Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1103 The desire to protect is too strong

Chapter 1103 The desire to protect is too strong
Seeing his wife ignoring him, Zhou Zixu was very unwilling to be ignored by her. He walked to her side with his long, straight legs, and waved his fingers in front of her eyes.

"I think it's okay."

Lu Sihui gave her husband face and respected his instructions as a leader.

"Okay, start picking branches, and let's give the wild boar a smoke party."

Zhou Zixu's high-spirited orders made him feel very funny.

The three Falcon members, with their elite fists, were overqualified to use them to fight wild boars, and they had to use various strategies.

"Already anesthetized."

The robot's report came from Lu Sihui's ears, and she continued to pick up branches expressionlessly.

The three put the branches at the entrance of the cave, and Zhao Jinchen looked inside suspiciously.

"Zixu, something is wrong. Wild boars are very vigilant. They didn't react at all when we made such a big noise. Isn't this normal?"


Zhou Zixu didn't take it seriously, and lit a branch with a lighter.

There was snow on the branches, so it was not easy to light them. He had to watch over the wild boars in the cave and maintain a high level of vigilance.

"No, why does Dongmian still come out for activities, Zixu, light the fire, Sihui and I will protect you."

Zhao Jinchen stared fiercely at the cave, clenched the dagger in his hand, and maintained a high level of vigilance.

Lu Sihui stood silently, holding the dagger casually.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at her husband, without looking into the cave at all.

Zhao Jinchen couldn't help but frowned when he saw her carelessness.

I always feel that Sihui is a bit too proud, as if nothing in the world can stop her.

But this arrogance is sometimes not a good thing, and it may harm her.

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't say anything, but I was more vigilant than before.

"It's on, grandma's, it's really difficult."

Zhou Zixu said excitedly, stood up, and stared at the cave with his dagger in his hand.

"No, the wind is in the wrong direction, so it can't blow in!"

The smile on his face lasted less than a minute, before he furrowed his brows deeply, and the smoke started to rise, but it was blowing towards them.

"This is hanging whirlwind, nest wind here, no."

Zhao Jinchen could also see clearly, pulling Zhou Zixu aside.

Lu Sihui walked over and kicked the lit branch into the cave.

"Sihui, be careful."

Zhao Jinchen hurriedly reminded her that this was too risky.

Zhou Zixu rushed over first, protecting Sihui behind him: "Go back, I will block the forward."

Lu Sihui watched him amusedly protecting her like an old hen protecting its chicks, and was very moved.

When in danger, Zhou Zixu always protects himself behind him.

Although she doesn't need it and can protect herself, it means that in his heart, her safety is more important than his own.

The branch kicked in, and the three of them waited for a long time, but there was still no movement.

"I gonna go see."

Lu Sihui walked into the cave as soon as she took a step. This cave is only half the height of a person, and she has to stoop to enter. She is a woman, and her height is more suitable.


Zhou Zixu grabbed her, it was too dangerous, the cave was so narrow that no one could turn around when entering, wild boars were different, they were very convenient to attack.

"Then what do you say? I found them all, so let them go?"

Lu Sihui looked at him helplessly, her desire to protect was too strong, as if she was a child, he didn't feel at ease about anything.

"I have a way."

Zhou Zixu took Zhao Jinchen together, and the two got a long branch as thick as an arm, and stretched it into the cave to hit Huanglong.

"There is something."

The branch was obstructed, Zhou Zixu shouted excitedly, which means this is not an empty cave.

"Stay vigilant."

(End of this chapter)

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