Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1102 Impulsive Alone Risk

Chapter 1102 Impulsive Alone Risk

Lu Sihui picked up the dagger, and carefully observed the footprints of wild boars. There seemed to be more than one of them.

"There may be wild boar holes nearby? Let's look for them separately."

Lu Sihui looked back at the two men who were still talking, she heard their conversation, Zhao Jinchen was really having a hard time now.

Helping him lead the wild boar back is also helping him within his ability.

"Sihui, let's stay together! Wild boars in winter have no food, they are very ferocious."

Zhao Jinchen kindly reminded that people in the mountains know this.

"That's too slow, I found the signal to blow."

Lu Sihui didn't listen to him, and walked deep into the woods by herself.

"Sihui, be careful."

Zhou Zixu yelled at her back, his clear voice startled the birds in the forest.

When there was little sunshine, the animals came out to look for food.

Seeing both the hare and the pheasant, Lu Sihui simply flew over with a dagger. Her hit rate was very good. While looking for the wild boar, she got a hare and a pheasant.

She planned to take all these back to Zhao Jinchen.

Zhao Jinchen put all his energy into it, hoping that he would find the wild boar first, so that he would be able to resist the danger.

After Zhou Zixu observed carefully, he walked not far away. The footprints here are very dense. As long as you find the entrance of the cave, you will basically be the home of the wild boar.

"I'm coming, are you ready?"

Standing up, a sharp light flashed in Xie Mei's eyes, and she smiled wantonly and frivolously.

The daughter-in-law can kill wild boars by herself, but he wants to kill a bigger one to beat her.

Lu Sihui entered the space capsule in a place where no one was around, so she looked for her aimlessly and felt disgusted and tired.

"Help me find the wild boar hole and see where those two people are."

Sihui is most worried about her man, she doesn't want Zixu to be in any danger.

The figures of Zhao Jinchen and Zhou Zixu soon appeared on the screen, and the voice of the robot also sounded at this moment.

"The wild boar hole is at the innermost part of the northeast corner, and there are three wild boars in the hole."

After listening to the report, Lu Sihui immediately looked over there. Zhou Zixu was very close, and she could see his bright eyes that were bound to win.

"Go and anesthetize the boar immediately."

With his heart raised in his throat, he gave the robot an order.


The robot accepted the order, and Lu Sihui quickly left the space capsule and flew towards the northeast corner.

Zhou Zixu was outside the wild boar hole at this time, he was not reckless, there were too many footprints on the ground, it was obviously not a wild boar.

No matter how proud he was, he would not be so stupid as to fight with a few ferocious wild boars.


Putting the index finger and thumb near the mouth, they whistled, three long and two short, which was their code word.

After Zhao Jinchen heard this, he sprinted towards this direction, like a wolf in the jungle, at an astonishing speed.

Lu Sihui's running speed was not slow, but the snow still affected her speed, and she was the last one to reach Zhou Zixu's side.

I secretly rejoiced that Zhou Zixu was still calm and did not take the risk alone without impulsiveness.

"This should be the wild boar hole, how do we lure them out?"

Zhou Zixu stared at the deep hole, his sharp eyes gleamed. He had a preliminary plan, but he also wanted to hear the opinions of Jin Chen and Sihui.

"I heard from an old hunter in the village that smoke can be used in this case."

Zhao Jinchen thought for a while, and said the method he knew.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows, the two coincided with each other, turned to look at his wife, and asked her with a smile: "What do you think?"

Lu Sihui stared at the entrance of the cave, she didn't make a sound, she was waiting for the robot's report.

"Sihui, do you have any objections?"

(End of this chapter)

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