Jinchen still be alive?

"Don't ask us first, this is a royal secret, what are you doing here in the inner mountain?"

Zhou Zixu pretended to be mysterious, and played tricks on him.

Zhao Jinchen's eyes darkened when he heard the words "Junshi confidential".

I am no longer qualified to listen, and I feel very sad.

"Come on, just kidding, Sihui and I want to get a wild boar, so that we can eat dumplings stuffed with wild pork for the station friends on New Year's Eve, those guys are greedy! In the past, the dumplings had little meat, so they hate it!"

Zhou Zixu changed the subject with a smile, not wanting to make Zhao Jinchen uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm all hungry!"

After hearing his words, Zhao Jinchen's gaze became even darker.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, he is almost always at work, eating dumplings and singing king songs with fellow stationmates.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhou Zixu took a look at him, saw that his eyes were lonely, and knew that he missed the unit again, so he took his arm and asked him with his shoulders crossed.

Almost all the weight of his body was on Zhao Jinchen's body. This was an intimate gesture he used to do when he was fighting with him.

Zhao Jinchen smiled wryly: "The family owes a lot of money, and we didn't buy meat for the Chinese New Year. I didn't go to the mountains to try my luck, to see if I could bring back some wild animals. I have to have some meat to look like the Chinese New Year, right?"

Zhao Jinchen is an upright person, and he owes a lot of money to Zhou Zixu's family. In addition, he still owes the unit more than 200 yuan, and some monthly wages are deducted.

Yuying died, and my mother was sad and sad. Her health has been bad. Recently, she also suffered from bronchitis. She dared not go out of the house in winter.

It costs money to buy medicine, and even though he has public medical care, this man is too upright to take advantage of the public.

I would rather spend my own money to buy medicine, which is even tighter.

"Let's go together, take the head of the wild boar and take a piece of the meat back. It happens that Sihui and I can't beat the wild boar."

Zhou Zixu's eyes flickered, he was unwilling to show his distress, Zhao Jinchen didn't need sympathy, he was a man of steel, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles he faced, he would grit his teeth and get through it by himself.

To sympathize with him is to insult him.

Zhao Jinchen glanced at him moved, these words are for him to step down!
Lu Sihui killed a wild boar herself, let alone the two of them?
(End of this chapter)

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