Chapter 1113

If No. [-] can't get married, he is the culprit, which is unforgivable.

But marrying her is not fair to her. I don't love her, and the family is heavily in debt. Is it compensation for her to let her in and suffer?
"Jin Chen! You must be moral in life, and don't back down from the things you should be responsible for."

Seeing his son's entanglement, Zhao Yaozu's voice became serious. There is no irresponsible man in his Zhao family!

"Dad, let me think about it."

Zhao Jinchen was silent for a long time before replying in a low voice.

This angered Lu Sihui, she put the chopsticks on the table and looked at Zhou Zixu.

"Zixu, let's go, we don't have such heartless friends."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and walked out the door, her heart was really going to explode.

Where is No. [-] not good enough for him?How many times does he need to refuse?

If it's so reluctant, it's better not to marry, what if he leaves him and still can't find a partner?

I don't know where Zhao Jinchen's self-confidence comes from, why he can't see such an outstanding girl as No. [-].

Zhao Jinchen looked at her back in embarrassment. Only Zhou Zixu could bear this temper.

"Jinchen! I didn't say you. This time I'm on my wife's side. A man who is heartless and righteous is not to be handed over to."

Zhou Zixu patted Zhao Jinchen's shoulder, looked regretful, shook his head and sighed, and walked out.

"Jin Chen, it's too outrageous."

Zhao Yaozu slammed his chopsticks on the table, stood up and walked out, he had to send Sihui off.

"Put everything in the car!"

Zhao Yaozu went out with him and helped to lift the plucked wild boar to Zhou Zixu's cart, and the hare and pheasant were also loaded into the cart.

Lu Sihui watched from the side with a sullen face, and did not stop her. She has given a lot to the Zhao family, and she will not be more generous.

"Sihui, don't be angry, this brat, I'll deal with him later."

Seeing Lu Sihui's face sinking like water, Zhao Yaozu looked a little uncomfortable, and walked over to explain to her kindly.

"Uncle, it's really not good for Jin Chen. No. [-] likes him. He confessed his love to him twice, but he didn't agree. I don't think your family is poor. I want to share the burden with him. Where can I find such a loving girl?"

Lu Sihui took a deep breath and softened her tone.

"I think Jin Chen doesn't want to drag that girl down, so I'll talk to you later."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, this ruined family has dragged his son down a lot.

Zhao Jinchen walked out of the house and wanted to come over to help, but when he heard the conversation between Dad and Lu Sihui, he stopped.

He remembered what Number One had said to him, but he couldn't make up his mind.

Zhou Zixu looked at Zhao Jinchen in disappointment. After waiting for a long time, he still hadn't made up his mind. He sighed and resolutely opened the door to get in the car. Some fates are predestined.

The gray-green jeep drove out of the village entrance, and Sun Guodong turned out from behind the big tree, staring obsessively at the direction in which the car disappeared.

That woman, who used to be his daughter-in-law, could no longer belong to him in the future.

Losing such a beautiful woman, if he finds a mediocre wife, he will be unwilling and live in regret for the rest of his life.

"Sihui, shall we force Jin Chen like this?"

On the way back, Zhou Zixu looked at his wife, why did he feel that he was still angry?
"Isn't it useless to force?"

Lu Sihui looked at him, the couple sang and reconciled but failed to achieve their goal, it seems that No. [-] and Zhao Jinchen are really impossible.

Then her arm must be healed as soon as possible, it doesn't matter if there is no love, and you can't leave your beloved Jun team again, that would be too cruel to No. [-].

"That's right, Jin Chen has a character that is not easy to change when he is emotional. Who made him like someone he shouldn't like."

(End of this chapter)

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